Vegeta dystonia as a manifestation of thyroid disease


Life is difficult to imagine without stress, and often we do not attach importance
constant weakness, increased fatigue and insomnia, writing them off on the general
fatigue and broken nerves. Blood pressure jumps, interruptions in work
hearts, forever cold legs and wet hand brushes seem to us with ordinary symptoms of vegetative dystonia, about the existence of which now does not know anything
child. However, sometimes these unpleasant feelings are not so harmless, as it seems, and
may be the first signs of a serious thyroid disease.

Vegeta dystonia as a manifestation of thyroid diseaseDespite
on their small sizes, thyroid gland performs in the human body
Very important functions, with the help of your hormones, leadership, in fact, all exchange
substances and work of all internal organs. Balance of the thyroid hormone balance leads to failures in the activities of the vegetative nervous system
and the emergence of symptoms of vegetative dystonia. It is indirectly around
the nervous system already at the beginning of the disease thyroid gland gives us to know about
malfunctions in her work, in the hope that we finally pay attention to
The remaining manifestations of pathology.

In case of insufficiency of the thyroid gland, hypothyroidism,
There are signs of the prevalence of the parasympathetic part of the vegetative nervous nervous
Systems: weakness, increased fatigue, memory deterioration, drowsiness,
Poor mood, sweating, puzzle of legs and hands, vibrations of arterial
Pressure towards decrease, interruptions in the heart. All these symptoms
The essence, fit into the picture of the vegetative dystonia on the hypotonic type and
often mislead even doctors. However, in addition to vegetative
Disorders with progressive hypothyroidism arise and deeper
Disorders: dry skin, hair loss, work slowdown
Gastrointestinal tract, and in women still disorders of the menstrual cycle,
miscarriage and non-leaving pregnancy.

Vegeta dystonia as a manifestation of thyroid diseaseThyrotoxicosis, that is, a state of increased function
thyroid gland, has features similar to vegetaryous dystonia
hypertensive type, and even thyrotoxic crises are similar to sympathoadrenal
Atama. Anxious sleep, increased fatigue, complexity with concentration
attention, unmotivated weakness, trembling in hand, rapid heartbeat,
Grinding heat, excessive sweating, high blood pressure - symptoms,
Characteristic for hyperfunction of the thyroid gland and vegetative dystonia with a tendency
To hypertension.

Vegetative manifestations of thyrotoxicosis make a person unbalanced,
irritable, flexible, aggressive, but besides it can always be noticed
Specific signs of increasing the number of thyrotropic hormones.
Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland is accompanied by the acceleration of metabolism, and
Hence reinforced appetite, weight loss, increasing body temperature, rapidly
Chair and urination. For pronounced thyrotoxicosis, a typical edema of the eyelids and
«Pucheglasie», Hair loss, reduced sexual attraction and violation
menstrual function.

In the presence of disease
thyroid gland, funds that are successfully treated for a vegetative dystonia,
Neither rest nor soothing drugs nor antidepressants nor
«Medicines from the heart» not able to alleviate suffering and at best they have
Only short-term effect.

To understand whether the vegetative symptoms are crying about
thyroid care, before making a diagnosis of vegetation
Dystonia, the doctor always prescribes a thyroid examination: blood tests
on thyrotropic hormones and ultrasound. But sometimes it is to understand that with a thyroid something
not so, at the first stage it is enough to listen to your body
and catch the most minor changes.

Treat your health carefully and do not write off
all illness to fatigue and stress. Catching the slightest deviations in the work
the vegetative nervous system, do not self-medicate, and try with
help the doctor to find the true cause of the disease.

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