Hallucination symptoms


  • Hallucinations
  • Hallucination symptoms

  • Hallucinations

    Hallucinations (from lat. Hallucination - nonsense, vision) - Imaginary
    Images of items and situations perceived as real but
    missing in reality arising spontaneously, without sensory
    Stimulation. Caused by internal mental factors (in
    The opposite of illusion that is a distorted perception
    external incentives). Another 7 in. Indian philosopher Kumarilla Bhahatta
    expressed consonant contemporary guesses about the deceptions of human
    perception. Illusory image, it claimed, determined by perversion
    relationship between an external object and organ. Causes can be
    Defects of senses, as well as disorders when memory images
    projected into the outside world and become hallucinations.

    Some hallucinations can have a bright sensual color,
    persuasiveness and proceed with out and be indistinguishable from real
    Perceptions. Such hallucinations are called true. Other
    perceived inner hearing or vision, localized in
    the inner field of consciousness and felt as the result of the impact of some
    external force causing vision, voices and t.NS. This phenomenon described
    At the end of 19 in. Russian psychiatrist B.NS.Kandinsky, called

    Symptoms of hallucinations

    A hallucinating patient simultaneously with false images can
    adequately perceive and reality. His attention
    It is unevenly distributed, often disappeared towards deceptions
    perception. Understanding the pain of hallucinations mostly
    absent, the patient behaves exactly as if apparently he
    It really happened. Often hallucination whatever
    irrational none of their contents, for the patient are more relevant than
    reality, and patients relate to them as well as appropriate
    Real phenomena. Patients are closely visiting,
    turn away, closing their eyes, looked around, dishwate, defended,
    try to touch or grab something with your hand, listen,
    Strip ears, sniffs, drop something from their body and t.NS.
    Under the influence of hallucinations, various actions are performed reflecting
    The content of deceptions of perception: patients hide, find something,
    catch, attack others, sometimes try to kill themselves, destroy
    Items, defend, they flee themselves, turn with complaints and t.D.
    With auditory hallucinations, speak aloud «voices». How
    rule, patients believe that the surrounding perceive the same as they
    in his hallucinations - hear the same voices, are experiencing the same
    Vision, feel smells. Emotional reactions are clearly expressed,
    The character of which reflects the content of the deceptions of perception: fear, rage,
    Disgust, enthusiastic.

    Hallucination symptoms
    The patient is in great difficulty if imaginary and
    Real images enter into attributes of antagonism and possess equal
    power influence on behavior. With such «Split» Personal patient as
    would exist in two «Measurements» Immediately, in a conflict situation
    Conscious and unconscious.

    Mentally ill, especially schizophrenia
    or manico-depressive psychosis, can believe that he is a messenger
    Heaven, and constantly hear the voice of God speaking him. He can
    feel a gentle touch of angelic hand. These sensory
    impressions that come from the inside of the psyche are perceived as
    genuine, really existing incentives outgoing from outside.
    Repeating hallucinations of mentally illness can create a whole
    Fantastic world designed to adapt
    Internal emotional conflict for reality. To less severe cases
    include hallucinations, usually auditory or visual, which
    There are healthy people in periods of deep emotional periods

    Hallucinations can be deceived any of the five major feelings,
    T.E. They are visual, auditory, olfactory, taste,
    Tactile and hallucinations of general feeling (experience of what is happening
    inside the body of unusual processes, feeling from presence in
    The body of foreign objects and T.NS.).

    If the patient hears the voices - hearing hallucinations; If he sees the dead - visual. Patient paranoia,
    constantly experiencing that the room smells like poisonous gases,
    penetrating through the wall, suffer from olfactory hallucinations.
    The person who complains that the pursuers are striking him
    Electric discharges, testing tactile hallucinations. W
    a patient who feels that in his food is notched poison, taste
    Hallucinations. Possible hallucinations arising from some
    Certain sensory field. So, the patient may seem to seem
    From some point on the head water is poured. Tactile (tactile)
    hallucinations are associated with the feeling of touches, usually unpleasant.
    For example, cocainers often complain about the feeling of running under the skin
    insects. In a state of delirium,
    Usually due to alcohol poisoning, patients are often seen
    Various little creatures. In this case, the patient describes
    Normal object, reduced to microscopic proportions. When
    the patient complains that some parts of the body are not where they should
    be, and in some other place, talk about psychomotor hallucinations.
    Hypnotogic hallucinations arise from mentally healthy people in
    Moment between wakefulness and sleep. So, falling asleep drivers,
    riding late at night, can suddenly pull on the brakes, because
    He fully appears that he sees a man running away
    on the road in front of the car.

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