Cigarette - minus, kilograms - plus?


  • Cigarette – Minus, kilograms – a plus. Why?
  • How to prevent weight gain?
  • Where to start the path to life without cigarettes?
  • What should be physical exertion?

  • On current issues of all those who decide to refuse cigarettes, Professor Bertrand Dauzenberg, head of the French scientific center to combat tobacco addiction answers.

    Cigarette – Minus, kilograms – a plus. Why?

    - There is a whole range of factors that lead to weight gain after refusal from cigarettes. The first reason is the slowdown in exchange processes by an average of 20%. Nicotine increases the rate of exchange to unnatural values, while providing a serious load on the heart. And when you refuse cigarettes, the metabolism is gradually slowed down to normal indicators.

    In addition, the long-term habit of keeping in the mouth makes many have everything in a row, not paying attention to the amount of eaten. The process of getting rid of tobacco dependence is a serious stress for the body that may be accompanied by a sense of concern, devastation, and this condition is easy to confuse with hunger.

    But this is a normal response of the body, which is getting rid of nicotine and other toxic substances accumulated in it. In general, according to statistics, in the first months of life without cigarettes, every second former smoker is gaining on average five extra kilograms.

    Cigarette - minus, kilograms - plus?How to prevent weight gain?

    - I'm completely sure that you can quit smoking and not add a gram. Moreover, in our power even get rid of existing weight. To do this, you need to comply with the principles developed in our Center. They are quite simple and absolutely fulfilled. The sole success condition is your own conscious desire to quit smoking.

    Where to start the path to life without cigarettes?

    - The main principle is gradual. Do not plan to quit smoking in one day. In 98% of cases, such a tactic leads to failure. To give up tobacco to slowly, but persistently and consistently.

    On average, the process takes about three months. Assign the date «The beginning of the new life» and gradually reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. At the same time it will be necessary to lead «Attack» in two directions, adjusting nutrition and increasing physical activity. Here are simple recommendations for changing the diet:

    • In no case should not be drastically limited yourself in nutrition and starve.
    • Change the cooking method: boil, bake, stick.
    • In case you want to cheer something on hand, keep a sugar cheek at hand, mint lollipop calorie, rice loaves, cleaning carrots, apples, crispy celery stalks, cooked salad.
    • Refuse large quantities of coffee and black tea, replacing them with green tea and mineral water. Drink at least 2.5 liters per day.
    • For speedy purification from toxins and saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals Be sure to include fresh and dried fruits in the daily diet and dried fruits, celery, carrots, freshly peaked vegetable juices, baked fish or bird with lemon juice and herbs, leaf vegetables.
    • Immediately give up chips, chocolate and other fatty products. However, do not be to yourself too harsh. Several squares of chocolate or small chips bag once a week will raise the mood and improve well-being.

    What should be physical exertion?

    - Physical activity during the refusal of cigarettes is vital. Regular exercises accelerate the metabolism, raise mood and strengthen self-confidence.

    A man who quit smoking besides health benefits also receives material benefits in the form of free time and money that was spent on smoking. Why not send these resources for the needs of your own body? We have developed recommendations for those who decide to return to an active lifestyle:

    • Highlight in your weekly schedule two or three hours for sports. This time should be for you «inviolable».
    • Find the Sport Club located next to the house or work. Try at first to try different types of classes.
    • If you can not attend a sports club, do at home. Get a video tape with a complex of exercises and train on it two or three hours a week.
    • Walking, lifting the stairs, gardening, home work and cycling duration for at least 40 minutes without interruption equates to a full training session.

    Get rid of smoking better gradually - in this case the risk of gaining extra kilograms is minimal.

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