Understand and help


  • Dumping
  • Return to the real world
  • Depression
  • Risk of suicide
  • No need to change anything

  • Treatment of narcotic dependence - the process is complex and long. In the hospital there is only the first stage of getting rid of thrust to drugs. Meanwhile, there is always a risk of recurrence, and then everyone will have to start re-. Moreover, suicide risk increases sharply. The main thing for relatives is to understand the former drug addict at all stages «cleansing» and behave correctly.


    Understand and helpAfter the cessation of use, the body is trying to adapt to the abolition of the drug. Man is very strong «sausage». The mood changes every five minutes - from joyfully excited to fully depressed. Sleep becomes intermittent, does not give rest. Gastrointestinal disorders appear. Skating may occur. Everything annoys.

    A very strong thrust for drugs is preserved, with which it is almost not possible to deal with. Only the fence and constant support of psychologists and other recovering. The whole body hurts, the hands are trembling. Everything and everything annoys.

    At the same time, appetite appears - the body is restored after a long period of. Man really wants sweet. Survive this month is not practically possible in the rehabilitation center. However, all pains, and unpleasant sensations are caused by psychosomatic disorders, t.E. Almost do not require treatment with pills. This month you just need to endure. Very important not «collide» on alcohol, antidepressants or sleeping pills and not interrupt treatment - do not escape from the center. Drugs and drug addicts are measured everywhere. They say that «Disease breed». For example, instead of a word «megaphone» hears «Methadone» and T.D. Acts, in fact caused by the drug to drugs, are often disguised by other motives.

    Return to the real world

    Understand and helpAt this stage, a person begins to recover, a dream and a chair normalizes. Mood still really jumps, but already less than in the first month. Traction is still strong, but can already be monitored.

    The man re-learns to live - learns to trust the surrounding, aware of his desires and needs, learns to do without drugs, enjoy the world around the world, finds new friends. It is very desirable to make up and abide by the routine of the day, is more often in the air, do physical exercises. We must start regularly go to group classes with a psychologist, ideally every day.

    The prevailing mood is joyful. A person understands that he can beat the disease and is experiencing a tide of positive emotions from the easiest events. However, it is difficult to hold attention for more than 15 minutes, many people annoy, and it is not very clear how to live. The body is still very weak.

    Do not interfere with him. If something brings him joy - let him do it. Do not rush it - let everything goes. Trust him - do not look every five minutes in the eyes. Encourage it - Rejoice to His successes. It is very important that for this month a new circle of communication is formed, for example, from anonymous drug addicts or non-comprehensive old friends. Yes, man has changed. But do not wait for it too much - it is still very weak and very much needs your support. Now a good time to do health - restore your teeth, pass surveys and t.D.


    Drugs almost do not want, but in the soul gambs a huge emptiness. There is a revaluation of the lived and try to build a further life. Life is quite complicated. Physical pain is replaced by spiritual.

    Understand and helpAddiction - always care from reality. If reality does not change, then the return loses the meaning. Addict all the time «chasing» - Tensely thinks about the problems that real life met. He is very afraid not to find his place in this world. He is very tired of him. The risk of suicide increases sharply. At this point, the help and support of a loved one is especially needed. Try more often to give him little joy. Talk to him. Do not leave it one. Do not force it «Jump above head». It is unlikely that he can now work productively or learn. Do not require much from it - but encourage any attempts to find yourself. Now he needs to appreciate his life from a moral point of view, to find and understand its weaknesses and delusions, which should be refused. And then find their strengths that will be the basis of recovery.

    The main threats of recovery are depression and active drug addicts. Recovering drug addict it is impossible to be hungry, lonely, evil and tired. Depression pushes a person to an easy way to resume use or even to suicide. In no case can alcohol and other drugs. Yes, alcohol gives temporary calmness, but, first of all, it can be easily transferred to it and then treat drug addiction along with alcoholism and, secondly, it strengthens depression.

    After leaving the rehabilitation center, it is very desirable to change the place of residence - the traction remains for life, and the former friends can easily push the breakdown. The best than you can help your near - Fully take it time. Do not leave it one for a minute. Do not conine him for past actions - time will put everything in places.

    Risk of suicide

    All drug addicts - potential suicides. From the point of view of modern psychology, drug addiction and alcoholism - this is aggression aimed at itself. Overdose most often - just the easiest and affordable drug addict way to get away from life. Almost all the drug addicts attend suicidal thoughts during recovery. Rehend to this with all attention. Talking more often. Explain how it is the roads for you and for other people. Do not leave your close one after the start of recovery, carefully follow him. Here are signs of craving for suicide:

    • Appearance of notes, prayers, inscriptions
    • A large number of your photos
    • Depression
    • Closed
    • The appearance of forbidden Topics
    • The desire to talk, which passes dramatically at the beginning of the conversation
    • Sudden explanations in love
    • Refusal of entertainment, communicating with friends, passing group classes

    If you notice some of these signs, you need to take action immediately.

    No need to change anything

    Very often, after the exit from the rehabilitation center give advice «Do not change anything in your relationship during the first year». Agree to treatment and endure the first time of recovery - a very difficult deed for a drug addict. If he went to it, apparently, the reasons were really very strong. Do not deprive him of these reasons. On the other hand, he will be too weak for the first six months, to truly study or work. Do not rush it in this. But you must change his circle of communication, show that another life is possible. Take it not difficult affairs. Let him do what gives him pleasure.

    Often after the release of a drug addict from the clinic, relatives dramatically change their attitude towards him. They believe that he has already recovered, and merge all his negative for him for all time. In no case cannot be done! Real recovery takes at least a year.

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