Toothpick - one of the strongest types of pain, which are tried to experience a person. To deal with it effectively, you need to understand its reasons. Moreover, an acute dental pain occurs and what to do if it appeared. About this in our article.
Toothpache most often occurs quite in no way, if at all
You can talk about a suitable moment. Toothpache collapses work plans,
makes it give up to entertainment, takes advantage of consciousness and subordinates his
Will. «Well, why exactly now what happened?» — Think you trying
understand what is happening and you are on the right track, because it is from the search for this
causes of dental pain you need to start her treatment.
Why an acute toothpower occurs?
Any pain, including dental, indicates
Dysfunction in the body, so your task is not easy to drown pain
pills, and find and eliminate its cause.
The cause of dental pain can be:
Enamel teeth As a result of its demineralization with a lack of vitamins and
trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus and fluorine. Toothpache has
character and occurs mainly during meals, especially
sweets, or when drinking cold and hot drinks. -
Cracks and chips teeth — All of them have traumatic origins and
manifest themselves the special sensitivity of the teeth to the temperature differences and chemical
Food exposure. -
defect In the brush area of the tooth, there can also be a cause of pain arising
With mechanical, thermal and chemical tooth irritation. -
Surface caries does not cause painful sensations, but deep can become
Cause of concern. Carious pain is rarely strong, more often she wears
character, occurs mainly when food in the resulting
tooth cavity and almost immediately after her cleansing disappears. -
Pulpitis — The result of deep caries and the consequence of the spread of inflammatory
Process on soft tissue tissue. Pain at the pulpit occurs as
when taking food and regardless of it, for example, at night. She pulling I
so strong that it seems as if it hurts not one tooth, but all the jaw or even
Half head. -
characterized by inflammation of the connective tissue surrounding the roots of the tooth and
Holding tooth in place. Pain with periodontitis is not strong but progressive
When a load on the tooth and accompanied by the feeling, as if he had grown and became above
other elements of the dentition. -
abscess, or purulent nalar, at the root of the tooth, first accompanied by a new
Toothpost, amplifying when closed by jaws. Then, as it grows
ulotnik, pain is enhanced, becomes twisted, driving, the gum swells,
and soon on its surface becomes a noticeable protrusion — actually
abscess. -
The causes of pain in the teeth can be quite distant
From the cavity of the mouth. For example, in teeth and jaws can give Pain with angina and myocardial infarction. Its source can be Ear diseases, throat and nose, Injuries
The cervical spine, the pathology of the temporo-jewish joint, illness
nerves and malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region. -
Sometimes pain in the teeth has psychosomatic nature, that is, arises as a result of a strong
stress and at the same time not related to any diseases. -
After the treatment of the tooth, continued up to three days, — Full
Natural tooth reaction to medical manipulations. -
Appearance Pain after removing the tooth- Result of natural injury
Survived his fabrics.
What to do if the tooth hurts?
Perfect option: when the appearance of dental pain immediately turn to the dentist. Firstly,
This will allow you to quickly stop pain, secondly, will prevent possible
No need to be afraid that the doctor's manipulation will make pain
stronger, today dentistry is unthinkable without anesthesia, and as soon as the doctor
will make an injection, painful sensations will immediately disappear, which will allow you to safely engage
Searches for the cause of suffering and teeth treatment.
If the toothpache arose at night, if it is unbearable, if
It is not possible to cope with the situation in order to calmly in the morning
consult a doctor, go to cabinet
emergency dental care. Such cabins work with district
Polyclinics or in dental clinics located next to them. IN
In any case, the exact address will be represented by ambulance.
What can you do
Carefully Clear From the residues of food all interdental
Intervals and carious cavities in teeth, it is quite enough to rinse
Mouth with warm water or soda solution prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon
on a glass of water.- Try do not chew on the sore side, keep
mouth closed if the pain is enhanced when inhalation of cold air, or slightly
ajar if it progresses when jaws. - Try
distract from unpleasant sensations,
read the book, watch a movie, talk with someone. - Periodic Rinsery of the oral cavity Sodo-Solveov
solution (1 teaspoon salt and soda on a glass of water) will help reduce swelling
and inflammation, remove the toothpow. Instead of soda and salt, you can use ragners
medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory effect, such as decoction
chamomiles, sage, souls, peppermint mint, hunter, noble laurel and other. - Pain
will be less intense if attached to a sick tooth Vatka, moistened in vodka or brandy. Dental nerve «soaked»
alcohol and cease to send pain impulses to the brain. - Pain
Soon subsides if «to freeze» sick tooth holding near him for
15 minutes Slice of ice. - Massage hands hands Reduce
Toothproof intensity half. For this you need for 5-7 minutes
Highly massage the index finger acupuncture point on the brushes where there are
Bones of large and index fingers. - To accept
anesthetic drug, which the
there is a home first aid kit.
Attention! If you have a tooth, it is forbidden
Do warming compresses and lotions, it will not only strengthen the pain, but also
will cause strong inflammation, fraught with serious complications. Antibiotics should not be taken, they
may not be just useless, but also harmful. Cure finally dental pain
it is possible, only by eliminating its reason, because you should not pull a visit to the doctor.