Removal of moles

There is not a single person who would not know what kind of moles. They have the whole body in them, and they do not know how to get rid of such a gift of nature, and someone, on the contrary, would like to acquire them. With the age of moles can move through the body - they disappear in some places, and in others - appear. What is these mysterious points: decoration or flaw?

Girl with moles on face
There is not a single person who would not know what kind of moles. They have the whole body in them, and they do not know how to get rid of such a gift of nature, and someone, on the contrary, would like to acquire them. Some attach great importance to moles and ropes, mystifying the reasons for their appearance and defining future fate depending on the form, color and location of them on the body. What is these mysterious points: decoration or flaw?

With the age of moles and their birthmarks can move through the body - they disappear in some places (which happens very rarely), and in others - appear. They can change their outlines, color, texture, height and other characteristic signs. In any case, regardless of their size, quantity and location, it follows from time to time to pay attention to them and, perhaps, if necessary, show their doctor.

Causes of the appearance of moles

Moles, as a rule, rushing into the eyes, attracting attention to its color different from the color of the skin, although sometimes you can meet the moles, the color of which is very close to the skin color. Although such moles are very rare, t.To. represent the accumulation of pigment cells, and even if you discovered «Colorless Mountain», Watch it for some time and you will notice that he gradually picks up a darker color.

Where do moles come from? In search of a response to this question first, pay attention to the number of moles from your parents, since one of the reasons for the appearance of the Molenia is genetic heredity.

In large quantities and in a short time, moles can appear during puberty and pregnancy, which are accompanied by change Hormonal background man.

Besides, moles may have an infectious nature of origin. Therefore, it should be extremely neat with any formations on the skin (pimples, acne and allergic rash, irritation, etc.) who can become a hearth inflammatory or infectious process.

However, the most powerful stimulator of growth and reproduction of the Moles is excessive solar radiation (natural or artificial). Therefore, if you have already enough moles on the body, it is worth abandoning visiting solariums and limit the duration of stay under the outdoor sun.

In large quantities and in a short period of time, moles can appear during puberty and pregnancy, which are accompanied by a change in human hormonal background
By the origin of the moles are congenital and acquired, and in structure - pigment and vascular.

Pigmented moles It is characterized by a slight darkening of individual areas of the skin (an example of such moles are the birthmarks and freckles, as well as flat moles) and, as a rule, have the same structure as the main surface of the skin. Dangers they are absolutely no no, and many do not even know that it is also moles.

The opposite situation in terms of danger is Vascular moles (angiomas and papillomatous nurses) that have a texture other than the skin of the body and may be relief (the so-called hanging moles). These moles themselves are harmless independently of the form and size and should not be caused for concern. But in the presence of negative factors, they can grow into malignant education, and later cause skin cancer. Signs of such a violation can be noticed by the naked eye: a mole can dramatically change its color (to darken or add, and unevenly) and texture, it can increase both in width and height, can lose its clear boundaries and become blurred, can be covered with a crust and highlight lymphatic fluid, hurry, peel, frighten, bleed, cause unpleasant sensations, redness and others may appear around it.
Views of Moles
Also to the external signs of the rebirth of the moles are the appearance on the surface of the mole of the world and the nodules, and there are very similar to allergic rash around it, and in addition to all the listed, the increase in lymph nodes (cervical, armpit, inguinal) can be felt. In no case should not ignore these manifestations and think that it goes by itself. It is also not necessary to engage in self-medication and apply all sorts of ointments, creams, lotions and other means, as they may be irritant and causative agent of adverse processes and entail not only the development of the tumor, but lead to blood infection. To decide what you need to do in this situation and how to correctly eliminate the unpleasant feeling and preventing unwanted consequences, you must urgently contact a specialist. And under the "specialist" our site implies a dermatologist, and not a cosmetologist in a cosmetic salon.

Diagnosis of skin formations

Diagnosis of skin formations
Turning to the doctor with a complaint about any deviation from the normal state of the mole, as a rule, you will receive a recommendation for its speedy removal. The state of the mole experienced doctor can determine visually without additional research. If it is a benign cell cluster, the removal will assign immediately. If the doctor detects a suspicion of malignant education (melanoma of the skin), then the next stage will be its diagnosis in order to determine the stage of development of the tumor and the most appropriate way to remove.

In the early stages of the rebirth of the Moles use the diagnostic method, which is called dermatoscopy. This method is visual and does not require surgical intervention. Dermatoscopy is performed using a special dermatoscope device that allows you to increase the image of 10 times.

Using dermatoscopy, compliance with the norms of the following parameters (the so-called axust melanoma) is determined:

  • Asmetry (usually through the mole can be carried out axis, which will divide it into two equal parts, plus-minus permissible deviation);
  • The edge (mole must have clear edges and boundaries);
  • The color shade (alarm of the alarm is becoming any inhomogeneity of the color in the body of the mole - bodies, granules, enclosures - especially black, gray, pink or red);
  • Size (the greater the Molenia, the higher the probability of its rebirth in a malignant tumor in inconsistent with the norms of other parameters);
  • Dynamics and changes (color, size, bleeding, crust - this parameter is usually important during re-dermatoscopy).

The differences between benign and malignant formations that are detected during dermatoscopy:

Characteristic Benign education Malignant education
Growth Slow Quick
Surface Smooth Buggy
The border Clear Fuzzy, torn, gear
Consistency Soft elastic or denselastic Stony or rustic density
Mobility Saved Maybe absent
Communication with leather No Can be determined
Disturbance of skin integrity No Possible seizures of different character (cracks, crater.)
Regional lymph nodes Without changes May be increased, inflamed or compacted

The effectiveness of this method is 80%. However, it is not applicable in the later stages of the development of melanoma and for colorless, as well as nodule moles, because there are no basic signs based on the analysis.

To determine the nature of the rebirth of the moles, when dermatoscopy is not applicable, the method of ultrasound diagnostics is widely used. Modern ultrasound technologies make it possible to determine the condition and stage of development of skin education with an accuracy of up to 100%. This method is one of the most well-known, simple and easily accessible.

How to get rid of moles

If the Moles began to disturb you and deliver discomfort, and the doctor said that it was necessary to delete, then it is necessary to delete and as soon as possible
If the Moles began to disturb you and deliver discomfort, and the doctor said that it was necessary to delete, then it is necessary to delete and as soon as possible. The most important thing is that it is not necessary to do, it is to try to get rid of the moles, and especially from restless moles on their own «handicraft» conditions. Self «Operations» It is categorically prohibited, because they can cause complications: blood infection or its greater loss, t.To. There is a possibility that you just can not stop the blood flow, if you break or damage the mole.

It is also not recommended to conduct a procedure for removing moles in cosmetic cabinets and beauty salons, if there are no certified and qualified dermatologists and oncologists.

Mission removal methods are somewhat (surgical, electrocoagulation, cryodestruction, evaporation with a laser), and only an experienced doctor may advise the most appropriate solution to the problem in each case. The choice of the method of removal of moles, as a rule, is based on the characteristics and condition of one or another mole, as well as on the degree of possible threat to the body.

If you take a general case of not restless moles, according to many specialists, most effective in all respects is Laser method Removing moles.

The laser removal procedure looks like this: local anesthesia of treatment area is made, and then with the help of modern lasers, gradual treatment of the surface of the moles, evaporating it layers one by one. High accuracy of such operations is provided with the latest technology lasers - you can control the depth of exposure and install the required diameter of the beam.

Why this method uses the mass commitment to doctors? The first and basic advantage of it is the complete absence of any even the slightest bleeding, the complete exception is the possibility of infection of the surface to be processed by various microbes and infections, since the processing of a laser is a non-contact procedure. Well, important factors are the aesthetic side and temporary costs of carrying out the deletion process itself, as well as a period of recovery of the treated skin.

Laser itself «operation» Largest less than 5 minutes, and the period of repairing the skin in the processing site does not exceed 2 weeks. And after full healing and regeneration of the skin on the site of the former mole, there are practically no trace.

Along with the laser, another one of the most frequently recommended methods is Electro-generation.

The most effective in all respects is the laser method of removing moles
In this method, the impact on the mole is carried out using the electric current of high frequency. In the process of healing, the place of the former mole is covered with a crust, as well as when the mole is removed by a laser, and after its complete regeneration, scars either remains at all, or they can disappear over time. Alone the crust delete our site does not recommend, because then not to avoid the appearance of a scar, but, in addition, you can easily be infected and cause blood contamination. In the case of electrocoagulation (and laser evaporation), there is a high thermal effect on the skin, due to which the removal process occurs very quickly and «Breakless».

The disadvantage of this method is the possible appearance of strong thermal burns with inaccurate effects on the processed zone. Moreover, blisters may form on the place of burns, which complicate and slow down the healing process itself, which can affect the size and depth of the residual scar.

There is another way to remove Topics on the skin, very similar to the laser and electrocoagulation - radion (Impact on the mole is carried out by high frequency radio waves). According to scientific terminology, the radionogue is called Surgitron - a special device intended for cosmetic operations by contactless method. Depending on the type of formation (benign or malignant), for its treatment, the radionozoa is adjusted to the necessary shape and frequency of the wave, after which they are coagulation, excision or incision. Operations with radio life fairly accurate and efficient. In the process of processing the surface, three actions performs immediately: cuts, stops blood and disinfects the processing place.

Since the high frequency current is applied, local anesthesia is made when removing the mole. Cosmetic effect and time costs are approximately the same as in the two previous cases. The only significant difference is the absence of thermal lesions of the tissues around the processed zone, which avoids residual pain and edema after the cessation of anesthesia.

In contrast to thermal exposure to the Mountain there is its method «frostbite» - Cryodestruction. On the mole affect the low temperature of liquid nitrogen to -180?. As for the quality of the resulting result, it is close to the result of laser exposure. However, the healing period of 2, and even 3 times longer. Therefore, as a rule, the moles on the face this method do not remove.

The lack of cryodestruction is manifested in the fact that by treating the mole of liquid nitrogen, it is impossible to accurately monitor the depth and area of ​​processing. Often, it is necessary to carry out the procedure again with insufficiently complete extermination of the mole, or, if you rearrange, the emergence of strong burns of adjacent healthy tissues, and, accordingly, and large deep scars are not excluded.

Removal of moles surgical
Well, and the ending method of removing moles, as well as the most unpretentious, and, one can say yesterday, is Surgical excision. This method is old and was used earlier when the development of technologies did not allow the procedures for removing moles at such a high level as it is. However, it still has a place to be in medical practice and some of the old man prefer to. This doctor's method is recommended and in the case when Molenia has reached very large sizes, both in the width and depth. After the operation impose cosmetic seams that are removed in about a week later. The result of this procedure in terms of cosmetology is a scar with a thickness of 2-3 mm.

Whatever you choose a way to remove moles, you need to clearly follow the instructions of the doctor and do not show amateur. Correct care for newly generated leather in place, where there used to be a mole, would allow to achieve maximum efficiency of any method and avoid unwanted residual manifestations.

Some tips on moles

Mountain on the cheek
After removing the moles, you need to properly care for the skin. During the period of regeneration of the skin in the place of remote moles, as a rule, a black crust is formed. Preferably 4-5 days to avoid entering its surface of water and cosmetics (creams (except sunscreen), lotions, decorative cosmetics, etc.) because it can be decking, which will lead to an injection in infection. Cork before the time you can not roll up, otherwise the scar will remain. After rejection of the black crust in her place, young skin of pink color remains - it is necessary to hide from ultraviolet, as small as possible in the sun and do not attend the solarium at all. If the mole was on his face or in a place that cannot be covered with clothes, you should use sunscreen with a protection factor not less than 60, since young leather restored in these places is more sensitive to ultraviolet, and its resistant pigmentation can occur.

No rare cases when bulk moles appear in the places of the greatest friction with clothes or where they are easy to hook (neck, legs, hands). If a rude bleeding can begin to come true, which is difficult, and sometimes it is impossible to stop. If it happened, and you see that the blood beats the fountain, do not waste time trying to stop it with alcohol, iodine or green. Immediately, call an ambulance, in order to avoid big blood loss.

Sometimes it happens that a small mole is fighting, and blood from it does not hit the key, however, the bleeding does not stop within a few hours. In this case, our site recommends treating a damaged molest 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and bandage. Processing can be repeated every 30-40 minutes until the bleeding stops finally.

Pharmacies are sold on clean region-based drugs, designed to remove warts. Some believe that they can safely withdraw and moles. However, this is a great delusion. Firstly, these tinctures can be pretty taking the skin around the mole, leaving extensive scars, and secondly, to break the structure of the mole, which can lead to the rapid development of skin cancer.

If, as a result of the removal of the mole, you remained a scar, it can be done less noticeable and reduce in sizes with natural oil cocoa. Cocoa oil can be bought at the pharmacy, and it is necessary to use it according to the instructions.

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