White Birch - a real healer


    Birch buds

    White Birch - a real healerSpring well gather birch kidneys, and then young leaves. Birch kidneys are better to collect in April, when they are already swollen, but have not yet tried to grow.

    Birch kidneys contain essential oil, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, resins, tannins, bitterness, grape sugar. They are used in diseases of respiratory organs (laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis) as an antiseptic and expectorant. Birch kidneys are used as an anti-inflammatory agent, adding into hygienic baths or using in the form of a rim and dressings for small wounds and industrial injuries of soft tissues, as well as during breakdowns, chronic purulent wounds, trophic ulcers and long non-healing wounds.

    From birch kidneys you can cook infusion that will help to establish the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, it is useful for skin diseases, edema caused by renal or heart failure. To do this, you need to take 1 st. spoonful of kidneys, pour them 250 ml of cold water and insist on a water bath for 20-30 minutes, and then cool and strain. Take the infusion of 1 st. spoon 4-6 times a day.

    At home, you can cook tincture of birch kidney. It will help in spastic states of the stomach, when overwork and insomnia, will facilitate the course of the menopacteric period. To do this, pour 15-20 g of birch kidney 0.5 liters of alcohol, insist and take 15-20 drops every day 2-3 times a day. This tincture can be used externally for rubbing and compresses on joints during arthritis and rheumatism.

    Water infusion of birch kidney is used as a controversial agent. 1 Art. A spoonful of dry kidneys is poured with a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, filter and take 30-50 g every hour.

    Birch leaves

    Birch leaves are collected during the period of bootonization and blossoms in dry weather, breaking them with their hands. Value represent only developed roasting and stem leaves. Furious, fading, embraced by insects or mushrooms affected by the leaves cannot be assembled - a full-fledged medicine from them will not work.

    The peak of collecting birch leaves falls on the summer. However, they are collected in September. And the May leaves will be especially useful to those who are bothering neurasthenia and atherosclerosis. In the leaves of birch, vitamins C, carotene, tanning substances, essential oil, flavonoids, resinous substances, alcohols, saponins, sugar and substances containing phytoncides were found.

    Phytopreparations of birch leaves have a blood purified, diuretic, choleretic, campphic, disinfectant and antiseptic effect, as well as antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. They affect Giardia, helminths and trichomonas. In addition, birch leaves are used for numerous metabolic disorders.

    Birch leaves are able to kill microbes in 2-3 hours. It is no coincidence that the infusion of them serves as an indispensable preventive and therapeutic agent at a cold. Especially important is the reception of informants and bravery from birch leaves in the spring-autumn period for the prevention of rheumatism and gout.

    Birch leaves are beneficial on the nervous system, especially the decoction, which is preparing like this: 2 st. Spoons of fresh crushed birch leaves pour 500 ml of water and boil 20 minutes, then add a drinking soda on the tip and take this decoction during a few sips.

    A great diuretic is an infusion prepared by the following recipe. 50 g of fresh birch leaves poured 500 ml of boiling water, insist in a warm place for 5-6 hours and filter. Take 150 ml 3 times a day.

    Under edema, it is recommended to drink tea from birch leaves. 2 C. Spoons (with top) of birch leaves poured 250 ml of boiling water and insist 10 minutes, drowning heat. Tea need to drink warm, drinking up to 3 glasses per day. After the ease of edema, tea reception can be stopped.

    Infusions and extracts from birch leaves are used as choleretic and antimicrobial means for various liver diseases. In this case, pain, nausea, vomiting is reduced or disappeared, the general condition is improved, the liver dimensions are reduced, the urine and bort waste increases. Caution in the use of them is necessary for people suffering from jade (especially in acute form), and pregnant women.

    Birch juice

    In the old days, birch juice drank from consumed, used as an outdoor agent for ulcers, washed bleeding and wounded wounds. The characteristics were advised to start disappeared by the patients with birch juice at Maxim (May 11) - on this day he was considered the most healing. Birch juice used in Qing and jaundice. It was added to the milk, which was given to drinking small children in teething.

    Treatment of birch

    White Birch - a real healerBath with decoction of birch leaves. Fresh birch leaves brew and add to the bath for rheumatism.

    Compress. Birch leaves, well softened and stolen, used as compresses to reduce pain in the joints. They are put on the sore place, make a tissue bandage from above and covered with film. The duration of the procedure is 2-4 hours. Also helps with radiculitis.

    Dry bath. Put in a deep barrel of fresh birch leaves. Then, to warm the leaves, cover the barrel with something. The patient fell into the leaves on the belt or on the neck and sits there for an hour. Efficient remedy for polyarthritis, articular rheumatism.

    Therapeutic procedures for rheumatics. With unsuccessful treatment of rheumatism with edema and hardening in the joints by many means, you can cure in another way. If rheumatism in the legs, you should sew huge pants with stitched pants, fill these pants with birch leaves. In the evening, before bedtime, insert the legs of the patient in these pants with such a calculation to make a rather thick layer of leaves facilitated the surface of the legs and hips on all sides. Foot will sweat very much. At midnight, leaves should be changed if they are too wet. Several similar procedures - and comes full cure.

    Birch kidney ointment. It is considered one of the strongest and effective treatments for rheumatism. This ointment is used for rubbing sick places in rheumatists, not excluding rheumatism and hereditary. Ointment is prepared as follows: 800 g of fresh cow oil plays into the clay pot together with birch kidney layers: layer of oil 1.5 cm thick alternate with a layer of kidney as thickness until the pot is almost complete.

    Then the pot close the lid, smeared it with the dough and put on a day in the oven. Then squeeze the oil from the kidneys and add 8 g of camphor unwound into powder. Keep this ointment tightly closed in the refrigerator. Rub sick places at least once a day, better in the evening, before bedtime.

    Banya With birch broom. Ishias is a very cruel disease, especially in his chronic stage. Siberian characteristics used a very uncomplicated means for the treatment of Ishias. The patient should go twice a week, and at the beginning of treatment in a day, in a Russian or Finnish bath and soar a broken place very much. Disclaimers recommend birch brooms.

    In Belarus and other places in winter, not only the leaves and kidneys are used in winter for the preparation of birch infuses and decoctions, but also finely chopped birch branches.

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