Meet: Smoker leather


  • Slow healing Ran
  • Wrinkles from smoking
  • Skin cancer
  • Roth suffering
  • Other skin diseases

    Meet: Smoker leatherSlow healing Ran

    For the first time, the data that smoking people worse wounds worse were obtained by Mosley and Finseth in 1977. Their observations were subject to many subsequent studies. For example, Goldminz and Bennet (Arch. Dermatol.,1991) followed the attachment of 916 skin microtransplants and flaps and found that in those patients who smoked on average 1 pack per day, necrosis (rejection and leaning fabrics) were three times more often than in non-smoking people. Those who smoked two packs per day, necrosis happened 6 times more.

    Most likely, the reason for the slow healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences is that nicotine causes the narrowing of the vessels, which leads to oxygen starvation of tissues (wound healing requires good blood supply). In addition, the tobacco smoke causes the formation of carboxygemoglobin in the vessels, which further worsens the breath of the skin.

    It must be borne in mind that the narrowing of the vessels caused by nicotine holds for quite a long time - up to 90 minutes after each cigarette. This means that a person smokes with an interval of one and a half hours creates in the skin permanent oxygen starvation.

    Wrinkles from smoking

    In 1995, IPPEN H researchers. and ippen M. For the first time used the term «Smokers leather». So they defined wrinkled, gray and bleeding skin, which was characteristic of intensively smoking people, especially women. Further studies confirmed that the skin of women suffers more from smoking than men's skin, and that the negative effect is manifested in the appearance of premature wrinkles.

    Other researchers also reported on the negative impact of smoking on the skin. So, Keough et al (Arch. Dermatol.1997) suggested the term Favre-Wakuchot syndrome (Favre-Racouchot) - deep wrinkles and multiple comedones * in smokers.

    The mechanism of the formation of wrinkles in smokers is still not well understood. However, it was found that smoking people in the areas of the skin protected from the Sun are found thickened and fragmented fibers of elastin.

    It is also possible that one of the factors leading to the formation of wrinkles is again chronic oxygen starvation of the skin, leading, including to reduce the synthesis of collagen and slowing the skin updates. Since not all smokers have «Skin smokers», We must take into account the genetic features of the skin.

    Skin cancer

    Several studies have shown that the risk of leather's flat-stacked cancer in smokers, and the risk increases with the number of packs of packs per day. On the contrary, the risk of another type of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma, is not associated with smoking.

    There is also no convincing evidence of the coupling of smoking and the incidence of melanoma, although some scientists are still suspected that this connection exists. The mechanism of the influence of smoking on the development of flat-stacked skin cancer is still unclear, although factors such as slowing skin renewal and depression of immunity can affect.

    Roth suffering

    Smokers more often than non-smoking, lips cancer. The risk is even more rising with frequent drinking alcohol and excess solar irradiation (stay in sunny countries, work in the sun or love of beaches). The risk of developing cancer of the oral cavity does not depend on the method of consumption of tobacco, whether it is smoking tube, cigarettes or chewing tobacco.

    Smokers are often developing so-called tubes «Nybo smoker» - The energization of the solid nose with the advent of multiple red nodes. Similar phenomenon, but observed on the back of the tongue, is called «Smokers Language».

    Often develops in smokers and leucoplakia - white painless plaques, which sometimes (albeit very rarely) reborn into malignant tumors. The most unpleasant phenomenon is necrotizing ulcerative gigvitis - painful inflammation of the language, accompanied by bleeding and unpleasant odor of mouth. This disease amazes exclusively smokers.

    Other skin diseases

    Yellow and brown spots on nails and fingers are characteristic of smokers, especially those who smoke a lot. Burger Disease (Buerger Disease), or ulcers, necrosis and redness of the skin most often occurs in smokers. Red lupus is also more often smoking smokers.

    *Comedones - Small black dots on the skin arising from the accumulation of skin fat and dirt, clutching pores.

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