Very often, when contracting brush hands are carried out surgical intervention. In what cases is the operation? What are the features of the postoperative period? Answers to these questions you will find in this article.
The abnormality of the palm, in which the ring finger, and often neighboring, is constantly attracted to the palm, causes a lot of inconvenience, especially when the mobility is required. This is a disease that often affects only one hand, not only reduces ability to work, but also spoils appearance and is often heavily experienced in moral terms.
Nobody knows exactly what this strange disease is called, first described by the Baron Guide Dupu-Iraten in 1832. It was originally believed that it was linked to the permanent professional injury in the workers engaged in manual labor, but now this idea is refuted. Dupuytren's contracture meets in men twice as much as women, and mainly in people of European origin. Among youth disease is rare, but it becomes more and more common with age. When it is striking young, then rapidly progresses to a very serious degree. It seems likely that the disease has a genetic basis, but other factors also seem important. Disease is common in people with long-lasting breast diseases, like tuberculosis. Contracture Dupuitren also often suffer from epileptics and chronic alcoholics, especially with liver cirrhosis.
Immediately under the palm there is a triangular fibrous plate, called palm aponeurosis. He covers palm tendons while holding them in place and not giving them away from the palm when the fingers bend. Contracture Dupuitren comes from thickening and reduce the aponeurosis or its part. The disease initially manifests itself in the form of a thick note or a short rope on the palm under the base of the nameless finger. A fibrous cloth is formed between aponeurosis and leather, such a tissue of aponeurosis. This fibrous fabric slowly expands and is compacted, and over time, the ring finger loses the ability to completely blend. With the development of the disease, the little finger is often affected. Dupuytren's contracture usually affects these two fingers, but sometimes spreads wide.
In severe cases, the contractures are also applied to the finger joints capsules that become fixed. In such cases, the contracture is irreversible, and for treatment may require a finger amputation.
The purpose of the operation is to cut fibrous bonds between aponeurosis and other tissues and thereby weaken the reduction. Then finger forever returns normal mobility.
If the problem affects some finger and the abbreviated bunch of localized, it is sometimes possible to free the finger, just cutting the bundle under the skin. But if the aponeurosis is wider and especially if it does not bend more than one finger, the surgeon can decide to remove all aponeurosis.

First, the bus is superimposed on the brush, which holds it straight and opened, so it is almost impossible to use it. Immediately after the operation, physiotherapy is carried out.
It can delay departure from the hospital for several days, although you can go through the exchange rate in daily mode. Physiotherapy may be critically important to maintain palm mobility.
The removal of the entire palm aponeurosis usually gives an excellent result compared to a preoperative condition: the cure is usually stable, but the full mobility of the palm depends on the success of extensive physiotherapy. Side Effects almost never happening, although the tendon-compressor of middle fingers can curb forward.
Physiotherapy is necessary to prevent the formation of adhesions that may interfere with the full flexion and extension of the hand. Palm aponeurosis does not have a significant impact on the normal functioning of the brush. His absence can cause some small disorders, but they are incompatible with the effect of strong Contracture Dupyutrene.