How to quit smoking


How to quit smoking
Smoking has become a real plague of our century.
Information about the dangers of cigarettes is publicly available and visual, even laws are created,
prohibiting smoking in public places, but smoking only «young people». Although
Fines for smoking in the wrong place still cut the rows of smokers.
Despite the scale, this harmful habit is quite amenable to treatment, and even
Avoid smokers can stop systematically hurting their health.
The most important thing in the fight against smoking — This is your own desire to end with
cigarettes. Without it to cope with this bad habit will not help
Plockers, nor chewing, no decoctions.

The main cause of harm to health from smoking consists in the action of a resin of cigarette smoke. Resins settle in the lungs and through blood
Dissolve throughout the body, negatively affecting the performance of its systems.
It is important that with one complete tightening in the lungs there is 70% resin, and exhales
just 30%. Smoking contributes to the development of oncological diseases
Respiratory system, provokes the appearance of cardiovascular diseases,
Impotence and early atherosclerosis. From aesthetic side — bad smell from
mouth, patients teeth and unhealthy skin color. Smokers are not always ready
agree with the fact that they depend on cigarettes and cannot refuse them.
The desire to take a cigarette appears when nicotine concentration in
The organism of the smoking person is reduced. The need for smoking in the first stages
is psychological, and later develops into physical dependence.

Effective ways to quit smoking

First you need to want to quit smoking, it
The first and most important step in solving this problem. Girls and women often
afraid to throw smoking because of the generally accepted opinion, which after the refusal of cigarettes
man quickly gains weight. This is not true: when properly planned treatment
Nicotine addiction does not arise such problems. If you decide to deal with
attaching to nicotine, do not be afraid to seek professional help
Narcologist and psychologist. They competently plan the course of treatment and help
cope with stress during therapy. Psychologists can help group
methods of treatment and support, as well as hypnosis. Widespread use
Aversive therapy aimed at calling unpleasant sensations from

How to quit smoking
Specialists in Nicotine Dependency Therapy in
Mainly prescribe:

  • NZT
    — nicotine-specific therapy;
  • Special
    Medicines (CHampix, for example);
  • Psychotropic
  • reflexology;
  • acupuncture;
  • Millimerary
    Wave therapy aimed at reducing reducing cell function.

To nicotine-specific treatment
There are contraindications if there is a myocardial infarction patient,
unstable angina, heart rate disorders, ulcerative exacerbation and
Dr. Therefore, it is important before starting treatment to consult with the attending
Specialist. Among the drugs in the treatment of tobaccoing is greatly distributed
Received special plasters, chewing gum and inhalers.

Advantages of getting rid of nicotine addiction

From the above methods of treatment of tobacocuria can be seen,
that therapy itself can be quite pleasant pastime. Relevant
The advantage in connection with the rise in price of prices for tobacco products will be monetary
saving. Life without cigarettes makes it possible to get rid of daily
Poisoning of own organism and reduce the risk of developing heart disease
and respiratory system.

Cigarettes cause shortness of breath, which manifests itself
young smokers with elementary climb on the stairs. Together with
Disappearance of cigarettes from life disappears an unpleasant smell of mouth. If you
You can control your desire and do not depend on cigarettes, then you possess
really iron power.

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