Brain injury is sometimes confused with his concussion. And, although the last trouble is not a gift, the first is much worse. After all, it was the injury that can cause the development of such a disease as a brain cyst. How to distinguish the brain injury from his shaking and not miss the brain cyst, the author of this article knows.

Despite the fact that this injury is not considered severe, but quite a lot of social, medical and rehabilitation problems are connected with it. The fact is that there are many structures in the brain that are most vulnerable to such an impact: hypothalamus, pituitary stem, brain barrel.
They are between a fixed spinal cord and more movable hemispheres of the head, which means that they can deform the strongest.
The symptoms of the brain shaking are as follows: First, after the strike, a person's head for a short time loses consciousness (sometimes fainting so short-term that the victim himself does not have time to realize him).
Secondly, nausea appears, vomiting, dizziness, loss of field fields (both eyes can only see a third or half of the total picture in front of them).
But such symptoms also appear in violation of the activities of other organs, sometimes not very related to brainwriting. On the other hand, the same consequences give more severe brain injuries (injury, hematoma and t.NS.).
Therefore, in practice, such symptoms are very difficult to objectify. As a result, doctors resort to hyperdiagnosis - the patient still did not have time to fall, and he was already diagnosed «shake».
It is fraught with the fact that behind the mass of such patients (mainly, asocial elements) the doctor may miss a really difficult case, or in time not to recognize another disease.
The concussion itself is considered an injury functionally reversible, that is, the brain must soon recover completely. Treatment is the simplest: bedding and sedatives.
True, there is a submarine stone. Most people know that the concussion is treated simply, and therefore they do not give it much. Having hit his head, a person is not a doctor, but home, continues to go to work, and earns a post-traumatic asthenia. In other words, he continues to live in a state for many years «not sick and not healthy». It periodically rolls the weakness, dizziness, depression of consciousness and t.D.
Nevertheless, put a person with a diagnosis «concussion of the brain» to the hospital for 7-10 days - incorrect. It is much easier to immediately make it an ultrasound, X-ray study, and with the slightest suspicion of the compression of the brain - computed tomography.
And if it is, really, only shaking and nothing more, you need to send a person home so that he lay there and took tablets. And hospitals unload, and the patient is more comfortable at home.
Home regime is excluded only if after the diagnostic studies conducted it turns out that the patient has not only concussion, but also the brain injury. That is, the mechanical destruction of the brain section and its vessels. Most often, this happens if a person hit her forehead or temporal shares of the skull. Here without a hospital bed can not do, because with the wrong or late treatment of the brain's injury, encephalopathy can develop, resistant brainwater disorders, and even epilepsy.
And sometimes in the injury zone can form a cyst. Brain cyst is «hollow» Education in the brain substance.
Cysts will forever remain in the human body and the forecast for the disease largely depends on the presence or absence of complications (suppuration or breakthrough of cysts, intracranial voltage syndrome, that is, the pressure of the cysts on the brain substance and T.D.).
If the cyst increases and starts to squeeze the brain, it will already require surgery, up to the trepanation of the skull.
Because it is recommended to never be diagnosed «shake» On the eye without at least ultrasound and X-ray studies of the brain. In the end, he is only one.