Vegeta dystonia - Ghost disease


  • What is Vegeta Dystonia?
  • Where to seek the causes of vegetative dystonia?
  • VD is rooted… in childhood
  • The child grows, «grows» and dystonia
  • Sleep, Sport and Healthy Food - Main Protectors Nervous System
  • Treatment of vegetative dystonia

  • Vegeta dystonia - Ghost disease

    What is Vegeta Dystonia?

    To start a little dry theory: ISR – This is a syndrome that includes a variety of iniquities and manifestations of impaired vegetative functions, due to disorder of their neurogenic regulation. Term «Distonia» Reflects an idea of ​​the imbalance of the tone of sympathetic and parasympathetic systems * as the source of vegetative disorders.

    Where to seek the causes of vegetative dystonia?

    Hereditary constitutional factors. In early childhood for the emergence of WDR, hereditary burdens, lack of oxygen in the fetus during pregnancy, generic injuries and infant diseases. All of these factors may not lead to a rough organic brain damage, but lead to minimal peripheral dysfunction of the vegetative system.

    Psychogeneic or psycho-emotional factors. Sudden, unexpected, stunning events or conditions of long-term emotional overvoltage, leading to a nervous breakdown. Of great importance for the development of the disease (as well as to overcome it) has a psychological atmosphere in the family. Let's say if only mom was engaged in your upbringing in childhood, without active father's participation, the risk of suffering from dystonia increases.

    As a rule, women in raising a child often experience anxiety and doubt their competence, so often rush to extremes, which may cause discontent «Chapters family». The same dissatisfaction arising from a child due to the complexity of the relationship between mother and father often causes him a feeling of protest, aggression, conflict and affects the reaction of the vegetative system - headaches appear, emotional instability, hot temper, dizziness.

    Vegeta dystonia may also develop due to transferred chronic infections, age-related endocrine batteries of the body, intoxication, etc.

    VD is rooted… in childhood

    As a rule, the vegetary (it is vegetative) Dystonia makes itself felt in childhood. Her children suffering from their peers: they are capricious, conflict, often sick, poorly tolerate physical and intellectual load, especially at the beginning of the school year. At the same time, the child may have constantly elevated body temperature, a decrease or a complete absenceVegeta dystonia - Ghost diseaseVie Appetitia.

    Many mnic parents start constantly pulling their favorite tea to measure the temperature, bring to the attention of others «Weakness», Fencing a child from sports, «treat» His all kinds of folk remedies. All this can lead to development «Intelligence complex» in a child: he is not like everyone else, it's hard to be friends with him, it needs to be protected and sparing. All this harms a children's psyche.

    The child grows, «grows» and dystonia

    In adolescence, dystonia can manifest. It is because of these attacks of teenagers often pursue an increased sweating, redness of the skin, heartbeat, dizziness, ringing in the ears, headaches. Such attacks are most susceptible to emotionally unstable and frequently worried teenagers.

    Often, a matured person forever leaves his complaints in the past childhood. But this happens not with all. The overwhelming majority of women in one degree or another suffer from attacks of dystonia. In adults dystonia proceeds harder, painful. The frequency of attacks increases, as the elder, burdened by chronic illness, the body as a whole becomes less manageable.

    If you are easy to pale and / or blush, you often have a dizziness, parked headache, increased sweating, rapid or slow heartbeat, difficulty in breathing, sleep disruption, cold and ease limbs, and at the same time you are quickly taking yourself and feel «Squeezed lemon», - There is a high probability that we are talking about the vegetative dystonia.

    Sleep, Sport and Healthy Food - Main Protectors Nervous System

    That dystonia does not have a curse of his life, it is better to treat in gentle childhood. With minor or rare manifestations, such conservative, but reliable methods will help.

    Improvement of the day of the day. You need to sleep at least 8-10 hours a day, every morning it is advisable to make gymnastics and be on the air at least 2-3 hours a day.

    Sports sports in gaming, «Immormative» mode. Mistaken to completely free children with ICC syndrome from physical exertion. Supporting classes in the health group, skating, bicycles, rolling games, table tennis, and even better - swimming.

    WITHwoundDefined diet in nutrition. It is worth limiting the consumption of cook salt, fatty varieties of meat, sweet, flour. Enlarge it is necessary to enter potassium and magnesium (buckwheat, oatmeal, soybean, beans, peas, apricots, rosehip, smoking, raisins, carrots, eggplants, onions, salad, parsley, nuts).

    Therapeutic massage and physiotherapy. Electrophoresis, electrical stroke, water procedures - in a word, everything that stimulates the nervous system. Any hardening procedures are especially useful, because the nervous system, like all of our organism, needs training for trouble-free work.Vegeta dystonia - Ghost disease

    And only in the most launched cases when dystonia attacks literally poison life or seriously impede normal existence, it is worth resorting to drug treatment.

    Treatment of vegetative dystonia

    Treatment of patients of ITRs determines only the attending neuropathologist taking into account the nature of the disease. As a rule, the patients are prescribed anti-tesry, sedatives, antidepressants, as well as common agents. Along with drug therapy, psychotherapy is widely used in the treatment of FMR, the purpose of which is to eliminate pathological symptoms.

    Psychotherapy methods can be diverse – This is a suggestion, and hypnosis, and conviction, and the use of group classes. They are determined by a psychotherapist in each case.

    Do not hesitate to contact the doctor with such, it would seem insignificant symptoms as headache, increased fatigue and irritability, excessive excitement and t.NS. The earlier to take care, the easier it will cope with such «invisible» Disease as Vegeta Dystonia.

    * Vegetative nervous system - Part of the nervous system, regulating the activity of blood circulation, respiration, digestion, isolation, reproduction, as well as metabolism and thereby the functional state of all tissues of the organism of vertebrates and humans. Depending on where the ganglia is arranged vegetative. with., and some of its functional peculiarities are vegetative. with. divide into 2 parts: parasympathetic and sympathetic.

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