Caution, World Wide Web


  • Sweet life
  • Invangible in a web
  • Virtual love
  • Internet drug addiction

  • In the times of our great-grandfathers, fashionable was considered to sit on opium. Nowadays - fashionable to sit on the Internet. What a general ask you? Scientists are confident, the differences between these hobbies are not so much.

    Sweet life

    Caution, World Wide WebWhat to say, the Internet is an easy, pleasant and useful. Here you can relax and earn, and get acquainted with new interesting people, and virtual sex in the degree of your safety has no analogues at all! EDAKA DOLCE VITA for modest remuneration. And on the Internet you can post your work, book tickets, choose equipment, buy things, sell unnecessary, consult with a doctor and even marry. Why is it for some - the norm and award from the bosses, and for others - a serious reason to make an appointment with a psychotherapist? Is it terrible, how his little?

    In fact, psychiatrists have long established, everything that does not prevent us from being full members of society, does not violate the law and ethics - this is the norm, but if we suffer from habits or our environment is already a problem. Remember the old joke? «Sick, do you suffer with perversions?» «Well, doctor! I enjoy them». However, as medical practice says, if a person has problems, he enjoys them to a certain limit, and then - everything, a straight road to the clinic.

    If you have the Internet, your favorite job, your favorite friends, a loved one, a favorite hobby, and you have time everywhere, on health! Another thing, if you have anyone other than you and the Internet. There is, however, skeptics who claim that the Internet is already a real health factor, but we will not be categorical. In the end, the population is a totality of personalities, each of which is one or another attitude to virtual reality.

    Invangible in a web

    Caution, World Wide WebMs. Kimberley with. Young, famous psychiatrist and in general the person is ambiguous, argues that every tenth American user network suffers from Internet addiction. Even those who are not associated with the Internet are not associated with Internet dependences, but forced to live next to the Internet-dependent person: his relatives, family, colleagues, employer, social environment and he himself, though, again, as in that anecdote... Internet abuse leads to social isolation increasing depression, family breakdown, failures in studies, financial disadvantage and loss of work. And in this sense, the Internet-dependent same drug addict, only with a less noticeable damage for physical health. But more on that later.

    Young highlights five main diagnosis subtypes «Internet addiction». This is a dependence on cybersex, virtual dating, addiction to online exchange trading and gambling, obsessive surfing and addiction from computer games. It also claims that the disease is often either a consequence of narcotic or alcohol dependence, or vice versa, such addiction follows the addiction to the Internet. With the division by types we agree (add to this a relatively new - shopogolism on the Internet), but the second, let me question. Most likely, there is a certain relationship, but purely in the key that the dependent person is primarily dependent on dependencies: drugs, alcohol, television, sex or passion for collecting - even the most innocuous things can be erected into absolute. We will not say that drugs are harmless - by no means! - However, many smoke tobacco, drink alcohol and have sex, being within the boundaries of the norm.

    Virtual love

    I put your hand on the heart, there are few people who at least once started a virtual novel. It is exciting, romantic and, in general, safely. Full anonymity and freedom. On the other hand, such novels in most cases or lead to developing partners and communication outside the network, or one of the participants in the pair is another, more material partner - in general, early or later virtual love becomes real. It's on the one hand. On the other, sometimes a person flies into virtual love, and she becomes an end in itself. Real relationships are crumbling, the virtual sex becomes the main and only kind of sexual activity, the partners change, but this does not bring pleasure, and the person can not return to living communication. And this is a problem!

    Another aspect of Cyberseks is associated with the ability to anonymously implement in the network that part of the fantasies that normal society, to put it mildly, does not welcome. For some such desires are implemented only on the network, for others it starts with the network. When they say that the network corps - it sounds in idiotic. If a person has never accepted for himself the possibility of sex with children, animals, bananas and all the nonsense that the scatter ripes on the Internet, he hardly appreciates them, the more likely to implement. On the other hand, if these desires were subconsciously, then the Internet is not more. With the same success, you can accuse, for example, television in promoting violence, pedophilia and tobacco. Another thing is that when finding your sexual «I» On the Internet, a person is able to seriously dismiss the Internet. Internet - consequence, but the reason is not on the Internet.

    Similarly, addiction to virtual acquaintances is a consequence of inequalization or inability to establish real communication, addiction to games, an obsessive game at auction and auctions and passion for obtaining information - this is inability or not the desire to take a real world, escape from reality and inability to build your life. Another thing is that the Internet allows you to even try to solve existing problems, easily adjusting to you.

    Internet drug addiction

    No wonder that some come across a trap alternative reality, moving away from the real world. And as any addiction to society is not welcome, then the person is forced to imagine or deny his dependence, lie, spend money, water from work, right up to criminal action. WebPlanet with reference to Reuters described the case when a teenager from the Chinese province Guangdun killed his mother and severely poured his father after parents refused to give him money on the Internet cafe. The same WebPlanet told about Gamer who killed a friend for selling his virtual sword. There are more common cases when a husband or wife was applied to a divorce, causing the second half in the virtual novel. Not so tragic like murder, but also tragedy. Due to Internet-dependencies, career, studies, marriages, financial welfare. If at the very beginning of your dependence, people say «I do not have problems», then at the end they like drug addict turns out one on one with the reality that is afraid. Then depression follow, and the thoughts of suicide. According to statistics in Russia, the percentage of Internet-dependent is at least 2% of all Internet users. Especially prone to teenagers and schoolchildren, as well as insecure people.

    Caution, World Wide WebPhysical harm to health from this disease, too, is: breaking sleep, fatigue, excessive use of tonic means, disorder of digestion, problems with spine and eyes and general imminent immunity. It should be alert if your close person spends too much time on the Internet, and at the same time he has sharp mood swings, it is lethargic or the opposite is embossed, if he reads or leave the conversation, is angry when it is distracted. As if great was not temptation, in no case should not blame themselves in what happens to him. Unfortunately, you both are equally in one boat of his dependence, and you also need a specialist help.

    People involved in the dependence of the patient in psychology are called coined. Capacity is a pathological attachment to a person suffering from painful addiction, or another problematic personality. The obsessive desire to help him or change it increases until she subordinates all your life without leaving a single corner for the spiritual world. Co-dependent tend to independently search for ways to solve the problems of a dependent person, blame itself in the cause of the disease, in the inability to help a close person. An important role in this total accusation is also the dependent themselves who are not averse to grasp all the blame on others.

    Doctors found that the person suffering from the dependence of the person needs help not less than the patient. If you ended up in a similar situation, remember even a simple doctor consultation can help a person cope with a difficult situation, where you will not only have a consultation on an existing problem and will help to cope with a difficult period of life. If, dependence on the patient acquires an intrusive character if you feel suppressed and do not know how to cope with the situation, blame ourselves in part in the current situation, find a group of support! Do not talk to yourself: «There are relatives of drug addicts and alcoholics, and my situation is not», there are people who are confused and with which they are, and not their patients) need help.

    Summing up, I want to say, the Internet is not a world evil and not a panacea - this is a tool for receiving information and communication, so it should be treated. He will not fix your life, will not make it better. Use the capabilities provided by them, but do not run from reality, because it is the reality that makes you a person.

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