

In most cases, headache is not
indicates severe diseases or serious violations of bodies and
human systems. In some cases, when the headache occurs follows
immediately access the doctor, for example, during pregnancy or after injury

Types of headache

Official medicine shares headaches on
Four types having different reasons and methods of treatment:

  • headache
  • headache,
    caused by increasing blood pressure;
  • migraine;
  • Cluster pain.

Stress headache

This type of pain occurs after physical
Voltage, also he accompanies psychological and emotional stress,
Depression and alarming. The headache of the voltage has a permanent
pulsating character, accompanied by a feeling of pressure and voltage in the region
Neck and heads, constant discomfort, increasing when performing
Casual Affairs.

Get rid of this type of headaches will help
Meditative relaxation techniques accompanied by relevant music,
Hypnosis and other ways to achieve relaxation and peace of mind.

Headache caused by increasing blood

Elevated blood pressure (hypertension)
is one of the most frequent causes that cause headaches in humans.
Such pain is characterized by a periodic character, sometimes associated with shift
Weather conditions. If headaches appear at least three times a week on
For a long period of time (several months), the patient needs
see a doctor to determine the diagnosis and further treatment.


Migraine — This is a disease that changes the normal operation
nervous system that affects the extension of the vessels and the stimulating selection of the row
Chemicals in the brain. Migraine attack can start from bright
Light, stress, excitement, consumption of caffeine, alcohol or some
Medicinal preparations.

With migraines, the headache is pulsing
character with increasing intensity, pains are localized in one
half of the head, strengthen when walking and performing any everyday affairs.
Also, the migraine is accompanied by painful sensitivity to light and attacks

For diagnosis and treatment of migraine necessary
Qualified doctor assistance. Only a specialist can estimate the degree
Intensity of attacks and appoint a suitable drug to relieve
Patient states.

Cluster headache

Cluster headaches are also called
histamine-dependent, this type of pain is characterized by special intensity and
Suddenness. In most cases, men are prone to cluster headaches
middle aged. The attacks of this type of headaches do not have characteristic
Signs of approximation or ending, lasts from half an hour to two hours.

Cluster headaches are accompanied by pain
Feelings in the eyes arising at the same time, the embezzlement of one
Nostrils, age edema. In the lying position, the attack may increase, and
Neuter-free painkillers may not provide the necessary action.
Treatment of such a type of pain is better under the supervision of a doctor who
Recommend the appropriate drug and other methods of therapy.

When I urgently need a doctor

Rare headaches that do not cause special
discomfort, you can remove yourself with cold compresses, relaxation and
Moderate use of ibuprofen drugs or acetylsalicylic acid. But
There are a number of situations when the headache is an important symptom and requires
urgent medical advice:

  • The appearance of pain B
    60 months after head injury;
  • Heavy pain, not
    stopping more than three days;
  • Headache B
    combination with nausea and vomiting;
  • sharp and sharp
    Pain attack;
  • combination
    Headache with an increase in body temperature, weakness and numbness of limbs,
    Difficult vision and speech.

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