Frequency, depth and rhythm of breathing can affect the work of the whole organism, all its organs - this is the basic principle of modern respiratory gymnastics. Simple and highly efficient, respiratory techniques are a universal means of treating and preventing many diseases, including a neurotic nature.

Presents special requirements for human health. Succeed in affairs and at the same time
You can save health, only learning competently and timely eliminate that
and business emerging in the body problem. Today, medicine adheres to that
point of view that chronic fatigue syndrome, neurosis and diseases of various
Organs can be successfully overcome using therapeutic respiratory exercises.
Breathing exercises — The most ancient look of healing,
which in many beliefs of the time of centuries was attached to the deep mystical and
philosophical meaning. Best Eastern Wellness Methods Combined
Various respiratory control methods for human energy management. The medicine
Europe, too, since ancient times recognized the fact of communication between breathing, soul, health and
Life. Scientific and technical progress and studies of the twentieth century in the field of anatomy,
Physiology and biochemistry contributed to the creation of modern correction techniques
Breathing and sharing gases in the tissues of the body. Special significance respiratory
Gymnastics acquired in the second half of the twentieth century with the advent of famous techniques
TO. NS. Butyko, A. N. Strelnikova, B. F. Frolova, S. Grof and others.
Respiratory gymnastics are divided into frustration, with
which is used only by the respiratory system of man, and hardware for
which are needed additional devices.
The most famous Beepair
Methods are:
- Eastern gymnastics Thai Ji, Pranayama and others;
System of three-phase breathing l. Koflar and O. Lobanova — E.
Lukyanova; - Method K. NS. Butyko;
- Respiratory Gymnastics A. N. Strelnoye;
- Breath Delay Method.Bulanova;
- Endogenous breathing method in. F. Frolova;
- Bodiflex — Complex of respiratory and exercise.
The most famous Hardware
Methods Respiratory gymnastics:
Method A. Galusin or Additional method
respiratory space; -
breathing in the respirator (gas mask and
aqualanguy); - Training using hypoxicators;
Interval hypoxic workouts with. G.
Krivosekova; - Breathing simulator B. F. Frolova;
- Aerofitotherapy.
Physiological gymnastics are used in respiratory gym
Suspension of the act of respiration by a person. Changing type, frequency, depth and rhythm
breathing can be influenced by the work of the whole organism, all its organs and systems. TO
Example, energetic and deep breathing movements are accompanied by a massage
internal organs located next to the lungs, they stimulate the work
Hearts improve the central blood flow and current limf.
Frequent and superficial breathing, its temporary delay
accompanied by accumulation in carbon dioxide. At the same time slows down
Heartbeat, impoverished blood flow in the brain, relaxation comes and develops
Condition similar to intoxication. Increase and reduce the amount of inhaled
air leads to a change in the level of stimulation of the receptors of the upper respiratory
ways and mediated influence on body muscles.
Any respiratory gymnastics is aimed at
The directional effect on the breathing apparatus, the increase in its reserves and
opportunities entailing changes in various organs and systems. Exercises
form a habit to breathe correctly, normalize mental state
a person has an impact on the operation of the engine apparatus and speech
Respiratory gymnastics is simple, highly efficient and fits
For the treatment and prevention of many diseases. It practically does not require
costs and suitable for people of any age, which means practically
universal way of gaining health and longevity.