Once neuritis, two neuritis.... And I found treatment


  • What is neurith and what they happen
  • Causes and manifestations of neurites
  • Recommendations for the treatment of neurites
  • And a few more tips

  • What kind of different are neuritis, the doctor says - a neuropathologist of the National Scientific - Practical Center for Ambulance Liliana Dmitrievna Yukhtimskaya.

    What is neurith and what they happen

    Neuritis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the peripheral nervous system, one or group of nerves.

    The second term - neuropathy is used, since the processes occurring in this disease are not limited to inflammation, but include degenerative changes, metabolic disorders in the nerve tissue, may be the destruction of myelin shell surrounding the nerve. Changing the nerve state leads to weakness, loss of reflexes and sensitivity disorders. Skull or dorsal nerves are affected. When involving multiple nerves, often located in different parts of the body, the term is used «Polynevrit», or «Polyneuropathy».

    Causes and manifestations of neurites

    Once neuritis, two neuritis .... and I found treatment

    Since nerves «envelop» All organism, we meet many manifestations of neurites. During the defeat of the cranial nerves, vision, hearing, smell, pain, or impaired sensitivity in the field of face and head may occur. For example, retrobulbar neuritis, when the visual nerve is affected, which is overlooking the eyeball, leads to a decrease and even to loss of sight on one eye. It is not uncommon and inflammation of the auditory or senior - sniff (cochlear) nerve, which leads to a violation of hearing. The violation of the functions of the cranial nerves is reflected in the muscles of the face. This category includes facial and triple nerve. Facial neuritis is often found, which causes the muscle defeat of one part of the person: the angle of the mouth is lowered, does not close and get the eye, the sensitivity of half of the language is disturbed, the frontal skin folds are smoothed. The weakness of the muscles can go to their full, although most often temporary and reversible in the treatment, paralysis.

    The damage to the peripheral nerves of the extremities is usually manifested by trembling, numbness, balance disorders or gait. The patient in the field of affected nerve arises a feeling of burning, tingling, numbness, goosebumps, pain, a decrease in sensitivity or paralysis of nearby muscles (restriction or lack of movements), muscular convulsions appear and T.D. Vestibular neuritis leads to a violation of coordination of movements, the appearance of nausea, and sometimes vomiting. Any of these signs serves as a reason for the doctor's appeal. And the faster it will be done, the timely the treatment is scheduled and the forecast will be optimistic.

    If not one is struck, a few nerves, polyneurite is diagnosed. The causes of the disease are very different. These can be various infections, in particular, viral diseases, like herpes or slimming, alcohol abuse, exposure to toxic substances (mercury, arsenic, lead, phosphorus), poisoning with mushrooms or surrogate alcohol, irradiation, diabetes, disorder of metabolism, deficiency Vitamin B12, immune diseases (sclerosis), cancer. The cause of the neuritis can be the vaccination, increase or decrease in ambient temperature, traumatic factors, long-term gradation.

    By the way, the poisoning of methyl alcohol, simply speaking, poor-quality vodka, often leads to the neuritude of the visual nerve. In the first stage there is a decrease in the perception of colors and vision, up to blindness.

    Neurutians can not be called only adults. They are observed in children. For example, in injuries or infection in the body.

    Neuritis - frequent satellites of diabetes and kidney disease. The imbalance between the acid and alkaline medium is a fertile soil for the development of neuritis.

    Recommendations for the treatment of neurites

    In neurites accompanying diabetes, diet and vitamins are recommended. In particular, the use of lactic acid products, cottage cheese, nuts, soy and raw whole milk, fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, sunflower seeds and pumpkins, freshly squeezed juices from carrots, spinach, citrus, apples and pineapples, products containing vitamins group B.

    There are neuritis, which within 4 - 8 weeks can pass independently. Supercooling, any simple injury pass, and the nerve comes to normal. After all, as a rule, neuritis is not an independent disease, but a consequence of any disease.

    Neuritis treatment is carried out by short courses of hormone therapy, a complex of vitamins B (B1, B2, B6, B12) and pantothenic acid, anti-inflammatory non-steroids, physiotics, medical gymnastics and massage.

    Treatment of neuritis, depending on the cause, can last from 4 to 12 weeks, and sometimes up to the year. But in any case, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the appearance of neuritis. In chronic diseases, for example, with diabetes mellitus, you should expect a recurrent course of neuritis.

    And a few more tips

    Neuritis, as a rule, does not lead to death, but can cause various kinds of complications. Near the auditory nerve can lead further to the loss of hearing. Sometimes, in particular, with a unilateral decline in hearing, it is due to a benign nerve tumor (nevel), with early diagnosis and removal of which excellent results are observed. Even with timely appeal to the doctor, sometimes a full hearing is no longer returned, but the process itself can be stopped. In any case, you must always contact the doctors in time. Modern medicine allows you to restore even launched cases - the main thing is that the nerve is not starting. The additional problem is that with long nerve dysfunction, muscles begin to suffer, which in time can atrophy.

    As auxiliary treatment at home at neuruts, soy milk is used. You need to soak soy for 12 hours, clean from the skin, grind to pasty consistency, add 3 parts of water, boil on slow heat, often stirring, cool, strain and add sugar. Kebal and Barley Brigine - 2 Barley Glasses Cook in 2/4 Water. When approximately 1 part drops, strain and mix with cream and lemon juice. It is recommended to drink at least 1 liter of a mixture of fresh carrot juice and spinach. Baths with English (bitter) salt. Methods of alternative medicine are used. For example, acupuncture, point massage. And therapeutic gymnastics in these cases is simply indispensable.

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