Back pain: Milgamma composites will eliminate the cause!


Back pain: Milgamma composites will eliminate the cause!Acute, piercing, literally paralyzing back pain, passing to the leg, accompanied by a feeling of numbness of the limb, a violation of posture and gait — These are symptoms of complications of osteochondrosis. The disease is widespread, sooner or later with it is facing 80% of people, so, for example, the radiculitis is diagnosed in 5% of neurological patients.

Most often, back pain concerned people of working age, loading their spine in the process of work and sports. Particularly susceptible to people with excessive body weight, as well as those whose profession is related to severe physical labor, still standing or seat, vibration and monotonous movements.

The use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs in 90% of cases allows to get rid of suffering within 4-6 weeks. But in 30% of cases, the unpleasant sensations are preserved much longer, and this is primarily due to the slower regeneration damaged by the disease of the nerve fibers.

Vitamins group in with back pain

Modern approaches to the treatment of back pain, first of all, assume use Nonteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). Despite the fact that 40% of patients, they cause undesirable and very serious side effects, in particular, the cause of the formation of an ulcer in the stomach, these drugs remain the most sought-after.

In addition to the NSAIDs are usually assigned Vitamins Group B, And this is due to the not desire to compensate for the lack of these substances in the patient's body. The purpose of the therapy is different — obtaining the healing effect from Introduction of high doses of vitamins To restore the nervous tissue.

It has been proven that the vitamins of the group in provide Beneficial effect on the state of the central and peripheral nervous system. These biologically active substances participate in all major biochemical reactions occurring in the nervous cell, they are necessary for its energy supply, synthesis and regeneration of protein structures. High doses of vitamin B possess anesthetic effect, Block the release of substances responsible for the appearance of pain inhibit the passage of pain pulse to the central departments of the nervous system, increase the effect of anti -ols substances synthesized in the human body.

Milgamma to restore nervous tissue

We want to introduce you to highly efficient, safe and widely used in world medicine Milgamma, able to quickly and for a long time to get rid of back pain and return the joy of free movement.

The drug Milgamma is produced by a well-known pharmaceutical company «Vervag Pharma», Germany in two forms, one of which — Dragee Milgamma Compositum — Designed for extended treatment and prevention of disease recurrences.

Milgamma Composport — This complex drug of vitamins of group B, which includes benfothine (vitamin B1 derivative) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6).

It is believed that the absorption of thiamine when taking inside is limited, so Vitamin B1 is replaced by its derivative in Milgamm — benfothyamine, which is well absorbed in the body and has the same valuable qualities.

Balanced composition and high doses of vitamins in provide High efficiency Milgamma.

Experience in using the drug with back pain allows us to talk about its ability Strengthen the effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Due to its own analgesic effect and ability to quickly restore damaged nerve fibers. Combined NSAID and Milgamma Therapy Allows you to stop the back pain already on the 2nd day of treatment, the maximum effect is achieved on the 10th day of therapy.

Milgamma allows to reduce the dose and timing of treatment Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which reduces the medicinal load on the body and warns the development of severe side effects.

Milgamma composites contributes to back pain will not return at least for 3 subsequent months, And with the supporting drug, forever will disappear. Indeed, unlike analgesics, Milgamma does not just bother pain, she treats the disease itself.

Milgamma Composport well tolerated, almost does not have side effect, which is an undoubted advantage of the drug for extended treatment.

Who needs the drug Milgamma Composites?

  • Those who suffer from back pain caused by neurological reasons, and set itself the goal to get rid of her forever.
  • Those who do not just seek to remove the unpleasant symptom, but wants to eliminate his cause.
  • Those who are forced to accept analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but would like to reduce their dose and abandon them at all.
  • Those who are restored after transferred neurological disease.
  • For whom the quality of the drug and the authority of its manufacturer is played by the latter role.

The use of vitamins of the group in in case of neurological diseases is not new. As early as 1950, the tactics of alternation of injections of Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 were developed, but the procedures were extremely painful, and despite the high efficiency of such treatment, patients often refused it. Today Milgamma allows long-term course of therapy, while treating, and not just shoot unpleasant symptoms.

If you do not want the backache to become a companion of your life, take care of your health with Milgamma composites.

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