Chemotherapy for intestinal cancer


  • Chemotherapy
  • Auxiliary therapy
  • Auxiliary chemotherapy
  • The newest treatments
  • Side effects

  • Chemotherapy

    Chemotherapy — This is the use of special anticancer drugs to destroy cancer cells.

    Auxiliary therapy

    Chemotherapy for intestinal cancerAfter the operation about the cancer of the thick or rectum, doctors may register auxiliary therapy.

    Auxiliary therapy is prescribed in the case when the tumor is completely removed, but its microscopic structure indicates a large degree of probability of relapse. This probability increases even more if the lymph nodes were affected.

    The reasons for the spread of cancer on other parts and body bodies are not known. Perhaps the cells of the primary tumor fall into the blood current or in the lymphatic system, and then they can become «germ» the formation of new tumors (metastasis or secondary cancer) in other parts of the body. These tumors in the initial stage can be so small that they are not detected for several years.

    Auxiliary chemotherapy

    When cancer, the straight and colon is usually prescribed as auxiliary chemotherapy the drug known as the name «5th Fluorowracil» (5-FU).

    As a rule, 5-FU is given in combination with vitamin, called «folic acid». Sometimes the drug 5-FU is prescribed along with the drug called «Levamizol». It is believed that it affects the immune system.

    There are several different ways to conduct this therapy. Your doctor will discuss in detail with you the question of choosing the most appropriate way to treat for you. More detailed operation of chemotherapeutic drugs is described below.

    The newest treatments

    There are some evidence that as an auxiliary therapy aimed at preventing a recurrence of the disease can also benefit the treatment based on the use of antibodies that is called «Method 17-1A» or «Panorex».

    Chemotherapy for intestinal cancerAntibodies are introduced into the Vienna of the forearm with a dropper, the procedure lasts for several hours. Treatment is usually carried out outpatient.

    This method is not yet licensed, t.To. Currently is experimental.

    Chemotherapy with secondary or progressive cancer (metastasis beyond the intestines) according to the diagnosis

    Many patients after passing the first course of treatment about the colon cancer are no longer faced with any problems. But, unfortunately, some patients have a recurrence of the disease, or cancer applies to other organs. Such cancer is called «Secondary» cancer («Metastasom») Intestine. In addition, sometimes at the moment when cancer was diagnosed for the first time, the spread of cancer cells beyond the intestines.

    The most important fact that you should always remember is that the secondary intestinal cancer is very often treating. Your doctor will take into account a large number of factors before making a decision on what treatment method is to appoint exactly to you. This includes the following factors: which part of your body is amazed by secondary cancer; which auxiliary therapy you received before; as well as the general state of your health.

    As with the use of auxiliary chemotherapy, in this case it is possible to prescribe a drug 5fu. It acts more effectively, if the patient applies it in combination with vitamin, called «folic acid».

    The drug 5Fu can be administered either directly in the form of injection in the Vienna of the forearm, or in the form of a long process of intravenous infusion. If the drug is assigned in the form of a long infusion, then it is necessary to resort to help «central line» For example, hikman or portacate lines. This line is a segment of a flexible plastic tube of a small diameter, which is introduced into the main vein and remove the sternum. In this position, it is left for the entire period of the prescribed course of treatment. This facilitates the process of administering the patient of the drug and eliminates the unpleasant sensations accompanying repeated injections. Before installing the patient's line, local or common anesthesia give.

    Such a course of treatment can be obtained without a break for several months, because, as a rule, it gives very weak side effects.

    Studies in order to determine the most effective way to introduce a patient 5FU to the body continues.

    There are several ways to chemotherapeutic treatment. It can be carried out in the form of a course, the duration of which is usually several days. Such a course of the patient passes in hospital conditions. For a period of treatment, a period of rest, lasting a few weeks, during which the patient's body returns to the norm, getting rid of the side effects of treatment. The number of courses appointed by each specific patient depends on the type of cancer found in the patient and from its reaction to drugs.

    Chemotherapy can also be carried out in the form of weekly injections in outpatient conditions.

    Side effects

    Chemotherapy for intestinal cancerPreparations, acting on cancer cells in the human body, can also lead to a temporary decrease in the content of normal blood cells. When there are little such cells, the person turns out to be more infected and fastened faster. During the course of chemotherapy, the patient regularly take blood for analysis and, if necessary, make blood transfusion or impose antibiotics to combat one or another infection.

    Other possible side effects of chemotherapy include nausea and diarrhea. Another side effect of chemotherapy is hair loss, but it is uncharacteristic in case of adoption of drugs appointed during intestinal cancer. Some drugs also cause inflammation of the oral mucosa and the formation of small yazens. It is very important to regularly rinse the mouth, how to do it correctly, you will explain the nurse. If you do not have an appetite, you can replace the usual food with nutritional drinks. In the case of nausea, the doctor may prescribe you antiemess, which weaken this feeling, and sometimes they take off.

    Although these side effects are quite difficult tolerated, they disappear immediately upon completion of the course of treatment. If your hair fell out, they will surprise quickly grow again. Many patients wear wigs, hats or brazers until the hair grows. BACUP has published a brochure «The problem of hair loss and ways to solve it», which may be useful to you.

    Not all chemical preparations cause the same side effects, and in some patients the side effects of drugs are not observed at all.

    Your doctor will warn you with what problems you will most likely have to face due to the passage of the chemotherapeutic course if they arise at all. Tell your doctor about the side effects you have found, t.To. Most of them can be loosen with special drugs.

    Chemotherapy is valid on different LUDDER in different ways. Many when the course of treatment is capable of conducting a normal lifestyle, while others find that they are very tired and forced to do everything very slowly. Do as much as you can and try not to strain.

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