What «The threat of children's cerebral paralysis»? What signs should alarm mom


  • Causes of the defeat of the central nervous system in a newborn baby
  • What to pay attention to
  • Where and how to be treated

  • Quite often, the child is diagnosed with perinatal encephalopathy (PAP). Under it implies disorders from the nervous system of the kid, manifested by deviations in physical and mental development. If deviations are minimal, everything is limited to the diagnosis of perinatal encephalopathy, with pronounced violations, they are talking about the threat of children's cerebral paralysis.

    Causes of the defeat of the central nervous system in a newborn baby

    What is & laquo; threat of children's cerebral paralysis & raquo;? What signs should alarm momWhat are the reasons for the defeat of the central nervous system in a newborn baby?

    • Heavy course of pregnancy, various diseases of the future mother. After all, nerve cells begin to form the fetus from the first weeks of pregnancy, and the critical period of the formation of the central nervous system is 10-18 weeks.
    • Intrauterine infections (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infections, herpes) can have a direct damaging effect on the brain of the child. In addition, they cause placenta diseases, as a result of which the child receives an insufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients and is born weak, it is easily injured.
    • Heavy childbirth, a long anhydrous period, a hiding cord around the neck of a child - all this causes a baby brain injury and oxygen fasting.
    • Loading or severe jaundice of newborns can be a damaging factor up to the development of cerebral paralysis, because bilirubin causes a toxic lesion of brain cells.

    What to pay attention to

    The condition of the child is assessed by a pediatrician pediatrician and clinic. But after all, Mom sees his baby constantly and can notice something important that he can help the doctor in time to diagnose and begin treatment. Consequently, you need to know what is important that it is normal and what – No. What to pay attention to?

    First of all, whether any of the damaging factors during pregnancy and childbirth.

    • There are certain ages «Norma», When a healthy child must learn to keep the head, sit down, turn, take a toy and t. D. Try to see Objectively: Your child is developing correctly.
    • The emotional development of the child should also change with age. In a month, the baby is already smiling, from 2 months - Gulit, the first laying appears in 6 months, and by 10 months it is differentiated bowls, syllables. An annual child has 10 words in the dictionary reserve. Delay in the development of these two points can be defined as a lagging in psychomotor development.
    • Mom should alert the impaired muscular tone of the child. Each baby is born with an increased muscle tone (muscles are tense), but by certain time it passes. By one and a half months, the hypertonus in the handles is reduced, by 3-4 months - in the legs. If this does not happen, parents must be alerted. Reduced muscle tone when child «rag», sluggish - also a reason for concern.
    • Mama should be an accumulated any asymmetry in the body. Maybe the asymmetry of the muscular tone, when the child lies in the pose of a fencer: one handle relaxed and straightened, the other is bent and tense. May be an asymmetry of movements, when a child moves much better than another. Maybe different thickness of the limbs, it is also important in time to notice.
    • «Restless» The child is also a reason for excitement. Just so baby doesn't shout. If your child is dry, fed and he does not hurt the tummy, - he must be calm and cheerful, benevolent. Unfortunately crying, sleep disorders, believe me, have their reason.
    • The child convulsions will make any mother cause «ambulance». But the infants do not always have convulsions. Their minimal counterparts can be shudding, a sudden stop view. Sometimes notice it can only mother.
    • Signs of disorder in the nervous system are and «marble» and skin sinusiness, increased sweating, defend, suddenly emerged after the disease or vaccinations of the squint or asymmetry of pupils.

    Where and how to be treated

    Need to be treated immediately and right. Immediately, because the first year of life is very important for the child. First, his nervous system, nerve cells still grow, «Empty», form a child in many ways «fetus». Help him let the opportunity to exhaust all reserves of recovery. Secondly, during the first 6-12 months of life, damaged nerve cells still «sick» And, it means, treatment and recovery is possible. Subsequently there will be only rehabilitation, adaptation to the life of the fact that somehow «Replaced».

    Here is the answer to the question when to go to a neurologist. In the first month of life is required! If your baby was diagnosed with perinatal encephalopathy, examined by a specialist in the first year of life needed every 2 months.

    Where to contact?
    You need to go officially, in specialized children's neurological clinics. Only to where such kids are treated for a long time. Maybe the conditions there and not ideal, but specialists are qualified and on such problems «Dog ate». But this is the most important thing! Medical centers more often specialize in the treatment of children after 3 years and are more aimed at rehabilitation. And we need to be treated and become healthy! Do not lose a really precious time for your child, because the right treatment in the first year of life in difficult cases can save from children's cerebral paralysis or help avoid disability.

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