Arachnoidal brain cyst sometimes does not require treatment. In some cases of this disease, surgery of surgeons is simply necessary. When the operation is needed, and when you can do without it? Answers you will find in this article.
Arachnoid cyst is a benign volume formation, which is a cavity formed by splitting or «Duplication» Arachnoidal shell and containing liquid medium, approximate by structure and its composition to cerebrospinal fluid.
Arachnoid brain cysts that are manifested as complications of various diseases exacerbate the severity of patients, lead to the development of hypertensive, epileptic syndromes, the appearance of focal deposits, retardation in mental and mental development. Cysts are diagnosed using computer or magnetoresonance tomography and, as a rule, are a random find.

The brain compression is manifested by a violation of consciousness, weakness and sense of numbness in the limbs, headache, nausea, vomiting.
Currently, the following types of surgical treatment are applied:
- endoscopic operations (endoscopic cystocynenostomy, ventriculocystocystroystomy, cyst excision, cystentricular aircline, cystentriculocyasisters);
- microneirosurgical operations (excision of cysts, cystocynestomy, cystentriculostamia);
- Shunt operations (cystoperitoneal, cystic shunting).
Indication to surgical treatment are:
- the presence and progression of convulsive seizures;
- the increase in hypertensive hydrocephalic syndrome;
- development and growing focal symptoms;
- Arachnoid cysts complicated by hemorrhage.
Endoscopic operation - Operation of the choice of surgical treatment of arachnoid cyst. The advantages of endoscopic treatment include low trauma, all manipulations are conducted under the control of vision and are easily recorded, the absence after the operation of foreign bodies and related complications. In the absence of readings to the endoscopic operation, a microre-acurgical or shunt operation is carried out.
As a rule, the results of treatment are satisfactory, patients return to their former life.