Beautiful Feng Shui figure


  • How to lose weight on the horoscope?
  • Tips on Feng Shui
  • Recipes on Feng Shui

  • The anclamp of the ancient China priority was given to the prevention of diseases. It is based on the understanding of the body as a whole, in which five types of energies interact are circulated and interact.

    Each person from birth is the main body, on whom his health depends and which is most vulnerable at a certain time of the year. And we are not talking about some particular body, but about the whole system, «knotted» On him. For example, to the spleen, Chinese medicine refers organ, muscles, fat tissue and mouth. The spleen turns into a nutrient mixture of products coming out of the stomach. And strictly ensures that each organ, each muscle obtained its necessary dose of nutrition.
    Beautiful Feng Shui figure
    And if it is in excellent condition, the food is well absorbed by the body, the muscles are elastic, fat deposits are minimal, and the skin of the face radiates health. People who have a spleen - the main element of the body are prone to overeating and to obesity. They have a weak stomach, flabby muscles, there are problems with the oral cavity and skin. And, as a rule, all diseases are exacerbated late in summer.

    How to lose weight on the horoscope?

    People born under «Earth» Signs, it is necessary to make focus on products containing calcium and protein. Therefore, an astrological diet for representatives «Earth» (Taurus, Capricorn and Virgin) should consist of products that contribute to the construction and strengthening of bones: milk, cheese, meat, vegetable proteins (abundant in crude rice and legumes).

    Air element is associated with the development of mental activity and balance of the functions of the nervous system. In connection with which a star diet for born under «air» Signs (twins, scales and aquarius) and should include food, stimulating the activity of the brain and nervous system: seafood, any food rich in vitamin in12, providing a beneficial effect on the nervous system (meat, soy products, Swiss cheese, pickles and marinades), as well as green shoots, celery, oranges, almonds.

    «Fire» Signs are responsible for stimulating metabolism and blood circulation system.

    Consequently, a horoscope diet for people whose element - fire (Aries, Lev and Sagittarius) must consist of food containing vitamin E, and useful to use germinated wheat, sunflower seeds, salmon, peanut butter, mushrooms, parsley, zucchini , asparagus, carrots, broccoli, avocado, spinach, turkey meat. People «Fires» Signs should be careful with eating food rich in cholesterol, as well as eggs, fats and ice cream - these products are clocked by arteries.

    The activity of digestive and excretory systems is in «Executive» Elements of water. So ASTBeautiful Feng Shui figureRological diet for representatives «Water» Signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Fish) are made up of lung, natural products that have a diuretic action and food with a high potassium content that promotes water removal from the body and reduces allergic reactions to products or substances flying in the air.

    The horoscope in this case should include the following products: strawberries, asparagus, musk melon, bananas, almonds, potatoes, sesame, sunflower seeds, tuna, radishes, celery, cucumbers, parsley, beans and oatmeal - possessing a diuretic action.

    Also, an astrological map gives information about the metabolic speed in people born under one way or another sign of the horoscope. Obviously, the astrological diet should also take into account these features of the body and consist of food that correspond to the horoscope.

    For example, the fiery signs burn food very quickly, since the rate of metabolism they have very high, and they need proteins to feed their excess energy.

    The refrigerator should stand in an inconspicuous corner or decorated decorated. It is useful to put some black statuette in the northern part of the kitchen.To. black - water color.

    Tips on Feng Shui

    • Divide the kitchen into two zones (you can use the screen). In the same zone - prepare food, in the other - eat.
    • Use ceramic dishes.
    • The kitchen table should be round, octagonal or oval, but not transparent. It will improve digestion and harmony in the family.
    • You need to eat in the following order: first cold snacks, then hot dishes, we are completed with the dessert. Drinking and alcohol allowed to drink for the whole time of the Kushan.
    • On the table must be present sipped seeds of oats, wheat, rye, as they have a lot of group vitamins in. The disadvantage in the body of vitamins of this group causes fat deposition near the internal organs and the water delay in the body;
    • Drink green tea (however, contraindicated people suffering from reduced pressure).
    • Dishes beautifully decorate and while taking food enjoy their beauty.

    Recipes on Feng Shui

    From obesity

    • Green Peas (Fresh) - 100 g, Sea Cabbage - 100 g. Water - 1 cup. Cook on low heat for 5 minutes. Eat ready-made portion 1 time per day. Course - 2 weeks.

    In case of violations of the function of the thyroid gland and the circulatory system

    • Sea cabbage - 200 g. Water - 1 cup. Cook for 5 minutes. Take 2 times a day on the freshly prepared portion. Course - 1 week.
    • Green beans - 60 g, Sea cabbage - 30 g, Rice - 30 g, Cinnamon - 6 g, Unrefined sugar - 60 g, Water - 1 cup. Cook on slow heat 7 minutes. Take one's day. Course - 2 weeks.

    For stimulation of the stomach

    • Potatoes in Mundire - 250 g, honey - 10 g. Boil potatoes, clean and smash. Mix with honey and take on an empty stomach in the morning. Course - 2 weeks.
    • Cabbage - 500 g, rice - 50 g, water - 1 cup. Boil the rice until ready, add cabbage and put out for 5 minutes. Divided into 2 servings, take in the morning and in the evening. Course - 2 weeks.

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