Treatment of hydrocephalius in children


  • Treatment of hydrocephaliya
  • Ventryclo-peritoneal shunting
  • Endoscopic operations
  • Participation in Care
  • Emotional support

  • Treatment of hydrocephaliya

    Hydrocephalosis is treated in various ways. With compensated hydrocephalus, when the child's development is not violated, dynamic observation and periodic purpose of dehydrating agents (reducing the amount of fluid – diakarb, Veroshpiron, magnesium sulfate, etc.), especially in infectious diseases, head bruises. Depending on the peculiarities of the child's well-being prescribed preparations for improving brain circulation (Cavinton), multivitamins, and other symptomatic means, including phytopreparations and homeopathic remedies.

    Ventryclo-peritoneal shunting

    Treatment of hydrocephalius in children

    With the ineffectiveness of conservative methods, unfortunately, in most cases it has to resort to surgical treatment. It consists in eliminating the cause (removal of a tumor that prevents the CXC current, removal of vascular plexuses with increased products), the creation of the CXZH outflow from the ventricles of the brain or, if it is impossible, in the deficor of the liquor from the ventricles of the brain by tapping the body cavity with special shunt systems. Most often, the CSHs are discharged into the abdominal cavity, this operation is called ventriculo-peritoneal shunting. The shunting system is usually installed on a very long period and continuously removes the excess of the liquor from the brain, supporting intracranial pressure within normal values. There are many types of shunting systems. In each case, the neurosurgeon chooses the one that is most suitable for this patient. A child with such a shunt can lead a normal lifestyle, attend kindergarten and school.

    Endoscopic operations

    In addition to the operation of the ventriculo-peritoneal shunting, a new method has recently appeared - this is endoscopic operations. The operation is carried out by introducing special thin endoscopic tools into the brain ventricle through a small hole in the skull. Endoscope is associated through a microcamera with a monitor on which the surgeon can see the ventricles from the inside. When using these endoscopes, neurosurgeons can create an obstacle to the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid. This operation is suitable only for children with occlusal hydrocephalus. With early diagnosis and operational neurosurgical treatment of hydrocephalus, a significant regression of neurological disorders can be achieved, gradual normalization of brain functions, and, especially important for young children, the right full development of the nervous system.

    Participation in Care

    Children with implanted shunts should be observed at the neurosurgeon of all life. Most patients suffering from hydrocephalus, after implanting them by the shunting system, can lead normal formations, but it is necessary to constant control by loved ones in cooperation with the neurosurgeon.

    Neurosurgeon observes every passage to prevent drainage failure. First, after implantation or re-operation - regularly, with a gradual transition to surveys with a frequency of 1 time per year.

    If the operation is made by a small child, after some time it will need a re-operation to lengthen the peripheral catheter due to the increasing kid.

    Emotional support

    The physical side of the hydrocephalus is only part of the problem of this disease. The patient and his loved ones must be taken into account and emotional factors.

    Although surgical intervention must solve the problem of hydrocephalus to some extent, you can experience fear, depression, irritability or doubt. If the patient is a child, it should be taken into account that he is characterized by the same feelings as an adult. If the child feels not in shape, he has discomfort due to the fact that he needs to often visit the doctor or pass repeated tests, it is best to calm it with simple explanations. If he knows what he will have, he will be happy to cooperate with you. Children, like adults, as a rule, do not like unpleasant surprises. The calm atmosphere among loving loved ones is the best environment for children. It is advisable to explain the phenomenon of hydrocephalius in a clear child words.

    It is very important to know about what the child feels and be able to explain to him what he is experiencing. Needles cause pain. Natural is crying and the desire to get rid of them. The room in the hospital is a new test for your child. You must tell him the truth in order to cause it to refer to his trust. Sincerity - the best tool for preserving your child's confidence.

    Children older than ten years are usually able to perceive more complex concepts. They can bind signs and symptoms with their disease. Restrictions related to the disease are transferred easier.

    Tell your doctor about your feelings and give him the right to lead you. Some people share their feelings with close friends, others need professional assistance. Health Professionals, who attending your child are interested in your well-being, their goal is to make all the best for you and your loved ones. Patients and parents of the patient must often communicate with their doctor. It is very important to actively participate in this communication so that the doctor can better understand your needs and needs of your loved ones.

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