Homeopathy: «per» and «against»


Who helps

— The basic principle of homeopathic treatment — Individual approach. Homeopathy treats a patient, not a disease, — Says Olga Smirnova. — Determined «Medicinal type» The patient and the appropriate female therapeutic drug, the homeopath takes into account all: human growth, weight, eye color, hair, psychological features, temperament, response to illness, stress, heat and cold, heredity, predisposition to certain diseases, metabolism.

According to Curdnova, recently the approach to the diagnosis and treatment in homeopathy has changed somewhat, as the person himself has changed, his hormonal background, immunity. Choosing the tactics of treatment, one medicinal name modern homeopaths do not limit their choice, step by step picking up a suitable drug.

Until they fall into the goal. The benefit of side effects in homeopathic medicines. If necessary, doctors homeopaths resort to special computer programs that choose exactly the medicine that most corresponds to «medicinal constitution» of a person.

When not effective

Homeopathy: & laquo; for & raquo; and & laquo; against & raquo; According to Olga Smirnova, homeopathy treats chronic diseases well: some options for hypertension, adenoids, neuritis, dysfunction, asthma, ulcerative disease. As well as such acute states like influenza, angina, gynecological exacerbations, sinusitis, prostatitis. Ensure harmless homeopathy for the treatment of pregnant women sensitive to traditional chemistry.

In the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment, alopathies were also convinced (generals of broad practice). Many followers of the hippocrata realized: properly chosen homeopathic preparations enhance the effect of traditional chemical drugs. As a secreting, prophylactic and cleaning agent, homeopathy is currently used in many medical institutions and even in the resuscitation branches of some hospitals.

And yet do not forget that homeopathy is not omnipotent. Our consultant does not hide: it will not cure cancer, will not stop the pneumonia, does not dissipate appendicitis. But stabilize the acute state, reduce the number of attacks and withdraw the disease in a long-term remission will definitely.

How valid

Specialists on this question are responding quite definitely: the healing properties of homeopathic drugs gives a special way to prepare, during which the starting material in a strictly defined sequence is divorced and shaken. The more medicine divorces, the less doses of the drug, the easier it is transferred to the patient and the stronger his therapeutic effects. Even in the case when there is no source molecule in the resulting solution.

Such a medicine is no longer on the chemical, but at the information level, where as a carrier healing for the body of the information is… Water molecules capable of shaking «remember» and «save» In memory Molecular structure of repeatedly dissolved substance.

In addition to the water and alcohol solution, the best carrier of molecular information is considered to be soaked with a ready-made milk sugar. Gomepathic balls are obtained. Today, the choice of dosage forms in homeopathy has significantly expanded.

In addition to the usual balls and drops (which are taken in a strictly defined time and in a strictly defined sequence), more universal in their actions and use of homeopathic tablets, candles, ointments, ampoules, sprays, lollipops that contain in themselves, and immediately Several homeopathic medicines.

Is it not dangerous

In homeopathy medicine can be anything. Among the past hundreds, thousandth breeding in aqueous or alcohol solution of substances are components, which are called poison in everyday life: arsenic, mercury, phosphorus, animal excrement, ink Caracatians, poison rattling snake.

Homeopathy: & laquo; for & raquo; and & laquo; against & raquo; Is it not dangerous? Most of all the concerns and questions for those who first appealed to homeopaths, causes the classic principle of homeopathic treatment through exacerbation. Olga Cammirnova assures: these fears are absolutely in vain. For doctor-homeopath exacerbation — a kind of lactium paper, the signal is the fact that the medicine is selected true and the patient's body began to fight a poor. After all, the goal of homeopathy is just to intensify, increase the protective forces of the organism itself, strengthen its immune system, to identify those sores that a person did not suspect.

In order to accelerate the process, some patients are arranged by the shock therapy. As a catalyst, doctors use Sulfur — Universal homeopathic preparation, causing a short-term exacerbation of one, or even several diseases at once, after which improves improve.

For safety, unwanted consequences of treatment, the doctor can remove nucleomvomics and caboy — Universal antidotees blocking the effect of a drug. Or register particularly sensitive patients practically does not cause aggravation complex — Homeopathic recent generation medicine made up immediately of several medicinal substances. Which is especially important if we are talking about the treatment of weak people, children and old people.

With hormones, antibiotics, psychotropic drugs, homoecathic drugs are not combined.

Incompatible their use with sharp seasonings, coffee, alcohol. These «Aggressive» Products Neutralize the action of homeopathic drugs.

Memo for readers

  • Homeopathic preparations should be taken over 30–40 minutes before or after eating.
  • Tablets, grains need to be dissolved under the tongue. When taking droplets on an incomplete tablespoon of water, add the number of droplets assigned to the doctor (homeopathic preparation does not have taste, colors, odor).
  • If several drugs are simultaneously prescribed, they can be applied alternately after each other or with an interval of 1–2 hours.
  • Before use, the liquid homeopathic preparation must be shaken (at least 5 times).
  • During treatment it is necessary to eliminate or abruptly limit the use of coffee, garlic, carbonated and alcoholic beverages.
  • Homeopathic preparation should be protected from light, strong smells, microwave emissions (TV, microwave) and children.
  • During homeopathic treatment, a fluid intake should be increased by 1–1.5 liters. Better, if it is green tea or roshovnik.
  • Remember that homeopathic medicines do not have contraindications and side effects, and also do not have restrictions of doses associated with age or the duration of treatment.

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