Fighting stuttering


  • Why does this speech defect develop
  • Stuttering methods
  • Help parents

  • Why does this speech defect develop

    Parents useful to know how and why this speech defect develops. Of course, you can get used to it and adapt, but why? Better to say goodbye to him forever.

    Ossential kindergarten on the outskirts. Nimble, merry kids on a walk: Someone plays in the salting, someone conquers the tops of the intricate stairs, someone chinno talks with the educator... It is difficult to believe, but here a miracle is happening - children suffering from stuttering, literally recently acquire a gift of speech...

    Stutter is considered severe, difficult to heal. Usually it is manifested between the ages of two to seven years and can be both the repetition of individual sounds and syllables and various types of spasms, which predicting the statement. It's no secret to any unpleasant consequences of this ailment: limited communication, inferiority complex, fear, and even a refusal of speech: «Anyway, I can't say anything, let them believe that I don't know anything!»...

    The reasons for stuttering lie in the secrets of the genetic code and the peculiarities of the central nervous system, therefore, not every carpus, even before the death of a frightened dog, becomes a bar. If someone ever stood in the family, it should be borne in mind that the baby can exactly thus react to the tense situation in the house, the change of the usual environment, strong fright. It all starts with the mark. Neuropathologists and parents themselves sometimes relate to them not very carefully, especially if the child is only two or three years old and is not yet enough. Sometimes it change dramatically after a strong stress - this is called neurotic stuttering. In such cases, a child is usually placed - «Loses the gift of speech» - For several hours or even for a couple of days, and when it starts talking again, already stutters. Often have to face and stinking «By imitation», That is, the child automatically adapts a defect.

    The prescribed usually drug preparations are usually only temporarily removing the manifestations of stuttering, without solving problems in the root. Reassure and not unrigible zaika - Such is the purpose of treatment - it is necessary, but this is not enough.

    Stuttering methods

    Fighting stutteringThere are various combination methods. The speech therapist is suitable for each child and assigns appropriate treatment. The speech therapy kindergarten (on the outskirts of Moscow) has been operating on the method of professor l. Z. Andronova. It is based on speech synchronization with the movements of the leading hand, which consider «The second articulatory apparatus of a person». My fingers are given a peculiar role «tug»: Their consistently organized movements seem to gain syllables in words and phrases of different lengths and different rhythms and thus restore the disturbed mechanism of speech.

    Cure is a labor-intensive and uncommon, reoxoites need a whole academic year. The children's garden personnel have to participate in the process: in the presence of children to talk slowly and smoothly, to maintain a favorable psychological microclimate. This is not every kindergarten on the shoulder. Parents can not be left aside: the desired effect will not follow, if on weekends it is not under-keeping houses of a special speech regime established by educators.

    So the brain of the child consistently «Touch» to the right speech, which makes it possible to shout. Despite the seriousness of this task, the guys live a full-fledged kindergarten life: they play, quarrels, put together, listening to fairy tales, sing songs, draw, they dance, dance, master the letter and arithmetic, protrude before the admiring audience on matinees.

    As a result, all graduates of kindergarten turn out to be perfectly prepared for school and often cause admiration for the ability to speak well (!), as evidenced by letters of school teachers, with which kindergarten speech therapists necessarily support contact.

    Help parents

    Of course, without the help of parents can not do:

    • Watch out for the child's speech, pay attention to the change in the manner of talking
    • The world, stability and friendly atmosphere in the house - reliable «Means of prophylaxis» Stuttering, as well as the key to his successful treatment
    • It is very important to treat the child exactly, fairly: equally, not «By mood» react to those or other misconduct
    • Do not force a child to speak at the bottom (recording poems and t.D.) if he does not want this or if the excitement and excitement will noticeably make his speech
    • Not only aggravating psychological circumstances, but also just a quick speech of others can play a fateful role for the baby, genetically predisposed to stuttering
    • It is very important to respond in a timely manner in a timely manner: while the child did not fix the habit of stutter, it is possible to relatively easily overcome this attack, for example, if the whole family goes to a very slow and smooth speech.

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