How to speed up metabolism

The metabolism of each person is different. One for weight loss is not necessary to make great efforts, others - in no way can lose weight, even observing the strictest diets. Reducing calorie diet, we are trying to force the body to burn fat stocks, and we achieve the opposite result. So that this does not happen need to know how to speed up the metabolism.

Metabolism, or metabolism, each person is different. One for weight loss is not necessary to make great efforts, others - in no way can lose weight, even observing the strictest diets, and for third Weight set - A huge problem. Our site will open secrets of metabolic acceleration.

Almost every woman had a situation - even the most strict diet gave a weak or zero result at all. All because reducing the caloric content of the diet, we are trying to force the body to burn fat stocks, and we achieve the opposite result. Frightened organism thinks that ahead is a hunger strike and carefully protects «stacks» Grease. Alternatively, he starts «eaten» Muscular protein. So where the weakness comes from during the diet and the fastener of the body at its end. Not what we dreamed of - fat in place, well-being on zero. So that this does not happen need to know how to properly accelerate metabolism.


How to speed up metabolism
The speed of metabolism depends on heredity, lifestyle and age. It goes without saying that the programmer and athlete The rate of metabolism Varides significantly. As a rule, with age, the metabolism gradually slows down.

Our body has only one source of energy - food. Remember the saying - «We are what we eat». All food The body divides into three categories - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteins are bricks, they need to grow cells, hair, nails, muscles. Carbohydrates and fats - full energy sources. Moreover, fats more «Energy efficient», and carbohydrates make it easier to recycle. That is why with equal admission to the body of fats and carbohydrates, he «Food» carbohydrates, and fats are lazy to recycle and deposit about the supply. Refuse to consume carbohydrates, and he will not have a choice - fats will go. But fats are also different. Animal fats are contained in meat, bird, milk and oil. The second group of fats is contained in olive oil. And the third, the most important to accelerate metabolism - in fish and vegetable oil. If you are consciously (for the time of weight loss, naturally) refused to eat carbohydrates, they need to be replaced by polyunsaturated fatty acids - seafood, fish, vegetable oil.

Many ladies simply can't live without sweet. It is understandable, a long-term habit works «pamper» yourself sweet, besides carbohydrates - beautiful «Food for the brain». In this case, try not to eat those products in which there are also fats, and carbohydrates. Why - we have already spoken at the beginning of the article. That is, forget about ice cream, cakes, chocolate candies. Believe me, after a couple of weeks «Abstinence» thrust for forbidden sweets strongly weaken. Without carbohydrates, the body will also not be able for a long time, moreover, it threatens serious diseases. But, if you want to speed up metabolism, try to be in the diet to be no more than 30%.

Right and speed up the metabolism

How to properly make a diet:

  • To begin with, no strict diets, a sharp decline in the caloric of the daytime menu - do not frighten your metabolism. Do everything gradually, otherwise the result will not be;
  • No inclusion! Yes, it is better to eat two or three small portions during the day (if there is no strength to endure, you can eat fruit) than the same portions eat five or six times a day. If it is difficult for you to withstand long intervals between meals, make a portion less, but eat more often;
  • Learn to combine products. Fats plus carbohydrates - under the ban (potato or pasta with a cutlet). Fats with proteins - please (chicken breast with cottage cheese) or carbohydrates with proteins (vegetable salad with omelette).

Do not do without exercise

How to speed up metabolism
One of the losing weight errors is the hope of the existence of a pill that will allow you to lose weight without getting up from the sofa. In the coming years, the appearance of such a miracle is not foreseen, so let's try to understand why we need exercise. Get rid of hated fat reserves, only charging will help us. And not simple aerobics or Callanetic. And special - with weights. Fully refuse aerobic loads. But in the case of slimming, it is powerful training.

In our case, there will be a complex of exercises with dumbbells. They stimulate the growth of muscle mass, namely muscles fat and burn. And do not think you are pumping! Stupidity. It is under such loads that the body becomes hardly burning fat reserves not only during, but even at the end of the training! Again these classes are not lifelong. For ladies with medium metabolism, there are enough couple-triple months, a maximum of six months.

If you are trying to get rid of fat deposits on legs and hips - more go! Yes, the usual slightly accelerated walking, perfectly burns fat - the muscles of the legs are working on full. Forget about minibuses and elevator - to work on foot, in the evening a long walk, not necessarily a run!

So to speed up metabolism and lose weight, you must:

  • spend more energy than consumed;
  • reduce carbohydrate consumption, and animal fats replace fish and vegetable oil;
  • reduce calorie diet gradually;
  • Be sure to deal «Right» Sports.

Not so difficult - this is not a total hunger strike and not marathons in the morning. Everything in moderation, everything is correct and most importantly regularly, and after a couple of months your metabolism will noticeably accelerate.

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