

  • Inxication isolated 3 phases

  • Over the past twenty years of toxicizing - inhalation «Volatile narcotically active substances» (LND) - acquired the character of the epidemic. Every year, hundreds of children and adolescents with cloths on the head go to the world of different. The average age of consumers of products of the chemical industry - 8-15 years. Given the scale of the spread of toxicizing and those irreversible destruction that it produces in the children's body and the psyche can seriously talk about the threat of the future nation.

    Intoxication occurs after several inhalations. Dose to determine almost impossible depending on the preparation depth of inhalation, breathing delay, the concentration of vapors are different. Restrictive reactions serve as headache, head compression, breathing, nausea.

    Inxication isolated 3 phases

    First phase Looks like an alcoholic intoxication: a pleasant noise in the head, the rise of mood, bodily sensations - thermal, limb relaxation. In this phase awaken anxious very easy. His consciousness is narrowed, but not perky. When repeating inhalation, the second phase occurs.

    Second phase - Phase complacent fun, carelessness and ease. Many begin to laugh, sing, consciousness loses clarity. The actual environment is perceived as an illusion, items change their shape, a spatial ratio, paints seem bright, deep, sounds are distorted, become unusual. The feeling of the body is frustrated, the body seems easy, part of it enlarged or shortened. There is still a need for movement, but coordination is very violated, the oxanese falls, loses its equilibrium. At this moment they own a fun and high spirits, many are limited to this phase from fear worsen well-being.

    Toxicomia If inhalation repeat, comes phase «Multicians», influxing hallucinations, mostly visual. Hallucinations are bright, movable, minor sizes, are projected on the outside, as on the screen, and the oxane can no longer stop them. Hearing deceptions arise as a noise, ringing, buzz, the change in the naturalness of sounds, the unusualness of the votes, the volume of distant sounds and weakness of loved ones, the voices acquire echo.

    There are cheating of touch when it seems that mice and insects crawl through the body, the teeth rotate, fall the jaws. There is an alienation of perception of yourself, his body. You can see from the side of your body, often the brain, see your body from the inside. These hallucinations are open inner vision. Psychosensory disorders are diverse, it seems, the walls are moving, the floor collapses, sometimes not only the feeling of flight, but also falls. Everything around seems other, modified. Sometimes oxane feel in other worlds. Hallucinations are growing, mental manifestations of uncontrollable, complete depersonalization occurs, the disintegration of the integrity of the individual, the separation of the soul. Intoxication lasts up to two hours. When inhalation of gasoline, intoxication is poille, the consciousness is thrown by shallow. But even if the intoxication lasts a few minutes, it seems that a lot of time has passed. When entering intoxication, weakening and oppression of mental functions, fatigue, lethargy, at high doses - nausea, vomiting.

    Getting used not to all. Some euphoria is weak and complicated by signs of poisoning - vomiting, nausea, headache. But if the intoxication caused pleasure, the regular inhalation of volatile drug actors begins. In this case, the intolerance to alcohol occurs and develops. Doctors note the transition to a regular Nyukhan after 4-5 separate inhalations.

    As with any other form of addiction, as soon as the regular use of drugs begins, its effects change. Protective reactions disappear - Headache, nausea. Coordination is less violated, drowning can walk. Immediately after inhalation, feeling disorders occur, hallucinations are more conscious and managed. Increases tolerance, drug tolerance, tolerance. To achieve the former euphoria, a double or triple dose of solvent is required.

    Attractions and constant addiction. Children lose interest in school and former classes, hiding with the two-three comrades in Nyukhan in secluded places. Single consumption begins, the teenager starts its own stock of volatile drug actants, arsenal of tubes and bubbles. All pleasant in his life is closed now on it. The attraction, appearing, immediately acquires an uncontrollable character, the child cannot be held. The father who observed narcologists of the patient was caught by chain to the central heating battery. Although this attraction is more mental than physical character. If the child is isolated or family moved to another city, not infected with the epidemic of volatile drug actors, children managed to forget soon «Nyhatkia».

    Those who sniff solvents 1-2 months are destroyed internal organs, brain, nervous system. Those who sniff 1-2 years old - becomes disabled. Many who manage to survive from frequent overdose, become weak. Any remedy for the group of volatile drug actants causes the brain destruction, the death of nerve tissues, liver cirrhosis, renal failure. Quickly emerging mental dependence does not allow to escape from a developing disease.

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