Treatment of kidney stones by folk remedies

The disease in which deposits arise in the kidneys or other organs of the urinary system, the doctors are called urolithiasis or more officially - urolithiasis. Man for a long time may not be suspected that his kidney is happening.

But when the concretion suddenly clogs the urinary duct, prevents the outflow of urine, kidney «Handry», Do not fulfill the responsibilities assigned to them, the characteristic symptoms of the illness appear. To date, there are several methods of getting rid of the danger of stones. Among them, drug therapy (using such drugs as Ciston, Phytolizin, Kanefron), ultrasound crushing, phytotherapy, Operational intervention, folk ways. Our site offers readers in this article to familiarize yourself with the natural means approved by doctors that have helped many people avoid surgery and get rid of kidney stones.

What are the stones?

Stones in the kidneys, urolithiasis, traditional medicine, kidneys, urology

Stones are different sizes and shapes. If they are small (several millimeters), then they are called sand. But these sediments can grow more centimeters. Coral stones are the greatest danger.

Conductors in chemical nature are very different. They can be oxalate, uland, protein, phosphate ... Therefore, before proceeding with the treatment of any natural way you like, it is worth consulting with the doctor who observes you, who knows the characteristic features of the stones present you. Only the correctly selected tool will help dissolve them and clean the kidneys.

Oxalate stones - the most common (85% of cases), they usually have a yellow-gray color and a spike shape. Such formations appear in violation in the organization of oxalic acid. With a tendency to such concretions, many doctors are not recommended to eat frequently and in large quantities of the heat treatment of tomatoes, a cooler, sorrel (especially cut in the second half of summer), rhubarb, carrots, mangold, figs. Great content of oxalic acid in coffee, chocolate, cocoa, grade and lemon zest.

Uraban stones are distinguished by dense consistency, have brown-yellow color. Most often they are formed from those who like to eat in excess meat (predominantly fried), flour, sausages, sausage, eggs. So that such concrections are crushed, you need an alkaline environment.

Phosphate stones quickly begin to form and grow in those people in the body of which are present in the excess of calcium and phosphorus. These stones have a soft structure, and the color is light gray. Help dissolve such concreters can mors (cranberry, cruising) and acidic mineral water.

Carbonate Conductors Soft, Smooth, White Coloring. They are formed in the presence of calcium salts.

Course treatment of red currant

Stones in the kidneys, urolithiasis, traditional medicine, kidneys, urology

This recipe helped get rid of the pain of the accrete holy people who had even large stones - in size in diameter two centimeters! After taking onion syrup, they crushed some miraculously and went out after some time in the form of sand or pebbles with rice or millet. Take 1 kilogram of peeled-bunch heads, twist on the meat grinder. Place the Cashitz in the saucepan, pour 400 grams of sugar sand there, mix well. Put the mixture on the stove, turn on the fire. As soon as it boils, immediately reduce the gas to a minimum and set time. To prepare syrup you need two hours. It is better to cook a medicine under the lid, just do not forget to intermit it. After two hours, turn off the slab. This syrup will need to strain through the siter. Usually it turns out 400-500 ml of syrup. The course goes for 1 day. This amount of medication needs to drink four receptions in one day. The intervals between acceptances should be the same - for 4 hours. For example, the medicine can be served at 7, 11, 15 and 19 hours. Reception of syrup should occur 30 minutes before meals. Nothing is a means of cleaning the kidneys do not drink. You can only rinse the oral cavity with water. In some patients, after the first reception, there may be a sense of squeezing, then you can smell a slice of lemon or drink one or two throat infusion of rose hips. In some sand begins to go out on the next day, and others later a few days or weeks. It happens that the cleaning process is accompanied by pain. You will be surprised when the ultrasound will show that the kidneys cleared.

Recipe with oats

For the preparation of this medicine, the oats are needed with a husk. Every morning, measure them into a 750-gram jar to the shoulders and rinse, then pour into a large saucepan, then pour a 3.5 liter of water. Turn on the stove and bring to a boil, then immediately reduce the fire to a minimum. Under the lid, let the composition languishes 40 minutes. Sometimes stir the contents. After the specified time, the fire turn off, and leave the saucepan on the stove, let the insisting continue for another hour. Then the composition strain through sieve or gauze. Store it is necessary in the refrigerator. It is usually about 2 l and 300 ml of liquid. On the day you need to drink one and a half liters - 5 mugs of 300 ml. You need to drink infusion to a slight warm (or room temperature). You can add a spoon of natural honey. Course - 3 months.

Means with lemons

Stones in the kidneys, urolithiasis, traditional medicine, kidneys, urology

Buy 10 medium-sized lemons. Well wash them with hot water. Cut and scroll through the meat grinder (not cleaning from the peel). The resulting Cashitz put into a three-liter jar. Fill 2 liters of boiled water in it (cold). It remains only to measure 2 tablespoons of glycerin (from the pharmacy) and mix. After 40 minutes, the means strain. All the resulting liquid needed to drink in 2 hours. It turns out that it is necessary to drink it on a large cup every ten minutes. After each reception, the mouth rinse with ordinary water. When the last glass drank, then the area of ​​the kidney, where stones were found, put the heating. It is possible that pains will appear after some time, and then the sand will go with the urine.

Red Swamp and Cranberry Juice

Memore 2 liters of water in the enamelled saucepan, send a finely sliced ​​cleaned medium-sized bed. Water during cooking should be evaporated half. Turn off the plate, let the contents of the pan slightly cool. Then liquid carefully strain. Immediately drink it in warm form. Then eat cooked cubes. In the evening, press Juice from cranberry berries, it will be needed two liters. During the evening, all juice must be gradually drinking. After each portion of the drinking juice, rinse your mouth with ordinary water, in order not damaged the dental enamel. At night you can drink a tablet But-shop (DROTAVERINA) or Baralgin. The next day, most likely, the stone will come out (or its parts).

A few more recommendations

Stones in the kidneys, urolithiasis, traditional medicine, kidneys, urology

  1. Be sure to follow the medical diet. It is compiled individually, while the chemical composition of stones, urinic acid-alkaline reaction, features associated with metabolic disorders, the presence of concomitant diseases.
  2. So that during treatment it is better to leave sand and salt precipitations, eat more water (about 2.5 liters per day). Moreover, follow the composition of water that drink. It should be clean, high quality.
  3. With oxalate stones, pay attention to the fact that in your diet it was smaller products that are reinforcing oxalic acid. Preference Give the bright grape varieties, pears, plums, cousls, apples. They are able to bind and remove excess of oxalic acid from the body. And do not worry on trifles, scientists found that in experiences, unrest and stressings are enhanced in the body of the reaction, as a result of which the formation of oxalic acid is. Take the courses of infusions from medicinal plants (or their fees): kidneys (or leaves) birch, strawberry leaves, lines, sage flowers, linden flowers. Also, such a fee is useful for oxalates: the leaves of mint, cornflower flowers, tolokany leaves (mix everything in the bank in equal shares). Measure the tablespoon of well mixed collection into the mug, fill it there 200 ml of boiling water. Cover the cover, let it insist 40 minutes. Dosage: After eating three times a day on one third of a large glass.
  4. Urals, reduce the number of products containing many purine bases in its diet. These doctors refer to representatives of legumes, peanuts, meat offal, spinach, mushrooms, chocolate, sorrel, fig, radishes, cauliflower. «Down» on pumpkin, watermelons, walnuts, cherry. Herbs help: Birch kidneys, parsley (leaves and roots), dill, fennel, mint, nine, deer, lime color, lips, strawberries.
  5. When phosphate stones will have to «Sit» Some time on a diet in which the use of dairy products, many fresh vegetable crops and fruits is strongly limited. The menu will prevail fish, eggs, meat, legumes, grains, pumpkin, cranberries, lingonberry, apples (acid varieties). And the herbs you need such: Barbaris, Speert, Rogownik's roots, grapes.

People prone to stone formation, certainly need physical activity so that the organism is better than the exchange processes. Some stones are crushed quickly and leave the body in the form of sand, others - very slowly. Remember that any treatment must be carried out by observing the urologist or nephrologist.

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