Alcoholism: Stages of treatment

Alcoholism: Stages of treatmentFirst stage Includes two points: 1) disintellation and 2) relief of acute states, abstineent syndrome, in order to eliminate disorders from the internal organs, nervous system and psyche.

Second phase It implies the complete restoration of impaired metabolism, elimination of behavioral disorders and mental status normalization. It includes active anti-alcohol treatment using biological and psychological therapy methods. The second stage is based on the identification of the main symptoms of mental dependence on alcohol and the development of approach to treatment. It should be especially emphasized by the importance of this stage, since the duration and quality of remission will largely depend on it.

On the Third stage Determine the conditions preceding the exacerbations of alcoholism, and prescribe treatment that helps to cope with these conditions without alcohol reception. Assign also supporting therapy. Special attention is paid to reasons conducive to strengthening alcohol thrust.

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  • Treatment of alcoholism
  • Principles of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with alcoholism
  • Treatment of alcoholism, conclusion from the feed, coding
  • Methods for treating alcoholism and withdrawals
  • I want to drink, and it is impossible!

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