Tumor in the mammary gland, even when it is benign, does not arise from nothing. This is the first bell, which the body of the woman warns that there are pathological changes that cannot be ignored. Because from benign to a malignant tumor often only one step.

The tumor, whatever it - a benign or malignant, indicates that pathological changes occur in the body, which simply cannot be ignored.
Tumor is an overpressure of tissues. It consists of changing cells that have lost their usual shape and their inherent quality. The peculiarity of these cells is that they continue to multiply to multiply after the impact of the factors that caused them, ceased.
The tumor itself consists of two types of fabric: parenchyma - own tumor tissue, and stroma - fabrics surrounding a tumor in which vessels and nerves feeding tumors are located.
Benign tumors grow, not embedded in the surrounding fabrics. The growth process of a benign tumor can be divided into the following periods:
- First there is an uneven increase in the number of cells.
- After that, focal growths occur.
- There is a benign tumor.
- If a benign tumor is not treated - its rebirth occurs in malignant.
If the tumor is benign, then:
- cells multiply mostly within the normal range;
- They are only slightly different from the cells of their surrounding fabric;
- The growth of such cells is not too fast and in itself can suddenly stop;
- The tumor is separated from a healthy fabric by a shell;
- Tumor cells do not apply to other organs.
Let's look at some of these states.
Against the background of hormonal disorders, when the body is violated the correct development and balance of estrogen hormone, some diseases may arise, such as mastopathy (this disease are subject to both women older age and young girls) or fibroadenoma (more often found in young women ).
Mastopathy is often evolving against the background of an unsuccessful abortion, when the function of the ovaries or some other internal secretion glands is broken. Inflammatory diseases of the genitals of women can also lead to the development of mastopathy. Therefore, as prophylaxis, the timely treatment of sexual diseases and abortion prevention can be distinguished. Also should not be allowed to develop mastitis.
It should be remembered that all sorts of hormonal disorders and associated tumor-like breasts are most often occasionally found at the bombing and not breastfeeding women.
Mastopathy itself is not dangerous, but it should be remembered that the possibility of changes in the tissues in the tissues should always be alarmed - it can completely lead to breast cancer, as cancer is more often developing against the background of already existing inflammation. Therefore, any changes in the mammary glands are a fairly serious reason to appeal to women's advice or to a mammologist.
When mastopathy in the breast, formations of various sizes and density appear. Seals sometimes occur in both breeding glands, and most often in their uppermarket departments. To the touch, these seals are fine-grained, often be painful. But if the seals do not hurt, this does not mean that it is not mastopathy - sometimes there are also inappropriate seals. Sometimes pain occurs only before or during menstruation.
The magnitude of the foci of the seal may be different: from the barely noticeable eye and weakly tested to 1-3 cm in diameter.
Seal foci consist of fibrous connective tissue, in which there are epithelial cysts filled with turbid liquid or bleeding content.
Mastopathy includes several types of pathological changes that differ in each other. This is adenosis, fibroadenomatosis, cystoenopapilloma.
All these pathologies are quite unpleasant, although they do not bring much harm.
Adenosis, or, as it is also called, Mazoplasia is characterized by the fact that the size of the breasts of breasts increases, although their structure is fully saved. Sometimes it happens that microscopic cysts appear in the terminal departments.
With fibrotomatosis, there is a change in the bake of the breast and ducts, the restructuring of ferrous structures occurs, and sometimes their atrophy. It is found to form a cyst. Most often there is an arrangement of connective tissue or the growth of tissues inside milk ducts.
Cystoenopapilloma is represented by a plane or an extended duct, where the growth of tissues is also noted.
In addition to mastopathy, mastitis can also be attributed to diseases of the mammary glands - acute inflammation of the breast. When acute mastitis goes into chronic - this is already a signal to visiting the oncologist, since unbearable mastitis is quite possible to regard as a precancerous state.
Mastitis occurs after some time after the occurrence of cracks on the nipple. However, not only cracks on the nipple, but also any damage to the nipple can cause mastitis, as even the abrasion or scratch are a kind of gates to penetrate the infection. Microbes can even get into the milk iron on the blood vessels from another focus of inflammation, for example, banal caries or angina can cause mastitis.
The disease usually occurs suddenly, severe pain in the chest pain appear, the milk iron swells, the chest skin becomes red, and the milk iron itself becomes very tight. If it does not start treatment in time, then there may be softened at the seal site, which indicates that an uctile formed. In this case, you need immediate hospitalization and operation, otherwise the deposits, right up to the infection of blood and death, not to avoid.
Remember that any breast disease can go into cancer, therefore more time to give the prevention of breast diseases or, if necessary, their treatment.