Cigarette in pocket


  • Why they smoke?

    Cigarette in pocket45% of young men and 44% of girls, respectively, in Switzerland smoke in Belgium – 46 and 36%, in Greece – 54 and 46%, in Italy – 55 and 51%. However, in Paris smokers more (66%) than boys (58%). In England, parents do not particularly limit children in smoking, and there the boys are first trying to smoke at 9 years old, and girls – in 11 years.

    45% of adolescents and young men smoke in Moscow. It causes great alarm. The younger of the child, the weaker he has protective mechanisms, the faster smoking destroys its body. Who began to smoke in childhood, for example, in 11-12 years old, you can expect the development of heart failure or lung cancer by 35-40 years.

    First cigarettes – This is a game of adhere. The struggle for independence with parents, a teenage riot, a word, all the dangerous edges of the transition agreed in a single cigarette. And if the taste of tobacco does not cause rejection, it will only be the first in the long list of brands and names.

    The first to the game is first customized by others. At first – Personal example, smoking in the courtyard and in the school toilet. Then – instinct flock. Everyone is smoking, and I don't have that I'm small, or what? If I do not smoke – Boys leaned me. And so on, the list of these arguments can be continued, and no matter how funny they seemed to adult people, for a teenager these considerations are more than serious. Easier to withstand the war with parents than to stay «White Voronev». Non-smokers among smoking friends.

    The second reason for teenage smoking – imitation. And we are not talking about friends and classmates. Smoke idols – and guys grab about cigarettes. The image of the smokers is actively advertised on TV and in magazines. And if you smoke not only other people? If you smoke your father or mother, senior brothers or sisters? Then smoking becomes familiar from childhood, and the likelihood that the child will start smoking, barely get a little time and means much higher.

    Smoking non-smoking

    A separate problem for the health of the child becomes passive smoking. Suppose that the teenager made his choice and decided not to smoke. But sometimes you still catch up from his clothes a light smell of tobacco smoke. Friends smoke – he answers your surprised questions. Yes this is true. Tobacco smoke is easy «clings» To hair and clothing, and Nicotine dangerous nicotine is settled in the lungs of the child, even if he inhales it not through the filter of the cigarette, but simply from the air.

    Even greater danger – Smoking parents. Even if they try to smoke on the balcony or on the stairs and allow themselves to relax at home for coffee and cigarette only when a teenager at school. In the house where they smoke, household dust and open surfaces become nicotine deposits. And sources of passive smoking for children. Scientists argue that in a few weeks of staying in such a house, children may be subject to such an effects of tobacco smoke, which is equivalent to several hours of intensive passive smoking.

    Separately, it is worth saying about the cafe with «Non smoking» Bases. It turned out that the arrangement of the premises, where smoking is prohibited, little protects from inhalation of tobacco smoke. Scientists concluded that such zones in clubs and restaurants at best help reduce «secondary» Inhaled smoke double.

    What to do?

    Cigarette in pocketIf passive smoking gradually becomes another factor in environmental pollution, with which it is difficult to fight, then active – serious problem, the danger to the health of the child, which is difficult to ignore. What can you personally do to protect children from this destructive habit?

    First of all, be for children an example. If you have children, immediately throw smoking. You will never be able to convince the child to part with a cigarette if you smoke yourself. Tell children about the danger of smoking. Create examples, call for help anatomical atlas. Try to dispel an idea of ​​a smoker as a fashionable person, or the language of youth, «cool dude». Can be condescendingly noted – all smoke and you decided to start? I thought (a), you are not of those who go build. And who smokes? What they all? And who of them you want to be like?

    Speak the children that they are worried about

    Say teenager that in 40 years he will die of lung cancer, mean not to say anything. Young people primarily worries day today. Here is a list of benefits to be non-smoking, in which a young man may be interested today:

    Appearance: On the fingers and teeth of the smoker very often settles yellow tobacco raid. It can't call an attractive.

    Funds: Ask a teenager to calculate how much he spends (or can spend, if only going to become a smokers) on cigarettes per day or a week. How much money can save if not smoking? Compare this amount of money with the price of the desired teenager things – Music center, new computer, passage trip.

    Feel: It is known that smoking dulls some taste sensations, as well as smell. For a teenager who greets all the benefits of the world, it is a tangible loss.

    Look for the problem

    Very often smoking – a signal about a serious psychological problem. What happens to your child right now? Maybe he lost the location of old friends or classmates, he failed to double the girl liked? Faced for the first time with the betrayal of peers or adults? Maybe he got into trouble and convulsively seek a way out? Here is a cigarette in the hands - a sign of despair and riot, which so often go together.

    Do not lose touch with your child. Speak with him more often, and not only about estimates or school subjects. If the child trusts you, your chances of preventing teenage smoking or reproach teenager is much higher. And if not... Think, you are not accidentally caused by your son or your daughter made friends with a dangerous toy – Cigarette?

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