Smoker before birth


  • Here is how it was

    Smoker before birthNo matter how paradoxically, humanity learned about the dangers of smoking only in the 50s of the 20th century, and before that even doctors were one hundred percent sure that the tobacco is absolutely harmless. However, a vague suspicion that children are still not abused by nicotine, stood up. No wonder in the mid-20s, the young Soviet government issued a campaign with a warning: «Smoking schoolchildren learn worse non-smoking».

    «What other troubles wait from tobacco?» - Scientists were frightened and rush to study the impact of nicotine on living organisms. Experiments on animals proved that the beasts of tobacco are dying. Apparently, it was then an expression arose: «A drop of nicotine kills a horse».

    Gradually, scientists have opened all new facts and about the action of cigarettes on the human body. It turned out that not only light, bronchi and heart suffer from smoking, but also the work of the internal secretion glands will deteriorate, the digestion is disturbed, the nature and teeth will deteriorate, the potency decreases. However, the greatest harm smoking influences unborn children.

    Why are you girls...

    All nicotine, carbon monoxape and even some radioactive substances from cigarettes, getting into the body of a pregnant woman, after the first tightening instantly penetrate through the placenta to the child. Moreover, the concentration of all these substances in the body of the fetus is much higher than the blood of the mother! What happens next, you can easily imagine. From Nicotine there is a spasm of the vessels of the placenta, and the child occurs oxygen fasting. Poisonous substances act on all its gentle organs, prevent the baby normally develop.

    As a result, the majority of children born with smokers appear on low weight, often sick, develop more slowly than their peers are more often dying in childhood. Statistics shows: smoking (regardless of the number of cigarettes digitized) during pregnancy increases the risk of its unfavorable completion almost 2 times!

    After scientists have published these shocking data, it became clear: quit smoking even before the start of pregnancy - the only way to give birth to a healthy child. However, even when the hazard of cigarettes became known to all future mothers, many women could not give up a bad habit for nine months.

    Cautions on weight deficiency and mysterious delay of intrauterine development sounded abstractly, and mental and physical nicotinic dependence was real. Throw smoking did not help any positive attitude, nor nicotine plasters and chewing, no sessions of psychotherapy and acupuncture. Approximately 25% of all pregnant women continued to smoke.


    By the end of the XX century, new data on the effect of smoking for pregnancy shocked the medical world. It turned out that Nicotine does not act poorly on the physical, but also on the mental state of the future child. German scientists have proven that for children of smoking mothers already at an early age is characteristic, impulsiveness and useless supercharativeness. Even the level of mental development is below average.

    More often they develop and the so-called syndrome «Filah fidgets» - These children are usually aggressive and prone to deception. British doctors came to the conclusion that in children whose mother smoked during pregnancy, 40% increases the risk of autism, mental illness, in which a person cannot figure out the surrounding reality and focuses on the world of own experiences.

    Further more

    On this frightening discoveries did not end. In 2003, British scientists revealed the dependence of smoking at an early stage of pregnancy and the birth of a child with a cleft face. According to Peter Mossi, Professor of the Dental Faculty of the University in Dundee, the formation of the sky takes place on the 6-8 week of pregnancy, and smoking the future mother during this period can manifest itself in the form of «Wolf Pasta» or «Hare Luba» The child has.

    • Children of women smoking during pregnancy, on a third more often than everyone else, risk by 16 years to get diabetes or obesity.
    • The boys born in smoking mothers, the testicles have smaller sizes, and the concentration of spermatozoa in sperm is 20% lower than in children of non-smoking.
    • Children of mothers smoking during pregnancy, several times most often begin to smoke than children whose mothers did not smoke during pregnancy.

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