What are the causes of snoring? How to get rid of snoring? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
Among the night, because the room is filled with loud snoring,
reminiscent of the rain of the take-off «Boeing». None patches on the shoulder
spouse and kicks do not give the desired effect.
After several attempts to shut this «Jericho pipe», not
It remains anything else, how to collect a blanket with a pillow and leave
to another room, because a new day will come soon, full of worries. This
picture know almost every family. Spouses - Straights literally
terrorize your second half. And often it becomes such
the problem that the suffering side does not withstand the tests of the night
«Conmpotes» And goes out. Family breaks down.
Causes of snoring
It seems that snoring is a sign of disrespect for others, and the person
Menitious are confident that thus the spouse is trying to annoy them. But
In fact, snoring is a signal about malfunctions in the body, sometimes
serious enough.
What is snoring? These are sounds that
arise in the larynx of the sleeping person when relaxing the muscles of the sky.
The main reason for the loss of tone - age. You noticed that young people
practically do not make sounds when sleeping? But over the years muscles
loses its elasticity and under the influence of inhaled air
vibrates, withdrawing a loora, similar to the game of the shoes, then on the noise
Sea surround. The main thing is that they are very loud.
In general, the causes of snoring a lot. Here are the main:
post-traumatic curvature of the nasal partition;
- adenoids in the nose;
- elongated sky tongue;
- Increased almonds.
People suffering from obesity are also doomed to snoring. They, in principle, all the muscles are deprived of the tone, including the sky.
Also fall into the category «Night terrorists», Because nicotine
annoying the mucous membrane and inflates it. Swelling narrows the wall
Harvesters and trachea, reducing tone. From here and snoring. Alcohol too
relaxes all the muscles, so «Topped» will snore
louder and longer than ordinary.
However, the worst thing that can
wait for snoring - obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, that is, sudden
Stop breathing in a dream. Surely many noticed how sleep snoring
in the whole Ivanovo, and then suddenly subsides. This is a stop
breathing. In severe cases, overnight takes up to 500 such stops.
This leads to an acute or chronic disadvantage of oxygen in the tissues,
which significantly increases the risk of hypertension, rhythm disorders
Hearts, myocardial infarction and sudden death. Dream of a suffering apnea not
Refreshing, a person often wakes up wet from sweat, with a headache.
You can only put the accurate diagnosis using a special
expensive equipment in our medical centers
Hardly ever.
How to get rid of snoring
What to do to get rid of snoring? The choice of funds depends on the cause. For example, fat men must need to lose weight.
Because the
man snoring only lying on his back, to teach himself to sleep on
Side, you can apply such a way: Sew to pajamas between the blades
Pocket in which put the tennis ball. When trying to lie on
your back will be wary and alternate on the side. Break in the morning you
guaranteed, but after 3-4 weeks the resistant conditional will be developed
Reflex do not sleep on his back.
Lovers sleep on a low pillow in
sleep time Language can add too deep and overlap respiratory
Path. The best way to avoid snoring in this case is to raise the headboard
Beds 10 cm above legs. High pillows will not help because
The head will be tilted down and the snoring will increase. Optimal option -
Pillow-roller clutching neck.
Some experts believe,
What is the best way to get rid of snoring - operation. She is Malotraumachnaya I
almost bloodless, but, alas, in most cases ineffective.