Miasthenia - Disease Cooch and Dangerous. Insidious - because it hides behind the symptoms of general weakness and fatigue, which in the initial stage often does not pay attention. Dangerous - because it can lead to very serious consequences. What you need to know about this disease? Read more in the article.

In the serum of patients with miastenia, there are antibodies to the protein of skeletal muscles, epithelial cells of the forged gland and receptors producing acetylcholine (the substance with which the nervous excitation is transmitted), which is a sign of autoimmune aggression - the production of antibodies to its own tissues (normal antibodies are produced to protect antibodies from external influences; bonding with an antigen, for example, with bacteria or viruses, they fall into the precipitate and are output from the body).
During myasthenia, growth is often revealed or various tumors of the fork gland, which is responsible for the formation and development of cellular immunity. Miasti can manifest themselves immediately, provoking factors are stress, colds, immunity disorders, high physical exertion and T.D.
The disease is often subacute or chronic. Overcoming disorders appear in the form of an omission of centuries (PTOS), bows in the eyes (diplopia), violations of the muscles of the pharynx and larynx (difficulty swallowing, violation of voice and speech), general weakness and fatigue. At the same time, the phenomenon of common muscle fatigue during muscle load, which passes during rest.
One of the symptoms may be a violation of the activities of the endocrine glands: the increased function of the thyroid gland, the lack of adrenal glands, which in turn can cause a lack of potassium organism, which is necessary for the work of the heart muscle - cardiovascular disorders appear.
In childhood, miasthenia can flow in the form of congenital, early children's and juvenile forms.
An innate form is manifested by a weak fetal movement, after birth - a weak cry, comprehension of sucking and swallowing. After 4-6 weeks, all these phenomena disappear. Early children's form is characterized by a mild current and mainly local symptoms (the defeat of one muscle group). Juvenile form begins in 11-16 years and manifests general disorders.
Miacency crisis
Under the influence of various external influences (infection, physical exertion, stress), disorders of the endocrine system may occur a sharp deterioration in the state - Miacenical crisis. Crisis is manifested by the rapid spread of miasthenic disorders with pronounced disorders from the ocean muscle muscles, the muscles of pharynx and larynx. Patients cannot swallow not only food, but also saliva, breathing, alarm, and alarm, replacing apathy. Sometimes for 10-20 minutes a difficult state may develop with loss of consciousness.
- Typical manifestations of myasthenia;
- Pharmacological test, when in the background of the introduction of prozerne (suppresses the activity of the enzyme that destroys acetylcholine) is sharply improved by the state of the patient;
- The state of neuromuscular transmission, which is verified using a special method of functional diagnostics - electromyography;
- Immunological laboratory studies (determined by the titer of antibodies to acetylcholine receptors and to the muscle protein).
With the progressive form of myasthenia, operational treatment is carried out - the fork gland is removed. The best results are if the operation was carried out in the first three years after the start of the disease.