Restoration of the Bates method

Many people over the years acquire not only knowledge and experience, but also vision problems. Eye diseases can be different, ranging from myopia and hyperopia and ending with astigmatism. How much are many people who have faced with a similar problem, dream of returning vision back. It turns out that it is possible to restore eye health if you do a special gymnastics of Bates.

Eyes, Vision, Vision Correction, Bates Method, Eye Exercises

Ophthalmologist from America Williams Bates has developed a unique technique with which you can restore vision. Glasses do not need to wear. Enough to perform certain exercises to return vision.

Williams, developing his technique, became wrong, believing that the weakening of view (eye anomalies) is associated with the fatigue of muscle fibers, which hold the eyeball. He missed that organic changes could occur in apple leak. Currently, modern ophthalmologists belong to the method of Bates skeptical, but there are still enough fans of this direction that improved vision with simple exercises.

Working out its technique, an ophthalmologist for a long time practiced the performance of these exercises not only personally, but also with the help of its patients.

As a result of many years of practice, he came to such conclusions:

  1. The main cause of overvoltage is nervous exhaustion. Since the brain works in intensive mode, it is very tired, this voltage is transmitted and eye muscles. As a result, we «Acquire» Many eye diseases that can be avoided.
  2. What you need to do to restore vision? Just relax. That's all.

So why modern ophthalmologists are so skeptical about this technique? Everything is simple, most of us need an instant effect - bought points with the necessary diopters, for accuracy also a jar of biodulatal with blueberries and all. We are limited to this. Rarely meet such a specialist who will not be interested in selling another Bada, but will recommend his patient a long way to recovery.

Perhaps reader MyMedinform.COM will be interested to know that the developed methodology. Bates and psychologist g. Shicko connected to one well known scientist in. Zhdanov. He believes that if he strengthen the psychological component, you can achieve good results during treatment and restore lost vision. The technique is as follows: Since the word affects a person much better than actions, it is necessary to start with the assessment of psychological behavior. Ideally, the exercises began to work, you need to get a notebook and write down certain phrases on paper. They act on the subconscious of man in a magical way. For example, if you spend every night that you have beautiful eyes, they are clear and tearful, then after a while it will be!

Preparation for exercise

Eyes, Vision, Vision Correction, Bates Method, Eye Exercises

Getting Started by the development of the Bates technique, it is important not to rearrange, otherwise the eyes will hurt much, vision can worse. Remember - only positive mood and no loads. If you are hard, do not try to immediately make the required number of repetitions of one exercise. Better stay, relax.

Since the basis of the Williams technique is a mental overvoltage, remember this and try to work in a relaxed atmosphere. Only in this case, you can relax alone muscles and make others work. If you train daily, the result will not make yourself wait a long time - hard work, you will improve circulation and muscle tone, and this will allow you over time to even give up wearing lenses or glasses.

Read the exercises

  1. Palming or palm. As soon as you feel that your eyes are tired, immediately do this exercise. In addition, Palming is performed necessarily before bedtime. The duration of the exercise is not more than 10 minutes. How to do the exercise: conveniently sit in the chair, palm swell on each other, when you feel warm - you can start. Close your eyes with my palms so that you were comfortable and the pressure on the eyes was not, but the sunlight did not penetrate the palm. Now close your eyes and imagine that you see the black field. It will appear only when you relax, and you will not think about. To see the black field without glare and lumen, it is important to present the subjects of the same shade in your imagination. To calm you can count to 100 and the power of thought «move away» Light areas gradually filling them with dark. As a result of this exercise, the muscles of the eye relax.
  2. Eyes, Vision, Vision Correction, Bates Method, Eye Exercises

  3. Calm and relax. Try to remember something good, for example, how you traveled or any other pleasant moments. Well, if you manage to submit a rainbow and dwell on each of the colors, as if enhancing his brightness. Lounge on each color you can not more than a second. Duration of exercise - 5 minutes. You can do this exercise for relaxation anywhere and in your free time.
  4. We meditate and present certain things. Before you there is a sheet of white paper, and now try mentally write some word or offer. We think only positive. And now again we have a blank sheet, in the middle «Draw» Black point. Our task is to try to move this point from one place to another.
  5. We continue to do exercises with closed eyes. Imagine a beautiful big flower - this is the center of the composition. Now you need to expand your imagination and try to see not only the beauty of the flower, but also to consider in detail the stem, leaves and insects that fly over the plant. The duration of the exercise can be different, it all depends on your condition.
  6. An exercise «Sun» - Turn to the source of light with your eyes closed and just think about something good. The best time for training - morning or evening. At noon, this exercise does not make. Performance time - 5 minutes. For training in winter time, then you can turn on the floor lamp or light the candles.
  7. To perform this exercise requires a table to verify vision. Table Place at eye level, get 6 meters away from the table and try to read small letters. Imagine the color of this letter and connect the imagination. Eyes close the palms.
  8. And again we need a table. We first look at large letters in the upper line, then we close your eyes and present the same letter, but much smaller. Trying to «see» Little letters and imagine that they are much darker than large.
  9. Complete training exercise «Palming».

It is important not only to systematically engage, it is necessary to help the body faster to recover - follow the food, make a massage, physical education. In addition, it is necessary to observe the drinking mode (drinking about 2 liters per day), quit smoking and part with other bad habits.

Dr. Bates recommends refuse and wearing glasses. When a person wears glasses, he hopes for them and the muscles stop working. Your task - as soon as you remove the glasses (or lenses), do not strain your eyes to see something - after doing the exercise, everything will come by itself. Work and do not be lazy, and then you will see the first results.

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