Treatment of Siringomyelia


  • Siringomyelia: Disease Development
  • Therapeutic agents in Siringomyelia
  • Proper nutrition and phytotherapy in the treatment of Siringomyelia
  • «Special» sick

  • Siringomyelia: Disease Development

    Siringomyeliya - the disease is chronic and the course of its different patients is very different. People often sick siringomyelia for many years do not notice the disease developing with them, even such symptoms as loss of sensitivity, and seek medical attention only when symptoms prevent them.

    Most often, Siringomyelia has a slow progression of the disease. Its faster development only happens with severe motor trophic disorders, however, patients are rarely lost to elderly. In even rare cases, there is an acute or subacute course of Siringomyelia.

    Death usually occurs in severe forms of Siringomyelius from complications: urination disorders with the subsequent development of Warrow, from Panaritsiyev, phlegmon, causing sepsis or metastatic jar in other bodies. With bulbar forms (difficulty and respiration) and the ultrasound defeat, death may occur from glyomanate (the growth of fabric - Glia) due to the defeat of the wandering nerves, the respiratory center, paralysis of the diaphragm.

    Therapeutic agents in Siringomyelia

    Treatment of SiringomyeliaCurrently, the arsenal of treatment with Siringomyelia has significantly expanded. As pathogenetic therapy, X-ray therapy began to be used, which reduces or removes pain and paresthesia (a sense of crawling of goosebumps), narrows the boundaries of sensitivity disorder, which benefits a beneficial sensitive disorders and vegetative disorders. Rengenic therapy is based on the fact that X-rays delay the growth of glial elements and thereby progressing the process. However, not all cases of Siringomyselia are subject to such treatment. The favorable effect of radiotherapy gives only in the initial stages of the disease. In the far stames of the disease, led to deep and irreversible structural changes in tissues, radiotherapy is little effective.

    In recent years, transversive therapy has also began to enter the practice of treatment of Siringomily. Prezero, which improves and regulating pulses between cells and in ending machines of nerves, can remove brake and phase states and give a noticeable improvement. This therapy, however, is symptomatic. Sometimes prozero therapy is combined with UHF therapy, less often - with radon baths. This therapy is most effective in the initial stages of the disease.

    Also, radioactive phosphorus, which has beta radiation, and radioactive iodine, which has beta and gamma radiation, successfully apply for the treatment of Siringomily. The therapeutic effect of radioactive phosphorus and radioactive iodine is based on increased sensitivity to the radiation of rapidly growing glial elements. Therefore, accumulating in the latter, radioactive phosphorus and radioactive iodine with its emission causes a delay in their growth or destruction.

    Satisfactory results are marked when the dibazole is used as, the means of an inglorious and the tone of the nervous system. Similar effects are injected with vitamin B1, strikhnin and duplex.

    Proper nutrition and phytotherapy in the treatment of Siringomyelia

    With such a disease like Siringomily, the proper nutrition plays a very important role. The patient must necessarily have those products that include a large spectrum of vitamins, in the part of the group in (carrots, cabbage, potatoes, beets, spinach, cherry and t.D.), as well as vitamin A.

    In addition, it is very useful to eat in food of fermented and bakery products, since they contribute to the restoration after the suffering disease.

    In folk medicine, prescriptions of infusions and decoctions are used, which allow to increase the sensitivity of the skin and improve the overall condition of patients with Siringomyel. First of all, the tinctures of such plants like chestnuts, a pretty drug, Klopogon Daursky, clover and others.

    For example, such a recipe: the bark of dry roots of capers (2 teaspoons) Cook for 10-15 minutes, bay 1 glass boiling water, insist for 30 minutes, then strain. Take the infusion of 1 st. spoon 3-4 times a day.

    Another effective recipe: 1 teaspoon of chestnut bark insist 8 hours, bay 2 glasses of cold boiled water, then strain. Infusion take 0.25 cup 4 times a day before meals.

    Clover - an amazing plant, it helps to remove the lubrication in the affected places. Use it in the form of infusion and in the form of compresses. Prepare infusion like this: 3 teaspoons of clover grass insist 2 hours, bay 1 glass of boiling water. Infusion take 1 st. spoon 4 times a day. And for compresses, another recipe: 2-3 tablespoons of grass to quivel, wrap in gauze and apply in the form of compress to inflamed areas and patients with places.

    Klopogon is also fighting very well with Siringomyelia: 1 part of the rhizomes and roots of Klopogona Daursky insist 5 days in 5 parts of 70% alcohol. Infusion take 20-30 drops with boiled water 2-3 times a day.

    «Special» sick

    Medical staff when care for sick sicks should remember the features of the patient's trophy. Performing injections, it is necessary to especially carefully comply with the rules of antiseptics. When applying various thermal procedures, even such as the usual heater, it should be borne in mind the possibility of coarse disorders in patients with pain and temperature feelings and the absence of pain in their pain when touched by a hot or acute object (danger of burns and damage to skin-muscular fabric).

    People, patients with Siringomysel, remain working for a long time, therefore their proper employment is important. Work in hot shops, in severe physical work, where the danger of traumatization is especially great, they are contraindicated. When dispensing, it is necessary to acquaint patients with the characteristics of the disease, explain what environmental factors at work and in everyday life can accelerate the development of the pathological process.

    Since so far, the methods of pathogenetic treatment of Siringomyelia have not yet been developed, the main point remains prevention of disease progression - prevention of injuries, burns, infections, intoxication.

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