Protect yourself from noise


    Protection should be reliable

    Protect yourself from noiseEffective by solving the problem of combating noise is to reduce its level in the source itself­Nika due to changes in technology and machine design. To measure it­type type belongs to the replacement of noisy processes silent, shock — unstressed, such as riveting replacement — soldering, forging and stamping­pressure bottle; Metal replacement in some details unail­Theology, the use of vibration­, silencers, damping, soundproofing housings, etc.

    If noise is impossible to reduce the equipment, which is sources­Complexed noise set­Machine in special premises, and remote control is placed in a low noise­NII. In some cases, the reduction in noise level is achieved by using sound-absorbing porous ma­Theology covered perforated­Aluminum sheets, plastics. If it is necessary to increase the sound absorption coefficient in the field of high frequencies, the soundproofing layers are covered with a protective sheath with shallow and frequent perforation, also piece sound absorbers are used in the form of cones, cubes, fixed above the equipment that is the source of increased noise. Of great importance in the fight against noise have architectural and planning and construction activities. In cases where technical methods do not ensure the relevant requirements of existing standards, it is necessary to limit the duration of the effects of noise and the use of anti-counter.

    Anti-coax of protection against noise

    Antoshuma – Individual protection of the organ of hearing and preventing various disorders of the body caused by excessive noise. They are used mainly when technical means of combating noise do not reduce it to safe limits. Antiochums are divided into three types: liners, headphones and helmets.

    Protect yourself from noiseAnt schemes Inserts introduced into the outer hearing aisle. Inserts are multiple and easy-to-use. Multiple-use liners include numerous variants of caps in the form of caps of various designs and shapes made of rubber, rubber and other plastic polymeric materials, in some cases worn on iron rods. Research inserts are resetting multiple types and sizes; Their weight is not regulated and varies within up to 10 g . «Beroshi» – Commercial name of domestic anti-deposited inserts of single use from organic perchlorvinyl filtering noise-absorbing material.

    Ant schemes headphones Presents bowls, form close to the hemisphere, made of light metals or plastics filled with fibrous or porous sound absorbers held with the headband. For convenient and dense fit to the near-dry region, they are supplied with sealing rollers from synthetic thin films, often filled with air or liquid substances with large internal friction (glycerin, vaseline oil, etc.). The sealing roller simultaneously eliminates the fluctuations of the headphone housing itself, which is essential with low-frequency sound oscillations.

    Ant schemes helmets – The most cumbersome and expensive of individual disorders. They are used at high noise levels, are often used in combination with headphones or inserts. Located on the edge of the helmet, the sealing roller provides a dense adjacent to his head. There are structures of helmets with a podding of a roller with air for reliable headlinking.

    Important in the prevention of the development of noise pathology are preliminary upon admission to work and periods­Medical inspections. Terms of periodic medical examinations are established depending on the intensity of noise. With noise intensity from 81 to 99 dBA — 1 time in 24 months, 100 dBA and above — 1 time in 12 months. The first inspection of the otolaryngologist spends through the month after the fore­Medical inspection when entering work,­Sync with influence of intensive noise. Medical examinations should be carried out with the participation of otolaryngologist, neuropathologist and therapist

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