Treat and do not cripple - is it possible?


  • Why occurs pain in the joints?
  • What to be treated if the joints got sick?
  • Therapeutic plaster for joints - new standard of treatment

  • Pain in the joints arising when moving or, on the contrary, at rest, at night, familiar, alas, very many. Especially often the joints are nesting in autumn bad weather. But the majority of drugs that shoot joint pains have adverse side effects. Is it possible to act effectively and safely for the body with this ailment?

    Why occurs pain in the joints?

    Treat and do not cripple & ndash; is it possible to?The causes of pain in the joints may be an infectious process, injury, complication after cold and even psychological stress. You can only deliver the exact diagnosis after a full comprehensive survey. But most often, the cause of pain is inflammation of the joint or the near-hand fabrics caused by the most common diseases – Arthritis (inflammatory diseases of the joints) and arthrosis (degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the joint tissues).

    Cause Arroga – Age or traumatic changes in the cartilage tissue of the joint, leading to its destruction, thinning and deformation of the joint (the expanding of bone tissue in the field of damstation). As a result, the mobility is worst in the joint, pain occurs when driving, and in severely launched cases - when the joint is completely destroyed – Only endoprosthetics (artificial joint) can help.

    Arthritis have most often infectious or autoimmune nature, but traumatic arthritis is also possible. Inflammatory changes in arthritis appear in the inner – Sinovial - shell of the joint, but the pathological process can spread to other joint structures: cartilage, joint capsule, as well as in the near-hand fabrics - bundles, tendons.

    If the arthroses occur more often in old age or as a result of excessive loads on the joint (for example, athletes), arthritis is possible both in adults and in children. Most often arthritis occurs after an angina or influenza – This is the so-called rheumatic arthritis. But there is a more dangerous disease – Rheumatoid arthritis, which is a consequence of failures in the body's immune system. Fortunately, this severe illness is quite rare.

    Separately, it is worth noting such a group of diseases as diseases of the spine joints. Spondylitis, spondyltroatrosis, osteochondrosis, alas, often even in pretty young people, and most of them suffer from them. There are a lot of reasons – Lifelong lifestyle, sitting, errors in nutrition, spinal damage during sports or heavy exercise. Even a constant stress, which is now familiar to almost every person, can harm the spine. Stress causes constant muscle tension, which is why blood circulation is disturbed and the nutrition of the joints and adjacent tissues is worse, which leads to gradual destruction. As a result, we complain about pain in the neck, back, lower back.

    What to be treated if the joints got sick?

    If surgical treatment is not required, most often in the disease of the joints of the joints, the doctor prescribes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory funds (NSAIDs) and / or hormonal drugs. They are effective, but unfortunately, very often have enough heavy side effects, especially with long-term use. Even in a healthy person as a result of a long-term intake of NSAIDs (for example, aspirin), gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys are possible. If the patient already has a gastrointestinal diseases, the doctor is forced to limit, and often canceled already designated drugs.

    In addition to drugs intended for intake, external means in the form of ointments and gels are often prescribed. They, of course, bring relief in many cases, especially when treating small joints, but in the treatment of larger joints (knee, hip joint, as well as spinal joints), their effectiveness is still not very high. In addition, the ointment acts for a long time, and it is often enough to apply it - not very convenient.

    Often, with the diseases of the joints and the spine prescribe physiotherapy. It can be magnetic therapy, various warming up. But, unfortunately, not everyone can afford to walk on clinics. For example, due to lack of time or lack of a good polyclinic with physician.

    From folk remedies often use various alcohol warming compresses, or simply dry heat, but it is possible only at home. And what if you need to go to work or at least just get out of the house? Yes not for any joint conveniently put compress.

    Can modern medicine offer something sufficient effective, comfortable, but at the same time harmless? Yes, there is such an alternative. This is gaining popularity to preparations of a new generation – Medical plasters. Of course, we are talking about those drugs whose effectiveness is proved by clinical studies. Among them, a particular place is occupied by therapeutic anesthetic anti-inflammatory plaster of Nanoplast Forte, which, according to the results of clinical studies, showed high efficiency for the treatment of various diseases of the joints and spine

    Therapeutic plaster for joints - new standard of treatment

    Treat and do not cripple & ndash; is it possible to?Therapeutic plaster of nanoplast Forte - an effective anesthetic and anti-inflammatory means of long-term action with a minimum number of contraindications and practically no side effects. Designed for the treatment of diseases of the joints, spine, muscles and ligaments, as well as for treating injuries

    Possessing all the advantages of the outer agent, Nanoplast Forte has a much longer period of validity - up to 12 hours! And the relief in most cases begins to be felt quite quickly. Sometimes even a single application of the patch is enough for pain retreated. The plaster is very convenient in use – You can stick it literally per minute. It does not interfere with movement, there is no smell and invisible on the skin.

    Anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect of the plastering nanoplast Forte is based on a combination of two factors: therapeutic effects of a constant magnetic field generated by rare earth magnets, and a deep soft thermal effect of infrared radiation induced by contact with the body. As a result, local metabolism, blood and lymphaticism, which leads to the acceleration of the process of natural recovery of the affected area, is improved in the focus of inflammation.

    Nanoplast Forte is well combined with other methods of treatment. In acute cases, in case of severely form of the disease, when without tablets or injections, it is not necessary, the use of the drug reduces the course of treatment and the dosage of unsafe drugs, and therefore – reduce harm. Clinical studies Research Institute of Rheumatology RAMS showed that the use of Nanoplaste Forte in the complex treatment of the arrangement of the knee joint made it possible to significantly reduce the dose of oral anti-inflammatory funds, and more than 30% of cases completely abolish them. So for those who suffer from the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and is forced because of this to abandon the reception of many drugs, Nanoplast Forte - a real find.

    Another interesting aspect that distinguishes the therapeutic plaster of Nanoplast Forte from other drugs. Considering the harmlessness of the medical patch, Nanoplast Forte, you can use it at the first signs of malaise, without waiting for serious exacerbations.

    An important advantage of Nanoplast Forte is an affordable price. In addition, it is very convenient to take with him on trips. So it makes sense to keep this wonderful healing plaster at home first aid kit. This will help keep the health of your joints for many years.

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