Paralicity of facial nerve, symptoms and treatment


  • What is Bella Palsy
  • As the disease flows
  • How treatment and prevention

  • What is Bella Palsy

    Bella Palsy (facial nerve paralysis, face neuropathy
    nerve) - peripheral damage to the facial nerve due to
    The impact of various factors and manifest predominantly
    violation of the function of the mimic muscles.

    The effect of cooling, infection and some other factors arises
    Spasm of vessels of the facial nerve, which leads to his edema and inconsistency
    diameters of the facial nerve and its channel. Perhaps the development of neuropathy
    Facial nerve Without a visible cause, as well as on the background of hypertensive crisis and diabetes.
    The disease may occur during damage to the facial nerve on all it
    During the defeat of the parole, congenital bone narrow
    Channel in the temporal bone, where the nerve passes, purulent otitis, fractures
    The base of the skull with the spread of the temporal bone on the pyramid, as well as
    processes in the area of ​​the axle corner (arachnoiditis,
    Nevnoma auditory nerve). Neurry facial nerve is sometimes
    The first clinical symptom of polyradiculoneuritis. Defeats are described
    Facial nerve with tuberculosis, syphilis, rheumatism, measles, scarletin, diphtheria.

    Neuropathy face nerve for idiopathic (independent
    diseases) and symptomatic (developing as a symptom
    another disease).

    As the disease flows

    Paralicity of facial nerve, symptoms and treatment
    Paralysis of the facial nerve Typically comparatively acute development of violations
    Functions of mimic muscles. At the same time on the side of the defeat there are no
    folds in the forehead area, smoothed nasolabial fold, omitted angle of mouth.
    The patient can not melted forehead, frown eyebrows, close the eye («Hare
    eye»), inflate the cheek, whistle, blend a burning candle. During the oskal of teeth
    The lack of movements on the affected side is revealed, here
    There is a slower and rare blinking. On the side of the paralysis of the muscles
    Strengthened salivation, saliva flows from the corner of the mouth. With lesion
    Peripheral departments of the nerve are often marked by pain in the face, which
    may precede the development of paralysis of the Mimic muscles. In action
    From the level of nerve damage, motor disorders can be combined with
    Disorders of taste at the front half of the tongue and exacerbation of hearing.
    «Hare» The eye is often combined with tear impairment (dryness

    The disease is acute, then during the first 2 weeks
    Begins to improve. No restoration of movements of mimic muscles
    within a month alarming in relation to the possibility of development
    irreversible changes in the nerve. With this unfavorable symptom
    is the development of keratitis (due to the drying of the eye conjunctiva on
    side of paralysis) and contractures of paralyzed muscles (emphasized
    nasolabial fold, as a result of cutting circular muscles
    The eye slit is narrowing, ticked twitching
    Mimic muscles).

    How treatment and prevention

    It is advisable to spend in hospital. Tactics of treatment depends on
    Causes, disease periods, nerve damage. With infectious
    The reason for the disease is recommended a semi-noar mode for 2-3
    days applied anti-inflammatory therapy. In the early stages
    Diseases are effectively treated with hormones - corticosteroids (prednisone and its analogs). In connection with the swelling of the nerve and the infringement of it in the bone canal, diuretic drugs are used (Furosemid, diakarb, triampur). Regardless of the cause of neuropathy, funds that improve blood circulation in the nerve are prescribed (nicotinic acid, complimination).
    To prevent dryness of the conjunctiva and development of trophic violations
    2-3 times a day in the eye it is necessary to bury albacid, vitamin
    drops. From 5-7 days the vitamin therapy is joined, for 7-10 days add
    Preparations that improve in nerve and neuromuscular transmission (prozero).
    Physiotherapy is necessarily included in the course of treatment: infrared rays,
    Electrical field UHF, Laser therapy, sinusoidal modulated
    Toki, ultrasound, collar zone massage. From the first days of the disease
    Therapeutic gymnastics is appointed. With all forms of the disease
    Applied needlerapy.

    Supplements, infectious diseases should be avoided as the prevention of lesions of the facial nerve, and the arterial hypertension should be treated in a timely manner.

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