The method of cleansing the intestines, which yoga uses the Millennies - Shankhalana Shank. All you need isoles water, simple exercises and some time
Proper intestinal cleansing, consider in India, — This is Shankhala's Shank, removing all the products of life from the gastrointestinal tract. Is it difficult to do it? Does special preparation need? Is it harmful to use the eastern agent to purify the intestine Europeans?
The essence of the method
Shank Prakshalana — It is washing the intestines of salt water. In order for water to be not in the bladder, and in the intestine, a certain sequence of simple exercises from the yogic arsenal is performed. Exercises help open usually closed gastric sphincters.
To prepare for the procedure, it is desirable a few days before it goes to a strictly vegan diet (abandon all animal products), but on the eve of to make an enema.
In the morning, the execution of the complex (better, if it is hours from 7 to 9 am, and the day — Output) It is necessary to prepare three liters of warm water, saline from the calculation one teaspoon of salt per liter. Drinking one glass of water, you must immediately start exercises. Having spent the whole circle, drink a glass of water again — and make exercises again. The cycle is repeated until the defecation call appears. You need to finish the cycle when it starts to go out from the rectum, which you drink. After the procedure is completed, drink a couple of glasses of pure unsalted water, call vomiting (it is performed to close the open valve), and smoothly after half an hour, eat several tablespoons of well-boiled white rice without salt. Rice will absorb excess salt and without harm to the body will withdraw it. This is the correct intestinal cleansing.
Read more about exercises
Water should be drinking in the eagle pose or, simply, — Sitting squatting. Then rise and proceed to the exercises.
Exercises are performed in a strict sequence, one smoothly flows into another.
Tadasana. Start straight, legs on a width of 15 centimeters from each other, knees, hips, buttocks strentered, stomach is drawn. Pull the spine, neck straight. Straight hands raised above their heads. On the breath, climb the socks, trying to pull up the whole body. Out of breath. | |
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Tiryaka Tadasana. From Tadasana, standing on the full foot, lean alternately to the right and left, following the body always in the same plane. It is necessary to be stuck only in the waist — 12 slopes in each direction. |
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Kati-Chakrasana. From the position standing straight, legs on the width of the shoulders, pull the left hand forward parallel to the floor, right bend so that it touches the left clavicle (the hand is the same as the left, parallel to the floor). Turn to the left, trying to take out the elongated hand as far as possible back. Looking for the fingertips of the left hand. The lower part of the body should remain a real estate — Turns are made only by the waist. Turning to its original position, change your hands and immediately start turning to the right. Need to do 12 times in each direction. |
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Tiryaka-Bhudzhangasana. Lie on the floor on the stomach, legs are divorced by 30 centimeters. Raise the body, relying only on the fingers of the legs and straight hands (hands perpendicular to the floor). Perform a rotation to the right with the body, shoulders and head until you see the left heel. Part of the body below the waist is stationary. Perform a turn to the other side. Again 12 turns in each direction. |
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Boot-Karschanasana. Starting position on the knees. Left knee lower to the floor, while at the same time turning the body as stronger to the right. Right knee at the same time vertically. Palm pushe right knee left to put it on the left side of the abdomen. Returning to its original position, repeat the same thing in the other way. Make 12 twists in each direction. IMPORTANT: you need to start an exercise with turning right. For previous exercises, it does not matter from which side to start. |
Video with the equipment of the entire set of exercises Shank Prakshalana.
Basic Rules and Precautions
Although Shank Prakshalana — Universal means for cleansing the intestine, suitable for all, you need to follow my well-being. If you are extremely unpleasant to drink salt water, or the fulfillment of the complex causes you a negative, or at the time of execution appears to vomiting — Stopping. Nothing of the yogic practice can not be performed through resistance.
Contraindications — Any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage. Of course, any diseases in which you feel not very good, too, should be obstacles to Shang Praclalan.
For the best effect, the procedure is worth spending once a week for beginners, and once every two weeks for those who have already made four to five procedures.
If, after you drank all the prepared water, there was no defecation, make a new portion of water and continue the exercises before the right effect.
After the Shankhala's Shank, the skin is cleared, immunity is strengthened, constipation, meteorism, abdominal pain. Shang Prazalalan — This is the prevention of allergies, insomnia, dermatitis, ulcers, colitis and even cancer.