Speak «Alcoholic encephalopathy» - Meaning «Alcoholic psychosis»


  • What is alcoholic encephalopathy
  • Symptoms and signs of alcoholic encephalopathy
  • Treatment and prevention of alcoholic encephalopathy

  • What is alcoholic encephalopathy

    Alcoholic encephalopathy is one of the groups of alcoholic psychosis developing in chronic alcoholism; It is characterized by a combination of mental disorders with systemic somatic and neurological disorders, often prevailing in a clinical picture.

    The indispensable background for the development of all forms of alcohol encephalopathy - chronic alcoholism, the duration of alcohol abuse with alcohol encephalopathy ranges from 6-7 to 20 years and more. In women, alcoholic encephalopathy can develop earlier.
    Alcoholic encephalopathy usually arise at the end of the second and in the third stage of chronic alcoholism with protracted, continuing weeks and months of alcohol use. Often alcohol encephalopathy precedes the daily daily drunkenness for years.

    Symptoms and signs of alcoholic encephalopathy

    Say & laquo; alcoholic encephalopathy & raquo; - I mean & laquo; alcoholic psychosis & raquo;Select sharp and chronic alcoholic encephalopathy. Encephalopathy of Guya - Wernik, most often found in clinical practice, and super-rock (lightning) form, chronic - Corsakovsky psychosis, alcoholic pseudoparalich.

    For all forms of alcoholic encephalopalopathy, the so-called longitudinal period (the period of precursors of the disease) is a duration of several weeks or months to a year and more. He is shorter than acute alcohol encephalopathy; the shortest (2-3 weeks.) happens with super-ended form.

    The main mental disorder in the period of harbing the disease is asthenia, usually with the predominance of adamisia. Reduced appetite can reach anorexia. Disgust appears to food rich in proteins and fats. Often, especially in the morning hours, nausea and vomiting arise. Often marked heartburn, belching, abdominal pain, diarrhea, replacing constipation. Physical exhaustion increases.

    Permanent night sleep disorders - the difficulty of falling asleep, a shallow surface dream, accompanied by nightmarish dreams, with frequent awakening, early waking up. There is a surveillance of a dream cycle - wake: drowsiness in the afternoon and insomnia at night. More often at night there are states of chills or heat, accompanied by sweating, heartbeat, sensations of lack of air, pain in the heart area. In various parts of the body, especially in the limbs, there are sensations of numbness, cooling, tightening, gravity, lobs or pain. In the index muscles, cramps arise in the fingers and legs.

    Encephalopathy Guya - Vernika develops more often in men aged 35-45 years. The disease begins with a violation of mental functions with scarce, fragmentary monotonous and static visual hallucinations and illusions. The alarming affect prevails. Motor excitation manifests itself in the main stereotypical actions (as in everyday or professional occupations). Periodic short-term immobility states with muscle tension. Patients shout single words uniformly, mumble vigorously. Speech contact is usually impossible. A few days later, a stunning of consciousness arises, when weighing the state, the coporn develops, which in the most difficult cases goes to whom.

    Much less frequently stunning consciousness preceded apatic stupor. The deterioration of the mental state is somatic and neurological disorders. The most pronounced and diverse neurological disorders. Frequently arise twitching language, lips and muscles.

    Say & laquo; alcoholic encephalopathy & raquo; - I mean & laquo; alcoholic psychosis & raquo;There are impaired muscle tone in the form of hyper- and hypotension. Revealed Nistagm, bone, fixed glance, as well as pupil disorders (myiosis, weakening the reaction to light up to its complete disappearance). As a rule, polyneurites are observed, accompanied by light tubes and pyramid signs, hyperpathy; from meningeal symptoms most often occurs muscle rigidity.

    Patients are physically exhausted, look older than their years. Outlined face. Language of raspberry color, nipples from edges smoothed. Temperature of body elevated. The skin is dry peeling or wet as a result of reinforced sweating, in some patients - Shan. Easy to form proleside.

    Constant tachycardia and arrhythmia. Blood pressure during weight loss decreases; A collaptic state easily arises. The liver can be enlarged and painful. Often noted liquid feces.

    At the initial stage of the super-suite form of alcohol encephalopathy, adynamic asthenia with severe vegetative and neurological disorders, which are sharply intensified with the development of the disease. Temperature rises to 40-41°. After one or a few days, heavier stunning is developing up to coma.

    Treatment and prevention of alcoholic encephalopathy

    Treatment must be complex. The daily use of vitamins intramuscularly in high doses. Injections make 3 times a day. Simultaneously with the beginning of the vitaminotherapy, the treatment of violations of mental functions is carried out.

    Prevention of alcoholic encephalopathy is to carry out a complex of social, economic, legal, administrative and medical measures to combat alcoholism.

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