Japanese diet - Lose weight in 13 days

Around the Japanese diet, rumors are constantly walking: it came up with a certain Japanese slimming clinic, whether Japanese girls in trying to become still slimmer and more beautiful. Whatever it was, this diet has become popular all over the world, as a means quickly and relatively simply return the waist in place before leasing or an important event.

Japanese diet how to lose weight in 13 days
Around the Japanese diet, rumors are constantly walking: it came up with a certain Japanese slimming clinic, whether Japanese girls in trying to become still slimmer and more beautiful. Whatever it was, this diet has become popular all over the world, as a means quickly and relatively simply return the waist in place before leasing or an important event.

With the help of a Japanese diet you can noticeably lose weight (weight loss up to 8 kg). Itself «Japanese» continues exactly 13 days. but «enter» in diet and, respectively, «exit» smoothly. Nothing good will lead to a grocery Russian feast on the eve of diet and the same «a party» In honor of returning from a diet to a shared table.

Prepare yourself for a diet

Tune in to what you will be beautiful, slender and lungs after 13 days and on the eve of dinner easily. For example, dare to yourself a small portion (150 grams) of wild or crude rice and prepare a portion of about 100-150 grams of light vegetable salad from radish, cucumbers and Beijing cabbage or cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet peppers. Salad season a drip of vinegar, a droplet of olive oil and try to do without salt. If you can't at all without salt, our site recommends that at least reduce its number, in the end, the evening of the diet - not the diet itself.

Exactly acts such a technique as Chinese chopsticks. Buy Chinese sticks in advance and try to eat with them. Such a trifle as Chinese sticks, already begins to act a beneficial effect on your consciousness, and you penetrate the importance of the upcoming diet. Perhaps already taking sticks in hand, you will feel like a light bird.

Restrictions and conditions of the Japanese diet

So that the body does not exhaust from thirst and did not be dehydrated during Japanese and any other diet - drink water
The main condition of the Japanese diet: Starting, do not depart from it, do not change the number of products nor the products themselves, no matter how fully the replacement. The Japanese short-term diet is aimed at changing metabolism, and all the components are carefully chosen in it.

For almost two weeks, we do not use:

  1. Salt. She delays excess liquid.
  2. Sugar. Most often it is he who causes folds and excessive roundedness of barrels.
  3. Bread. First of all, from the white flour of the highest grade, and in general, all the flour, except for the specified products.
  4. Alcohol. Even 100 grams of wine ride all your efforts: Alcohol changes the metabolism for the worse, prevents the removal of toxins.

So that the body does not exhaust from thirst and did not be dehydrated during Japanese and any other diet - drink water. Mineral (necessarily dining room, and not therapeutic), boiled or filtered by a pitched type. Do not drain yourself, one and a half liters of fluid per day is not a feat, but the necessary dose of your body.

Knowing that many future and nursing moms are concerned about their own overweight, I want to warn: do not hurry! Your body is now doing a big job, so set aside the diet until the moment when you stop feeding the baby breasts. I advise everyone else to take Polyvitamins, First of all aimed at improving skin, hair and nails.

First day of the Japanese diet

For your health and use of coffee should be natural
Breakfast: Coffee Cup

Most often, many young girls skip breakfast: just do not want. «Japanese» It is designed just for it, so for breakfast - a cup of black coffee. Sugarless. I understand it is difficult, but we refuse Sugar.

For your health and use of coffee should be natural: scientists argue that it contains antioxidants. Soluble «coffee», If you can call it so, in no case do not drink (by the way, it is not only diets touches). It is not necessary to make it too strong - make a cup of beloved aromatic coffee as you like, this is a wonderful beginning of the day.

Lunch: Vegetables and eggs

When the appetite has already woke up, and the time is approaching dinner, it's time to eat. Boil two eggs for lunch, cook salad: Fresh, and better than a slightly boiled cabbage (white or pecijing) with olive oil. I want to note that such a salad you can eat how much your soul your own: it is reflected in the figure exclusively positive! And olive oil is very useful for the whole body.

Do not dine hard, with pleasure. If conveniently, use Chinese chopsticks to maintain «Japanese» Setting. After lunch, drink a glass of tomato juice without salt, excellent if this juice freshly.

Think of good, about how you are slight, beautiful and young - do not forget about food for the soul and compress yourself for a useful undertaking.

Dinner: Fish

For dinner, make a portion of fish
For dinner, prepare a portion of the fish (200-250 grams): it can be almost any fish that you like. You can boil a piece of fish in water or a double boiler, as well as fry - in this case, use a frying pan with a non-stick coating and quite a bit of olive oil.

Congratulations, the first day of the diet is completed! You have 12 days left and a couple more days to exit a diet.

The following text print and hang in a prominent place as a memo on all the days of the Japanese diet.

Menu on all days of a Japanese diet

Main Salad of Japanese Diet: Cut the beautiful long stripes. Crude or slightly boiled white-baked or Beijing cabbage, add a little olive or sesame oil into a salad bowl, mix
Day 1

Breakfast: Cup of black coffee.

Lunch: 2 Eggs Screw, large salad portion, tomato juice glass.

Main Salad Japanese Diet:

Cut with beautiful long stripes raw or slightly boiled white or Beijing cabbage, add a little olive or sesame oil into a salad bowl, mix.

Dinner: Fried on Olive Oil or Boiled Fish, 200-250 grams

Tip of the day: Prepare dietary food with joy, eat slowly.

Day 2

Breakfast: Black Coffee, One Sukharik from Rye Bread or Bread With Bran.

Lunch: Fish fried or boiled, fresh vegetable salad (cucumbers, radishes, radish Daikon, greens, tomatoes - optional), cabbage with vegetable oil.

Dinner: 100 grams of boiled beef, cup of kefir.

Tip: Do not forget, diet is not a self-keeping, but in some sense the self-plating process. You watch for yourself and get better!

Day 3

Breakfast: Black Coffee, Sukharik.

Lunch: 1 large zucchini fried slices in vegetable oil. Olive or sesame only improve taste!

Dinner: 2 Eggs Screw, 200 grams of boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with olive oil.

Tip: If at your disposal it turned out not only sunflower, but also olive, corn and sesame oil, do not deny yourself in the diversity of tastes.

Day 4

Breakfast: Black Coffee.

Lunch: 1 raw egg, 3 large boiled carrots with vegetable oil, 15 grams of solid cheese. You can eat two carrots just like that, and one cut into thin stripes, mix together with grated cheese and pour olive oil.

Dinner: Almost any fruit, except for a banana and grapes (they are too sweet). Tip: Whatever the fruits, it is not necessary to eat half a slide at once - do not stretch the stomach. Better divide fruit for two meals.

Day 5

Breakfast: raw carrots with lemon juice. You can graze it, cut or half a carrot eat just so!

Lunch: Fried or boiled fish, Tomato juice glass.

Dinner: Fruits, except banana and grapes

Day 6

Breakfast: Black Coffee.

Lunch: Half a small boiled chicken chicken and fat, fresh cabbage salad or carrots.

Dinner: 2 Eggs Screw, about 200 grams of raw carrots mixed with vegetable oil.

Day 7

Breakfast: green or herbal tea without sugar.

Lunch: 200 grams of boiled beef, some fruit.

Dinner: any of the options for dinner over the past week of a Japanese diet, excluding the option offered for dinner of the third day.

Day 8

Breakfast: Black Coffee.

Lunch: Half a small boiled chicken chicken and fat, fresh cabbage salad or carrots.

Dinner: 2 Eggs Screw, about 200 grams of raw carrots mixed with vegetable oil.

We passed the middle of the Japanese diet, and now the menu will be repeated.

Day 9

Breakfast: raw carrots with lemon juice.

Lunch: a piece of large fish (about 250-300 grams), fried or boiled, a glass of tomato juice.

Dinner: fruit.

Day 10

Breakfast: Black Coffee.

Lunch: 1 raw egg, 3 large boiled carrots with olive oil, 15 grams of solid cheese.

Dinner: Fruits, except banana and grapes

Day 11

Breakfast: Black Coffee, Sukharik.

Lunch: 1 large zucchini fried slices in vegetable oil.

Dinner: 2 Eggs Screw, 200 grams of boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with olive oil.

Day 12

Breakfast: Black Coffee, Sukharik

Lunch: Fish fried or boiled, vegetable salad, cabbage with olive oil.

Dinner: 100 grams of boiled beef, cup of kefir.

Day 13

Breakfast: Black Coffee.

Lunch: 2 Eggs Screw, Salad of a bit of boiled cabbage with olive oil, Tomato juice glass.

Dinner: Portion (250-300 grams) boiled or fried fish.

I want to congratulate you: 13 days strict «Japanese» Completed!

But our site does not recommend pounce on the 14th day at the 14th day, otherwise the lost kilograms will return to you. Let the menu following after the end of the day diet contain the same products that you fed for almost two weeks. Sugar and sweet enter into its diet gradually, literally on the spoon. And who knows, perhaps now you will seem sweet to you not so attractive?!

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