

  • From the history of Siberian ulcers
  • What is a Siberian ulcer
  • Manifestation of Siberian ulcers
  • Prevention of Siberian ulcers

  • From the history of Siberian ulcers

    In 1941. On one of the islands at the northern shores of Scotland
    (Riert) wide scales were experimed by the English army for infection
    Siberian ulcer sheep so that «work out» The process of defeat
    Bacteriological weapons. After many years, according to English
    Journalist Robert Harris, on this island «Simple scratch
    may cost a person life». On the assumption of scientists the island will
    infected by the disputes of Siberian ulcers to 500 years.

    In the Russian Federation in recent years has sharply complicated
    Situation in Siberian Pazve. Annually, people's disease are registered
    In 11-13 provinces. Infection occurs when leaving for sick animals,
    slaughter, cutting carcasses, when contacting the corpse of the victim from Siberian ulcers
    Animal infected with the causative agent of soil, animal husbandry products,
    Livestock raw materials and objects made from it. Pathogen
    penetrates the human body through microtraums of the skin or exterior mucous membranes
    Shell. Known cases of food infection (when used
    infected products from meat), transussively (through blind bits) and
    Air-dust through the processing of dry animal raw materials
    (leather, hair, bristles, bones, etc.). The main way of infection of animals
    - Food (through feed and water).

    Contamination of people of Siberian ulcers are usually associated with unauthorized
    Forced residential homes, use in food purchased
    from the hands of meat and meat products, with the treatment of infected wool, skins and others.

    What is a Siberian ulcer

    Siberian ulcer - especially dangerous infectious disease
    animals and people known since the time of hippocrat. Already in those days
    assumed that pets can be a source of infection for
    man. Susceptible to Siberian ulcers first of all herbivores
    Animals: Large and finely horned cattle, horses, deer, camels. but,
    Her predators and omnivorous (pigs) can get sick.

    Disease pathogen - Siberia Bacillus (Bacillus Anthracis)
    There is in 2 forms: a vegetative, founding in the body of patients
    or those who died from the Siberian ulcers of people and animals, and spore - out of animals
    Organisms. Sick animals distinguish the microbes of Siberian ulcers with urine,
    feet, bleeding, which in the air turn into disputes.
    These are extremely stable forms: preserving vitality after
    10-minute boiling; Under the action of dry heat at 120 - 140 degrees
    they die only after 1 - 3 hours, in the autoclave at 130 degrees - through
    40 minutes; 1% solution of formalin and 10% solution of caustic soda kill them
    For 2 hours. Contaminated by the siberiane disputes of the grounds and others
    Objects of the external environment for a long time are the reservoir and factors
    Transferring pathogen infection. Derived from sick animal raw materials
    (wool, skins, bristles and others.) and the objects made from it preserve
    Epidemiological Danger for many years. In the soil, the pathogen
    Siberian ulcers can not only be maintained for many decades, but when
    certain favorable conditions are able to multiply.

    Great epidemiological danger represent old
    Soil foci - cattle bisks, where in their time were buried
    corpses of animals killed from Siberian ulcers. These cattle bisks, even
    many decades later, during the production of earthworks can cause
    Flash of the disease among people and animals.

    Manifestation of Siberian ulcers

    Siberian ulcer people appear in the form of localized
    (skin) and generalized forms. Skin form usually amazed
    Open areas of the body, mucous membranes of the eyes, oral cavity, nose.
    After the incubation period, duration of several hours
    up to 8 days, in the place of deployment of the causative agent appears dense, itchy
    Red spot, on the site of which the bubble filled with yellow
    or dark liquid, after opening the bubble, a ulcer is formed, filled
    serous-hemorrhagic exdate. On the silent edges of ulcers arise «Daughter bubbles», which, passing the same stages of development, through
    5 - 6 days lead to the formation of a sybiced carbuncule. Characteristic
    The symptom is an extensive painless swelling of tissues, an increase in adjacent
    To the carbunch and remote lymph nodes. From the 2nd week in place
    Carbuncoula begins to form black stamp, rising above the surface
    leather, after the rejection of which the formation of scar tissue.
    The disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 39 - 41 degrees
    Within 5 - 7 days, the appearance of symptoms of general intoxication.

    (septic) form of Siberian ulcers can be a complication of localized
    (skin) process, and with air-dust and food paths of infection
    There is a primary. The disease begins sharply with general intoxication phenomena
    (fever, headache, weakness, multiple vomiting), with defeat
    lymphatic system and internal organs. The disease proceeds so
    hard with 100% mortality. With timely handling medical
    The treatment of the skin form of the Siberian ulcers ends effectively.

    In the Vologda region the last case of people's disease
    and agricultural animals of the Siberian ulcer registered in 1980.
    In the Vologda district. An unfavorable epizootic situation in Russia
    does not exclude the likelihood of transportation of Siberian ulcers into the region
    With animal feeds, farm animals, animal husbandry products
    And raw materials. However, the greatest danger represents the resumption of activity
    old soil foci of Siberian ulcers. According to reference data in
    The Vologda region registered more than 550 points, stationary
    disadvantaged in Siberian ulcers in whose territory there were cases
    animal diseases, and more than 150 places of burial fallen from Siberian
    Cattle ulcers. Currently accurate locations
    Only 89 siberiated cattle bisos. In a number of areas of cattleochilnics
    are threatened with disappearance due to non-fulfillment by the authorities
    local self-government requirements for ensuring epidemiological
    Safety of their contents (sample, designation, designation

    Prevention of Siberian ulcers

    The prevention of diseases of the Siberian ulcer of people and animals lies
    Strict adherence to sanitary and veterinary rules for the prevention and control of infectious diseases,
    common to humans and animals, including control over the content of cattleochlorians,
    livestock facilities, compliance with veterinary and sanitary rules
    In case of harvesting, storage, transportation and processing of raw animal
    Origin, for carrying out all land management works.

    It must be borne in mind that diseases are not vaccinated
    animals may occur in any location where it is in stationary
    Dysfunctional in Siberian Points. Scientists found that the causative agent
    Siberian ulcers can make even rainworms on the surface of the earth.
    Danger of infection increases when conducting work related to moving
    Soil, with soil erosions with thaws or rainwater. Therefore, paramount
    The task of prevention is timely immunization against Siberian
    Agricultural animal ulcers (including private
    owners) in stationary disadvantaged points. Grafs are subject to
    and persons relating to groups of elevated «Risk» infection
    Siberian ulcer.

    The population should be known that the mandatory measure of prevention
    Siberian ulcers are preventing use of animal meat
    forced slaughter without resolution of veterinary and sanitary supervision. DANGER
    For eating meat and meat products (especially brought
    from other territories) not having a quality certificate. Persons caring
    For animals, must comply with personal hygiene rules. At the smallest
    suspicion of Siberian ulcers need to immediately apply for medical

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