Folk Medicine against Trophic Uzb


  • About trophic ulcers
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of trophic ulcers

  • About trophic ulcers

    Trophic ulcers - non-healing tissue defects with a tendency to sluggish and recurrence. About three quarters of trophic facial ulcers develop against the background of varicose veins and their inflammation. Patients complain of edema extremities, constant pain, increasing after exercise and long walking. More often a woman in old age. Typical location - lower gentle.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of trophic ulcers

    Folk Medicine against Trophic UzbFor the treatment of trophic ulcers, traditional medicine recommends the following means:

    • Alum quiz. In 100 gr. Warm water (boiled) pour alum burners in powder (on the tip of the knife). Good stir. Lubricate a tampon moistened in a solution of alum, fusion wounds, trophic ulcers, open wounds, etc. The alum dries the wound, tighten it, stop blood and cure. Apply mainly for washing wounds.
    • Mumie. 6-10 gr. Mumia is well stirred at 100 gr. liquid fresh bees honey. Gauze tampon to impregnate with this composition and impose on the wound, to conbay. Take one's day.
    • Resin Zhivitsa, coniferous species of trees. On the ulcer (wound) pour the resin-gils, to be constructed. Change time in 2-3 days. Rinse the wound with alcohol and put it with a sap. If the resin-san is dry, then dissolve in 96% alcohol. It is done like this: a resin to go through, fold into a glass jar or bubble with a wide bottom and throat. Pour 96% alcohol so that it covers the stay of 1 cm. After a few days, the resin will replete. It is smeared on the wound or tampon.
    • Medicarian, grass. Freshly broken or crushed leaves are applied to purulent wounds, cuts, ulcers or wash them with liquid infusion of grass. Change the bandage twice a day.
    • Birch ash. 1 kg. birch ashes sift and pour 10 liters of boiling water, insisted by biting, until it becomes warm, gently legs or hand to lower this liquor for 30 minutes. If the wound is not convenient for the baths, then compresses for 2 hours. Twice a day. Within 2-3 weeks, any non-healing wound passes. Local is dried and cleans the wound. After ash wound, rinse the calendula tincture: 5-6 drops of tincture on 1 cup of cold-made water. Rinse with this composition regularly wounds after compress. Then pass the place and after 2-3 hours again the compress.
    • Balsam for Yazv. 100 gr. Juniper Deaf, 2 egg yolks to be confused with 1 tablespoon of rose oil. Then add 1 teaspoon of purified turpidar to them, stirring all the time. Turpentine add little by little and stir, and then the egg will come. When the egg, oil and turpentine erased, then add 100 grams to them. Juniper tar is well stirred. Teaspoon pour this balm on the wound and make a dressing. This is a wonderful deprive and wound-healing agent.
    • Freshly broken grass holter bitter (better than May collection) are used in the form of a dressing as a disinfecting agent for hard wounds and ulcers. Change bandages 1 time per day.
    • Propolis in the form of a 5% tincture is used externally with non-healing trophic fabral. Sometimes the concentration of drugs from propolis increases to 10-15%. For the preparation of ointments of 500 g of cream (unsolonged) oil in the enameled saucepan, they bring to a boil, removed from the fire and put 50 g of peeled and crushed across the fine grater of propolis in hot oil. Create a homogeneous mass by stirring the mixture for 30 minutes, and until a complete cooling. Application: The skin ulcer is treated with hydrogen peroxide, dried with a sterile tampon, then a napkin or a tampon with this ointment is superimposed on a damaged surface with this ointway. Ointment anesthetics, promotes healing.

    These recipes can only be used in addition to the treatment appointed by the doctor. Remember that if you do not cure the main disease that caused an ulcer, it will again.

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