Leech in combating cellulite


    Eternal female problem – Cellulite - has many solutions. Someone in order to get rid of «Orange Corki», Recorded for massage, someone makes in the wrapping cabin or spending sessions in a spa capsule and an IR Cab… But for some reason, among the many proposed methods for the treatment of cellulite at all «Lost» Hirudotherapy (leech treatment). Meanwhile, experts consider it most effective in eliminating cellulite, especially «Late» and its most severe forms and stages.

    Scary cellulite

    Leech in combating celluliteThere are 4 cellulite stages:

    • 1 Stage: Minor edema, changes are visible only when pressed on the skin, in a fold.
    • 2 Stage: More lesion area, view "Orange Corki", Clamps are visible, when pressed on the skin - Fabric seal.
    • 3 Stage: More gross violations, numerous subcutaneous nodules, swelling and numerous depressions, the connecting tissue in the form of cells. In the third stage, cellulite is heavier because of the formation of the same connective tissue, which is attached to the fascia one side, and the other to the skin. It is also very difficult to lose weight at this stage of cellulite, since even with the most optimal diet will lose everything except the parts of the body blocked by cellulite.
    • 4 Stage (heavy cellulite): numerous large nodes, depressures, plots of hardening, swelling, pain in touching, the skin is cold and has a blue shade.

    Their saliva splits fat and restores blood circulation

    Leech in combating celluliteThe whole secret is that in saliva leeches contain biologically active substances – Enzymes. All of them are about a hundred, but in the framework of the treatment of cellulite, hyaluronidase and lipase are the most important of them. They are the main treatment.

    Haluronidase – This is an enzyme contributing to the splitting of the main substance of the connective tissue and the penetration of other biologically active substances into the human body. «Resolution» The effect of hyaluronidase is very significant in the treatment of diseases accompanied by scar and adhesive processes. And Lipasa splits fat, which does not need additional explanations.

    Due to the presence of other biologically active substances in the saliva of leech, microcirculation in tissues is improved, edema and stagnation are eliminated.

    High efficiency of hirudotherapy for cellulite is explained by another moment. The fact is that treatment with leeches leads to the restoration of capillary blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

    So, the substances contained in the salivation of leeches contribute to the splitting of fats, their conclusion from the body naturally and reduce cholesterol levels. Such an effect leads to a decrease in volume and smoothing «Orange Corki».

    It is known that the occurrence of cellulite is also associated with a violation of the hormonal balance in the body. With the help of a certain formulation of leeches, it can be adjusted and normalized. In addition to all these properties, leeches increase immunity, which, of course, is favorable for health as a whole.

    But do not rush to acquire leeches and put them on yourself «Problem» zones alone – The result is not received! To achieve effect, you need to contact a specialist. After all, as with other diseases, the approach to solving the problem of cellulite should be professional and complex.

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