Alcohol poisoning can be very heavy, and often ends with complications for the liver. First aid in this situation is very important what you need to do?

First aid with alcohol poisoning must be provided as soon as possible. First of all, you need to call an ambulance. If a person is unconscious, before the arrival of the doctors, it is necessary to make sure that he does not get a language and he did not suffocate, and also for the victim does not choose when vomiting.
Since alcohol expands skin vessels, man quickly loses heat. This can lead to supercooling. It is necessary to put in a warm place poisoning and well to bite. If he is able to swallow, it can be given simultaneously to twenty-to-twenty-activated carbon tablets.
A common way to help is to drink a solution of cold water with soda and, pressing a finger to the root of the tongue, cause vomit. But this is possible if the poisoned can control its actions.
Grozny sign of gravity of acute alcohol poisoning is a comatose state. It manifests itself in the following: face hypereced, cyanotic (blue), cold skin, sticky, breathing intermittent, pulse thread, weak filling. In such a critical condition, assistance of a resuscitator doctor is necessary.
The possibility of alcohol coma is especially great when a mid-weight person rarely uses alcohol, he drinks 150-180 grams of alcohol in a short time (in terms of 100% alcohol), or 420-450 g of vodka, which creates a concentration of alcohol in blood 0, 3% and above.