Migraine - Geniye disease


  • Migraine or just headache?
  • A bolt from the blue
  • Cervical migraine

  • Migraine & Mdash; Geniyev's disease

    Migraine or just headache?

    Headache delivers painful suffering, noticeably limiting social activity and forcing sometimes abandoning the professional career. Among dozens of types of headaches Migraine — The most common option.

    This ancient companion of humanity is also described by Hippocratic and Celsius. By the way, the latter indicated that this is a disease, although not deadly, but lifelong. The name comes from Greek «Hemikrania» HEMI — Half, kranium — Head) and reflects the main sign of the ailment: during the attack he hurts half.

    Today neurologists know that the disease begins at a young age, more often in women and lasts up to 50-60 years. You want to endure up to 60? If not, then take the following information.

    Women are much more often susceptible to this fear, and business women — More often. For them, this is a real headache, take-off time, bringing concerns and anxiety, disrupting plans and makes chaos in a chart of events.

    Often, migraine is confined to critical days, complicating and without adverse premenstrual syndrome. This is the so-called migraine associated with PMS.

    A bolt from the blue

    Almost always the beginning of the attack — Like thunder among clear sky: Suddenly, anywhere, at any time, sometimes — Even in a dream.
    Each fifth patient is experiencing a very unusual state before the attack — aura. It lasts from 30 minutes to several hours.
    It is characteristic that mental experiences at aura are different from each patient, they are changeable, but almost every Aura is accompanied by violation of violations (flashes of flies in front of the eyes, the appearance of light spots) and other symptoms.

    A distinctive feature of migraine is that painkillers during an attack are absorbed slowly and not completely, and therefore act inefficiently.

    The attack itself of the cruel headache lasts on average 12–24 hours and accompanied by nausea, often vomiting. Its distinctive feature is that when attacking the fear of bright light and sounds, less often — smells. Therefore, patients with the attack are trying to retire in the room where the bright light, noise and smells do not penetrate. Relief bring three «T»: Darkness, warm, silence.

    It is observed that migraine usually occurs after the action of some specific provoking factors:

    • Bright or flickering light, loud sounds;
    • stress, fatigue, the inability to relax;Migraine & Mdash; Geniyev's disease
    • Strong emotional experiences;
    • Alcohol, especially effervescent types, carbonated drinks, coffee;
    • Spicy sharp Asian cuisine dishes;
    • chocolate, nuts, citrus, bananas;
    • Cheeses, smoked, marinades;
    • starvation.

    The danger of migraine is that more dangerous, life-threatening states, and therefore requiring immediate medical interventions are disguised:

    • Extensive brain lesions (tumors, abscesses and t.D.);
    • inflammatory diseases of the brain shells (meningitis);
    • an increase in intracranial pressure;
    • Feochromocytoma (adrenal tumor);
    • stroke.

    I would like to recall that with acute violations of the brain circulation, the account is literally for moments. And a combination of three symptoms: an attack of headaches, an increase in blood pressure and impaired in the limbs — Probable sign of stroke. Hypertensive — be careful!


    Do you know that migraine — Permanent High Life activity companion — ambites of ambitious and responsible people seeking to high achievements, a lot of working and thinking? These personalities have a migraine more cruelly than others. From her cunning suffered so many great and talented people, that some researchers even had a thought about communicating migraine with genius.

    Indeed, the list of victims of this ailment is impressive: Julius Caesar, Alexander Macedonsky, Peter I, Darwin, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Wagner, Freud, Chekhov, Heine, Maupassan, Nietzsche, Napoleon, Dostoevsky, Gogol, Pascal, Nobel... Of women — Charlotte Bronte, Elizabeth I Tudor, Virginia Wulf.

    And although it has been proven that not a genius is hurting at no less often, the migraine is still considered the disease of intellectuals and people gifted.
    Interestingly, workers of physical labor and pensioners are almost not subject to.

    Cervical migraine

    This type of migraine is not essentially migraine, but manifests almost the same as:

    • burning pain in the back of the head, temple, sometimes in the outbreak area;
    • The pain and feeling of sand in the eyes, fog in front of the eyes;
    • Reducing hearing, dizziness, noise and crash in the ears.

    Symptoms are similar, and the reason is completely different — Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. As a rule, it is the pathology of the first and second cervical vertebra, breaking the blood circulation of the head.

    Migraine — Neurological disease and requires treatment from a neuropathologist. It is amenable to treating medication and physiotherapy. The cervical migraine is well corrected by the methods of manual therapy and reflexotherapy.

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