Buckwheat diet

Summer is already on the threshold, I already want to be on the beach, and the figure is still so far from perfection... What to do? Need some efficient and fast weight loss. Such a diet exists - buckwheat. It is designed for one week, but the most persistent ladies are kept up to two weeks.

Buckwheat diet
Summer is already on the threshold, I already want to be on the beach, and the figure is still so far from perfection... What to do? Need some efficient and fast weight loss. And at the same time I do not want to syntify our own organism with unthinkable loads or extreme products. So, we want to lose weight, while remaining vigorous and cheerful. That is, we need a diet that will help effectively reduce the weight and not starve at the same time.

Such a diet exists - buckwheat. It is designed for one week, but the most persistent ladies are kept up to two weeks. It is about her that we will talk to our site.

Foods for a buckwheat diet

One glass of buckwheat cereals fill with two glasses of boiling water and leave to benty for the night
The essence is simple: we take one glass of non-crushed buckwheat cereals, fill with two glasses of boiling water and leave it for the night. In the morning we eat only buckwheat, drinking it with 1% kefir. Solit, Slee and add oil to buckwheat. Eat at once «how much robets» - Capleful buckwheat has so specific taste that you can hardly eat more than 10 spoons at a time. Kefir should be fresh and not sweet. On the first day, a buckwheat diet will be enough enough of a glass of brewed buckwheat (that is, two glasses of the finished product). But if you feel that you can eat more, to other days you brew more cereals (the proportion is the same: 1 part of buckwheat, two parts of the water). But with any amount of buckwheat, you can drink no more than 1 liter kefir per day. Those who do not think their morning without a cup of coffee, you can not refuse yourself in this pleasure, only coffee should be weak and without sugar. The same can be said to lover of tea. At the time of seating on a buckwheat diet better go to green tea. If it is very difficult to eat one buckwheat, you can make a relaxation in the form of one or two apples or oranges per day. In principle, you can eat any fruits except bananas and grapes. It all depends on the number of fruit eaten, if you eat too much, then you just can not return to the harsh buckwheat diet. When it becomes completely non-darling all the time to eat unsalted buckwheat porridge, you can twist it with soy sauce. Only the sauce should be low-calorie and without salt. During the buckwheat, as during the majority of other diets, it is extremely not desirable to eat after 6 pm. But if it is difficult for you to follow this rule, leave half a cup of kefir for the evening, throw water to full and drink it before bedtime.

What happens to the body during a buckwheat diet?

If during a buckwheat diet wants sweet, spread a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water and drink
Let's start with the fact that buckwheat cereals are very useful, it contains such trace elements like iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium. In addition, buckwheat strengthens the walls of the vessels. In addition, contained in buckwheat vitamin B increases the resistance of the body to stress and improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

The negative side of the buckwheat diet is that you will not get no salt, nor sugar. Therefore, this diet should be used with caution to people who have diabetes and / or hypertensive disease. Silver buckwheat displays slags and excess water. Due to the fact that the body does not receive salt, headaches are periodically possible, and this can provoke a drop in blood pressure. While we sit on a buckwheat diet, we expect our body and sugar. And sugar is glucose that is so necessary for the brain for efficient work. Therefore, during a buckwheat diet you can feel that the head began to figure it out worse and madly like sweet. There is a way out: Ride a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water and drink this «drink». Do not be afraid, all glucose will get a brain, and not deposit on the hips.

While you will have only buckwheat and drink a kefirchik, the body will have to let your reserves in turnover - burn fat to ensure the body with the missing nutrients. As a result, the metabolism and fat burning will be accelerated quickly and easily.

Buckwheat diet is over?

After the end of the diet, it is not all delicious - again gain lost kilograms
During the week «Sitting» On a buckwheat diet, you dropped a few kilograms, and now you have to return to the usual diet. Do it need gradually. First, it should be obvious that throwing a diet and start unrestrained everything - it means to immediately find lost kilograms. And secondly, our site would like to save lovers to eat (especially, mayonnaise and roasted) from getting a stomach disorder. So, in the morning of the first day after a buckwheat diet, you can eat boiled egg and sweet tea. You hardly want to eat more, because during the diet the stomach slightly decrease in size, and you will be saturated much faster. The first few days after the end of the buckwheat diet can limit themselves with 600 calories per day. Next, not to gain weight again, for 10-15 days, follow the rate of 1500 calories per day. Simply put, there is everything possible, just at the same time count the calorie content of products. So you will secure the result and at the same time you can eat something delicious, which you lacked so much during a diet.

If you want to further discharge weight, reduce the amount of calories up to 1100 per day. Buckwheat diet can be repeated in a month, not earlier. This is necessary in order for the body to recover from stress and could function without prejudice to health.

In principle, it is not difficult to transfer such a diet, buckwheat is very nutritious and the exhausting feeling of hunger you do not feel. It will be difficult then when it will be necessary to restrain myself in order not to gain weight again. Therefore, stocking table of caloric content of products (they are on many sites dedicated to a healthy lifestyle) and twist in small portions constantly considering eaten calories. Good luck!

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