10 ways to quit smoking


  • Method 1. Candies
  • Method 2. Give everything
  • Method 3. Charger
  • Method 4. Ask Council
  • Method 5. Culinary
  • Method 6. Forums
  • Method 7. Davit!
  • Method 8. Hobby
  • Method 9. Smell
  • Method 10. And if you think about?

  • 10 ways to quit smokingMethod 1. Candies

    Buy a full candy box chup chups or some other pieces and try sucking candy on a stick instead of a cigarette. If you are at work, chew a chew. Do so always, and the habit of smoking should stay in the past. The method is slightly funny, but some got rid of smoking very quickly.

    Method 2. Give everything

    Give your pack, block and t.D. friend, girlfriend or wife and tell me so that they hide your cigarettes far. The most important thing is that you do not find them and have not made them again like a steam locomotive. In no case do not ask for them to give you a pack back. Or do it: say that they say that they will not be given a cigarette in any pretext.

    Method 3. Charger

    Check out! Sounds, of course, a little strange, but if you want to smoke, then just fright bones. Make easy exercises described by me in the article «How to avoid tension and fatigue». Try to direct your thoughts on what you must have charging, cheer up. Try practicing this method for several days, and all thoughts about tobacco should leave you soon.

    Method 4. Ask Council

    Ask your friend, girlfriend, neighbor or colleagues, how they threw smoking. Sometimes the tips may be a great set, and you can choose a couple of tips and use them. Just drop all those where your friends appealed to the signs, sorcerers and t.NS. Take the basis of only those practical advice that really helped someone quit smoking.

    Method 5. Culinary

    For men, my next advice will sound a little ridiculous, but try to do cooking. Try to cook for a start some complicated dish. If you are married, the wife will be satisfied in doubly - do not smoke, and also cook. One of my friend just did. He took up cooking dishes to, how did he say to me, the hands did not stretch to the cigarette. I was surprised at first, and then I still realized that in this council there is something a little funny. Oddly enough, but my friend got rid of smoking, and he also learned to cook well.

    Method 6. Forums

    Find several forums on the Internet in which you are talking about how to quit smoking and try to search there, what people say, and what methods they offer. I, for example, before writing this article, brought out several articles on the Internet about how you can quit smoking, and discovered that mostly we are talking about the power of will. Out of 30 sites 29 offer to squeeze all the will in the fist and just do not approach a pack. But I understand that this is a little absurd advice: after all, we are with you living people who are not easy to squeeze their will. I did not find the necessary information, maybe you will be lucky.

    Method 7. Davit!

    One more strange, but, as they say quite an effective way. You can buy cigarettes and immediately throw them on the ground. Then just press the bundle feet! Or you can do otherwise - give the whole pack to a friend or someone else who does not want to get rid of smoking. There is a truth one minus - you spend money on cigarettes. But there is also a plus - you do not ruin health.

    Method 8. Hobby

    Do smoking your hobby, or, expressing more precisely, start, for example, collect robots from cigarette packs. Cigarettes throw in garbage, and make various figures from packs. If such a hobby does not suit you, then select another - which you like and which would delay you with your head, distracting from smoking.

    Method 9. Smell

    Try to buy a clean tobacco and sniff it, enjoying the tobacco smell, but in no way smoke. Just inhale this «sweet» For all smell of tobacco. Then just throw a tobacco to the garbage so that he does not seduce you. This is not a very good way, but in the extreme case, if the rest of the ways did not help, then try this.

    Method 10. And if you think about?

    Try to come up with your own way for yourself if all that described did not give the desired result.

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