Neurrit or infection is wandering around the body


  • Symptoms of neuritis are different - the reason is one
  • Hurry hurts - result on face
  • Neurrit or neuralgia
  • How to recognize neurrit
  • Neuritis treatment: Best patience
  • Nervous pain loves disguise
  • And about inflammation of the nerves

  • Symptoms of neuritis are different - the reason is one

    Neurrit or infection is wandering around the body

    At the heart of all the neurites lies a certain inflammatory process, which hurts one or more peripheral nerves. These diseases are divided into two large groups:
    • Mononeuritis, when some one nerve suffers (the most common of them: neurites of the facial nerve, triple, sedlication - Ishias);
    • Polynevrit, when there is a multiple damage to nerves, for example, intercostal.

    In external symptoms, neuritis differ from each other (which often creates difficulties in diagnosis), but have a common «Source point» - These are the consequences of an infection that wanders in the body. And the peripheral nervous system is sensitive to any inflammatory infections. The causative agent of neuritis can be:

    • bacteria on the background of transferred bronchitis, angin, otites, pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation), cystitis, rheumatism;
    • Viruses wandering for the body with flu, ORVI, herpes.

    The most frequent factor causing the development of neuritis becomes «Banal» supercooling. There is so-called «Syndrome uncovered head» or «Open window syndrome», When the inflammation of the peripheral nerves of the heads are developing: facial, bold and triple neuritis.

    And such a misfortune may occur not only in the cold, but also at a constant seat under the air conditioner.

    Hurry hurts - result on face

    15% of all complications after Angine and Otitov accounted for facial neurites (in scientific - «Nervous Fazialis»). Why is this happening? Everything is simple: the facial nerve comes out of the cavity of the skull in the ear. There, it can easily throw an infection with inflamed almonds or ear. Most often the beginning of the inflammation of the facial nerve will indicate a sharp parotid twitching one-sided pain behind the ear. But it is possible and a harsh shape with a feeling of tingling in the face.

    The disease can develop very quickly - during the day.

    Facial nerve controls the mobility of all facial muscles. In the development of inflammation, one-sided parse occurs (incomplete paralysis of the muscles). Otherwise, paralysis of Bella is called: from the sore side of the face muscle immobilized, the sensitivity is reduced, the corners of the eye and mouth are omitted. This is a reversible state, but requiring patient patient, and from the doctor - «Jewelry» Work.

    But sometimes similar manifestations give another problem - neuropathy facial nerve. This disease, in contrast to the neuritis of vascular nature. The supercooling of the head causes a spasm of blood vessels that feed the facial nerve. And his swelling arises: the nerve thickens and «Enroll» in the walls of the bone canal.

    It is clear that the treatment approach should be different.

    Neurrit or neuralgia

    Neuritis is at the heart of its own, it always has an inflammatory nature - bacteria or viruses.

    Neuralgia is called the pain itself along the trunk of the nerve or its branches. It can be combined with neuritis, and maybe without inflammation, for example, when breeding nerve or mechanical damage - injury, injury. As a rule, pain in neuralgia sharp, shooting, parole.

    How to recognize neurrit

    First of all, an inspection of a neurologist is necessary. In neurites, pain go along the nerve - they are local, unlike myositis (muscle inflammation, when pain spilled). In addition, an experienced doctor will easily allocate special points Bella - Bekhtereva, pressing for which in nevis causes an acute pain.

    To prescribe proper treatment, it is very important to immediately allocate the nature of inflammation - viral it or bacterial. For this you need to pass a clinical analysis of blood.

    Electrophysiological studies are also needed (reogram, miogram, conducting the conductivity of nerve trunks).

    It is desirable to go through the CT (computed tomography). This is an informative modern study that shows the condition of organs and tissues «Plain».

    Neuritis treatment: Best patience

    Neurrit or infection is wandering around the body

    For the treatment of neuritis, it can take quite a lot of time - on average from month to three. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed depending on what caused the causative agent of the disease: antibiotics if the bacteria (for example, staphylococci) are guilty in the development of neuritis (for example, staphylococcal), or drugs that overwhelm the activity of viruses in the development of.

    For pain relief and removal of inflammatory symptoms are good ointments and creams based on ibuprofen (as well as ibuprofen in tablets).

    Sometimes, with facial neurites for the blockade of pain impulses, correlars of nervous conductivity are prescribed (for example, tigel).

    The course of physiotherapy and massages aimed at improving muscle function is required.

    In some cases, to improve sensitivity, a good effect gives acupuncture.

    Dry warmth is useful from home. In case of neurites of the facial nerve, it is harmful to talk a lot and strain the muscles of the face and neck (because of this, their skews may increase).

    Loss of sensitivity with facial neuritis - reversible condition, you just need to suffer a little. But psychologically this disease presses: Well, imagine, do not go out into the street, I can not even chat on the phone, all the time you need to follow the fair, and every day waiting - you already feel something or seemed?

    The same advice: pity and disturbing glances can only frighten the patient, but do not skimp on active support and load the sick comrade with accurate affairs.

    Nervous pain loves disguise

    Intercostal neuralgia, let's say, with a lispiece (one of the manifestations of herpesvirus infection), it may be similar to a heart attack - if burning pain occurs to the left of the chest, or on the attack of pancreatitis, if the pain sling. The distinctive feature of the sinking deprivation - the appearance on the skin of herpetic bubbles along the intercostal nerves.

    In women, intercostal neuralgia can imitate pain in mastopathy, and characteristic of neurites «Tension syndrome» may cause fossil sensation in the breast. So do not be surprised if the mammologist will ask you to undergo a survey at the neurologist.

    And about inflammation of the nerves

    «Honeymoon paralysis» - This is not a joke, but one of the manifestations of ulnash or radial neuralgia. When people sleep in an embrace, the hand is searched and compressed and disrupted the nutrition of the nerves.

    «Lamp neurit», or company disease, - inflammation of the skin nerve of the thigh. There is, if you walk on cold in the lung trousers and a short jacket. Pain with it vertically «Practice» foot on the outer surface of the hips.

    «Paralysis garden benches» It arises when a person (usually pretty underfield) falls asleep in an uncomfortable posture, putting her hand or leg under himself, turning her neck awkward. Muscles and nerve endings are so crying that with awakening any movement causes pain.

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