Nystagm, Nistagma


  • Nistagm
  • What is the eye (fixing) nystagm
  • What is a professional nistagm
  • What is a labyrinth nistagm

  • Nistagm

    Nistagm (from Greek . NYSTAGMOS - Dund), involuntary, fast
    following each other movement of the eye from side to side (less often -
    circular or up-down) in some diseases of the central nervous
    Systems and Inner Ear

    By the nature of movements, Nistagm is divided into a pendulum-like, or
    an influx, with equal vibration phases; Thick-shaped,
    or rhythmic, with a slow phase in one direction and fast phase in
    the other side; mixed when the nistagm appears when looking forward
    like pendulous, and when looking at the sides - like rhythmic.

    Nistagma is denoted by the rapid phase of oscillations. More often occur
    horizontal nistagm, less often - vertical, rotator or
    diagonal. With a dissociated nystagm of the movement of both eye
    Apples are ineptly unlike associated when they are the same.

    Distinguish physiological and pathological nystagm.

    Nistagm arises from healthy people with some irritations, he
    Meets in the following forms:

    • Optocinetic, or
      Railway, Nistagm, which occurs when reviewing quickly
      moving in front of the eyes of objects; he is aimed to,
      the opposite movement of these items;
    • labyrinth, clear
      pronounced push-like nistagm, which appears in irritation
      Maze (heat, cold, electroplating or rotating man
      around the horizontal axis);
    • Nystagmoid twitching eyes, with their
      extreme assignment to the side due to the rapid fatigue

    The following forms of pathological nystagma are distinguished:

    • Eye
    • professional;
    • labyrinth (peripheral);
    • Neurogenic (central).

    What is the eye (fixing) nystagm

    Nystagm, Nistagma
    Occurs with innate or early
    acquired weakness of view on the basis of various eye diseases,
    congenital pathology, glasses, as well as
    hereditary way. Eye oscillatory movements are due
    disorder of visual fixation due to violation of its regulatory
    mechanism or defect of central vision.

    Different characters and amplitude oscillatory movements. IN
    The case of peasant nystagma amplitude of oscillations is usually reduced
    when turning the head towards the fast phase. Acuity of sight
    The rule is significantly reduced - to 0.3 or less. Sometimes noted
    Forced head position. Often, changes are detected in
    refractive media (the turbidity of the horn shell, lens) and
    photosensitive apparatus (albinism, cooboma of yellow spots,
    Atrophy of the optic nerve, retinal pigment degeneration and t. NS.),
    Such changes are absent, if the cause of nystagma was congenital
    Pathology of the glasses. Eye defeat appears with
    birth or early childhood, is persistent and with age
    Almost does not change.

    The diagnosis is not difficult. Some benefits bring exercises in localization and pleoptic
    treatment. With aetropy of high degree and astigmatism shows wearing
    appropriate glasses. With a well-pronounced nastagm
    Sometimes the operation helps - the weakening of horizontal muscles on the side
    Slow phase and muscle strengthening on the side of the fast phase.

    What is a professional nistagm

    Arises after many years of
    Works in Shakhty. Causes of it - eye tension during operation, low
    Lighting and bad ventilation mines, inxication of mine gases
    (methane, carbon monoxide).

    Movements of the eyeballs most often wear rotator or
    Mixed nature. Nistagm is intensified when flexing. Maybe
    accompanied by a jitter of the eyelid, light-in-friendly, head shake, decline
    adaptation, some narrowing of sight. Expressed nistagm
    accompanied by a worsening of vision. With an increase in production experience
    slowly progresses.

    Treatment is ineffective. In severe cases - Transfer to ground work. Prevention. Improving working conditions in mines, good lighting.

    What is a labyrinth nistagm

    Occurs when defeating the inner ear. By
    character he is horizontal or rotator. Directed in the direction,
    The opposite sick labyrinth. Duration is small - from
    several days to several weeks.

    Neurogenic, central
    Nistagm appears as a result of the defeat of certain links
    Vestibular glasses reflex. It depends on
    state of the main process.

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